


在乳腺癌的預防這一方面, 我們得感謝一位好萊塢巨星:安吉麗娜朱莉。 這位因為存在家族遺傳而主動切除乳房的巨星,

極大的推動了乳腺癌的科普工作。 近年來, 乳腺癌的防治和研究都有了巨大的進步。 23日, 發佈在《Nature》上的一篇重磅文章, 揭示了65個區域和女性乳腺癌發病率增高有關。

我們已知的易感基因中罕見的編碼變體如BRCA1, 以及許多常見的大多數非編碼變異體, 都會影響乳腺癌的風險。 然而, 很多基因在乳腺癌風險中的貢獻卻仍然未知。

而在此次《Nature》上面發表的文章, 研究人員報告了共計122,977例乳腺癌全基因組關聯研究結果, 包括105974例歐洲血統對照組和14,068例對照組和13,104例東亞血統對照組。 研究確定了65個同整體乳腺癌發病風險相關的新基因座。


並通過電腦進行資料整合和預測靶基因在乳腺細胞中的作用, 研究人員展示了候選靶基因和乳腺腫瘤體細胞驅動基因之間的強烈重疊效果。

與此同時, 由於調節特徵中的所有單核苷酸多態性, 乳腺癌的遺傳性相對于基因組平均值提高了2-5倍, 對於特定的轉錄因數結合位點有更強的富集性。 研究結果進一步確定了乳腺癌的遺傳易感性, 並會將資料用於改進遺傳風險評分, 以及在個體化篩查和預防中推廣。


SNP associations with breast cancer risk

Global mapping of biofeatures across novel loci associated with overall breast cancer risk

Pathway enrichment map for susceptibility

loci based on summary association statistics

Heat map showing patterns of cell-type-specific enrichments for breast tissue across three histone marks(H3K4me1, H3K4me3 and H3K9ac) for all breast cancer types,ER-positive breast cancer and ER-negative breast cancer as well as16 other traits

Heat map showing patterns of cell-type-specific enrichments for histone mark H3K27ac in all breast cancer types,ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancer as well as 16 other traits

Heat map showing patterns of cell-type-specific enrichments for histone mark H3K4me1 in all breast cancer types,ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancer as well as 16 other traits.

Heat map showing patterns of cell-type-specific enrichments for histone mark H3K4me3 in breast cancer overall,ER+ and ER- breast cancer as well as 16 other traits

Heat map showing patterns of cell-type-specific enrichments for histone marker H3K9ac in all breast cancer types,ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancer as well as 16 other traits

Functional assessment of regulatory variants

at 1p36, 11p15 and 1p34 risk loci

Functional assessment of regulatory variants

at the 7q22 risk locus. a–e



Heat map showing patterns of cell-type-specific enrichments for histone mark H3K4me1 in all breast cancer types,ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancer as well as 16 other traits.

Heat map showing patterns of cell-type-specific enrichments for histone mark H3K4me3 in breast cancer overall,ER+ and ER- breast cancer as well as 16 other traits

Heat map showing patterns of cell-type-specific enrichments for histone marker H3K9ac in all breast cancer types,ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancer as well as 16 other traits

Functional assessment of regulatory variants

at 1p36, 11p15 and 1p34 risk loci

Functional assessment of regulatory variants

at the 7q22 risk locus. a–e



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