




最近, 一群精英家長競選家委會的簡歷“暴擊”了無數人。



"I graduated from Central Michigan University, and now I work at a private equity firm," wrote one mother, adding that her husband, a Ph.D., works at the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

其中一位媽媽寫道:“我畢業於美國中密西根大學, 現任職於私募基金公司。 ”她還稱, 自己的丈夫博士畢業,


這位媽媽還列舉了幾個理由, 證明自己是一位強有力的候選人:

"I have three years of experience as the head of the parents' committee at my child's kindergarten; my work schedule is flexible, so I can be present whenever I'm needed; and I'm a fan of photography, so I can take pictures during class activities; and my child was the host of her kindergarten's graduation ceremony, so I have experience in training children to host."

“連續三年擔任幼稚園家委會會長;彈性工作可以隨叫隨到;愛好攝影可以為班級拍攝活動照片;XXX曾擔任幼稚園畢業典禮主持, 在訓練孩子主持颱風方面有一定經驗……”

除了第一位雄心勃勃的候選人之外, 還有兩位家長參加了這次競選。

"I was president of the graduate students' union when I was pursuing my Ph.D.," wrote one father, added that he and his wife were teachers at a university that specialized in finance and accounting.

一位爸爸寫道:“博士期間我曾擔任學生會主席。 ”他還表示, 自己和妻子都在上海某金融會計學院做老師。

另一位參加競選的媽媽也“低調”秀出實力, 她表示, 自己作為某知名外企的人力資源總監,

工作時間相對自由, 有一定資源:

"I'm far less capable than these other multitalented parents — I'm only interested in painting and writing," she wrote. "And it's so nice to see so many Tongji University alumni (in this group)."

“比不了其他多才多藝的爸爸媽媽, 我的興趣就是寫寫畫畫……很高興在這裡找到這麼多同濟校友。 ”

為了競選上家委會成員, 家長們紛紛亮出了自己“高大上到讓人懷疑人生”的履歷:學歷動不動就是名校碩士、博士,


看完這個家長群的競選發言, 一波吃瓜群眾坐不住了。 有人批評這樣的“炫富”太過分, 並模仿競選發言調侃一番:



Earlier last week, users on microblog platform Weibo shared similar accounts, purportedly from a primary school in Hangzhou. A brochure had printed a long list of PTA candidates, most of whom claimed to have graduated from prestigious universities and to work in lucrative jobs.


家委會主要承擔的職責包括向家長溝通班級學生情況,形成維護班集體的向上氛圍,提高班級凝聚力,對班級建設發揮建設性作用。具體來講,比如: 協助老師舉辦活動;為新生家長提供幫助,讓他們的孩子儘快融入校園生活;籌措必要的活動經費,對經費的使用進行管理和監督,實行財務公開等等。


One article compared the apparent intensity of primary school PTA elections to that of the US presidential election. Some net users lamented that the posts underscored the fact that fierce competition among children now extended to their parents, too.


Though China's education system has in recent years advocated a so-called happy education policy to relieve the heavy workload facing students, some parents and schools still put more stock in rankings and enrollment rates.


In May, Shanghai's education bureau ordered two private primary schools to apologize for asking parents of prospective students to take intelligence tests, and for interviewing them about their own parents' professions and educational backgrounds.


A woman surnamed Wu, the mother of a 7-year-old, told Sixth Tone that because teachers at international schools are not allowed to receive gifts from parents, this made it harder to establish close relations. "A PTA member will get to collaborate with the class head and the other teachers frequently," she explained, "and this can allow you to get closer to them."

吳女士的孩子今年7歲了,她告訴 Sixth Tone,由於國際學校禁止老師收禮,因此想和老師建立密切關係就更難了。“家委會成員可以和班主任以及其他老師經常聯繫。這樣可以和他們走得更近。”


"Becoming a PTA member means you'll have more chances to keep in touch with teachers, and this might benefit your child's performance somehow."


Though Wu believes the screenshots circulated online are borderline pathological, she said that PTAs at international schools provide a communication channel for parents to make their voices heard and share their opinions. "The system is quite good," she added.


編輯:董靜 許雅寧





Earlier last week, users on microblog platform Weibo shared similar accounts, purportedly from a primary school in Hangzhou. A brochure had printed a long list of PTA candidates, most of whom claimed to have graduated from prestigious universities and to work in lucrative jobs.


家委會主要承擔的職責包括向家長溝通班級學生情況,形成維護班集體的向上氛圍,提高班級凝聚力,對班級建設發揮建設性作用。具體來講,比如: 協助老師舉辦活動;為新生家長提供幫助,讓他們的孩子儘快融入校園生活;籌措必要的活動經費,對經費的使用進行管理和監督,實行財務公開等等。


One article compared the apparent intensity of primary school PTA elections to that of the US presidential election. Some net users lamented that the posts underscored the fact that fierce competition among children now extended to their parents, too.


Though China's education system has in recent years advocated a so-called happy education policy to relieve the heavy workload facing students, some parents and schools still put more stock in rankings and enrollment rates.


In May, Shanghai's education bureau ordered two private primary schools to apologize for asking parents of prospective students to take intelligence tests, and for interviewing them about their own parents' professions and educational backgrounds.


A woman surnamed Wu, the mother of a 7-year-old, told Sixth Tone that because teachers at international schools are not allowed to receive gifts from parents, this made it harder to establish close relations. "A PTA member will get to collaborate with the class head and the other teachers frequently," she explained, "and this can allow you to get closer to them."

吳女士的孩子今年7歲了,她告訴 Sixth Tone,由於國際學校禁止老師收禮,因此想和老師建立密切關係就更難了。“家委會成員可以和班主任以及其他老師經常聯繫。這樣可以和他們走得更近。”


"Becoming a PTA member means you'll have more chances to keep in touch with teachers, and this might benefit your child's performance somehow."


Though Wu believes the screenshots circulated online are borderline pathological, she said that PTAs at international schools provide a communication channel for parents to make their voices heard and share their opinions. "The system is quite good," she added.


編輯:董靜 許雅寧



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