

Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要著急,最好的總會在最不經意的時候出現。

You are the only exception. ---你是唯一的例外。

Actually,I have been so long starding behind you, lacking of your turning round.---其實,我一直都在你身後,就差一個回頭。

Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be. 與我白頭偕老,是最美好的事。

Stepping forward can't finish the distance while going backwards can't get rid of the memory. 前進走不完距離,後退走不出回憶。

My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you every minute, and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life. 每一天都為你心跳,每一刻都被你感動,每一秒都為你擔心,有你的感覺真好。

When there's no expectation,losing won't bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised.不去期望。失去了不會傷心,得到了便是驚喜。

We spend our days waiting for the ideal path to appear in front of us, but what we forget is that, paths are made by walking, not by waiting.----我們日復一日地等待前方理想的道路出現在我們面前,但我們卻忘了,路是走出來的,不是等出來的。

If you smile, even if you’re in a bad mood, it will immediately improve your mood.----如果能笑一笑,即使心情很壞,也能在那個瞬間,改善一點你的心情。

The kind of magic where one person’s smile will just set sparkles to your heart, It’s called love.-----有種魔法,讓某人的笑容如絢爛煙花在你心扉綻放,這就是愛。