
基金榜題名時:The Rubik’s Cube Story*

* This project is founded by Vancouver Foundation

在蒲公英準備開花的季節,我在寫我的申請書,打算向溫哥華基金會(Vancouver Foundation)申請點兒經費,立個專案:邊講故事邊玩魔方。這題目用英語說就是:The Rubik’s Cube Story。



好了,先看看我的申請書的立項依據(Please describe your project with as much detail as possible. In thissection tell us about your idea and vision):

In this project, we design simple, unique methods of playing the Rubik’s Cube. We focus on soft skills. We make it intellectually stimulating for all cultures and ages to learn the Rubik’s Cube, rather than just teaching people to do it fast.

When the Rubik’s Cube is twisted by two turns, most people can return it to its original setting. However, when the Rubik’s Cube is twisted by three turns, most people find it difficult to return it. When the Rubik’s Cube is twisted by five turns, most people cannot return it. Finally,they lose the original pattern of the Rubik’s Cube, and cannot complete the Rubik’s Cube.

This is where The Rubik’s Cube Story project comes in. Weuse stories to teach people how to complete the Rubik’s Cube! For example, werestore the second layer by following the story of the Weaver Girl and the Cowherd, and it is not necessary to remember the formula. We have five basic formulae summarized from hundreds of formulas in the literature of the Rubik’s Cube. It is our new story in Marpolehow to encode these formulas as stories.

The Rubik’s Cube Story is different from the Rubik’s Cube competitions as shown in YouTube. The Rubik’s Cube Story is a comprehensive activity. It includes Hungarian mathematical culture, American puzzle and Chinese puzzle culture. Many soft skills are learned by playing Rubik’s Cube,such as attention, intuitive ability, memory, spatial awareness, mental agility, hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills. Playing the Rubik’s Cube is the best way to intellectually stimulate the brain.





2017年,我為我的“邊講故事邊玩魔方”(The Rubik’s Cube Story)準備了彩色的宣傳資料,將來的小冊子也是彩色的。當然了,魔方是彩色的,俺的關於魔方的夢也是彩色的。



