
重磅!曝2017金球獎座次已定!C羅PK傳奇爭第一 梅西第三



布馮有望力壓C羅封王!(Ronaldo is the clear favourite to win it with bookmakers and Buffon is considered second in the running, ahead of Lionel Messi in third, although a Juventus triumph would change that significantly.)

金球獎的主辦方,《法國足球》雜誌主編也在接受採訪時表示:“如果布馮能贏得歐冠冠軍,他毫無疑問是金球獎的候選人,他能贏得金球獎真的很棒。”(”If Buffon wins the Champions League, he will be a clear candidate and it would be beautiful for him to win it," confirmed the director of France Football, who oversees the award.)