

前言:本單元以過去式為主要語法內容, 借助旅遊, 度假為話題, 為此, 我特意收集了以下幾篇課外閱讀材料, 拓寬學生視野。 NO 1 威尼斯

What images come to mind when you think of a trip to Venice? No doubt you imagine yourself taking a romantic gondola ride along narrow canals and under delicate bridges. Perhaps you picture the beautiful old buildings and famous works of art that have made the city one of Europe’s leading tourist spots.

Venice was built on more than 100 islands and has about 150 canals. The best-known of these, the Grand Canal, functions as the “main street” in the part of the city most popular with visitors. The canal winds through each of the six districts that comprise this historic city center before reaching Venice Lagoon.

One of these districts, San Marco, is home to many of Venice’s main attractions, including St. Mark’s Basilica. This spectacular church has five main arches and some extraordinary onion-shaped domes. It is decorated with priceless treasures, many of which were stolen from other countries when medieval Venice was a leading sea power.

St. Mark’s Basilica stands at one end of St. Mark’s Square. Napoleon called the square the “finest drawing room in Europe.” Tourists have been going there for centuries to visit its celebrated café and get a taste of the party atmosphere.

The best time to visit Venice is during the clear spring days of March and April. From June to August, the city is hot, sticky, and crowded with tourists. Autumn is quite pleasant, but winters are cold. Floods are common in November and December, presenting Venetians with one of their most difficult and ongoing problems.

It is well-known that Venice faces an uncertain future. The city is sinking into the sea, its historic buildings are falling to pieces, and the famous lagoon is badly polluted. Unless solutions are found soon for these complex problems, the “Queen of the Adriatic,” as Venice is sometimes called, will not be able to sit on her watery throne for very much longer.

想到威尼斯一遊, 你的腦海中會浮現出什麼畫面?毫無疑問你一定會想像自己乘坐浪漫的平底船, 沿著窄窄的運河航行, 從一座座別致的橋下穿梭而過。 也許你還會在腦海中勾勒出那些讓威尼斯成為歐洲一流旅遊勝地的美麗古老建築和藝術名作。

威尼斯建在100多個小島上, 擁有大約150條運河。 最有名的運河就是“大運河”, 它位於市區遊客最多的地方, 並發揮“大街”的功能。 這條運河在構成這個歷史上的市中心的六個行政區間蜿蜒穿流, 最後流入威尼斯湖。

行政區之一的聖馬可是許多威尼斯主要旅遊景的中心, 包括聖馬可大教堂。 這座雄偉的大教堂有五道大拱門和數座壯觀的洋蔥形圓頂。 教堂用很貴重的珠寶裝飾,


聖馬可大教堂聳立在聖馬可廣場的一端。 拿破崙稱此廣場為“歐洲最美的客廳”。 幾個世紀來, 遊客們紛遝而至, 領略此地著名的咖啡館並感受歡樂的聚會氣氛。

3月和4月晴朗的春日是拜訪威尼斯最適合的時間。 從6月到8月, 這兒潮濕悶熱, 擠滿了遊客。 秋天的氣候宜人, 冬天則寒冷。 11月和12月常有水災, 給威尼斯人出了一個既最難解決、又拖延最久的問題。

眾所周知威尼斯的前途未蔔。 這座城市正逐漸沉入海中, 歷史名建築正破敗消失, 著名的瀉湖已遭到嚴重污染。 除非能儘快解決這些複雜的問題, 否則這座被稱為“亞得里亞海皇后”的威尼斯城, 不用多久就難保它的水上寶座了。

NO 2 美國的假期

Americans are very mobile, and travel is very popular for many people. In America, when people take a vacation, they often drive a car. Some families travel far within their home state once a year during vacations. Some would even go abroad for a change if they have time.

美國人流動性很強, 許多人都非常喜歡旅遊。 在美國, 人們度假時, 通常是開車。 一些家庭度假時, 一年去一次國內很遠的地方旅行。 有些有時間還出國旅遊。

Instead of Chinese summer vacation and winter vacation, Americans have two or three weeks off from work specifically for vacations. They may choose to take three one-week vacations depending on the workplace.

取而代之中國的寒暑假, 美國人的工作假期也有兩、三個星期。

根據工作場所的不同, 他們可能可以選擇去度三次一個星期的假。

American children have the entire summer months, June, July and August, for vacation from school. They also have Christmas to New Year’s, Easter and Thanksgiving holidays.

美國小孩擁有整個夏天的假期, 六月、七月至八月, 都不用上學。 他們還有耶誕節至元旦, 復活節和感恩節假日。

American vacations are usually longer than four days. Otherwise, they are considered weekend getaways.

美國的假期一般長於四日。 否則就被認為是週末去休閒。

No 3 人活一世不可不去的10大旅遊勝地

If you are looking for 10 places to travel before you die, you won't want to miss any of these spots. They may not all be considered wonders of the world, but all of these locations offer something for everyone. Whether you like to travel or not, these spots should not be missed.

在你死之前, 如果你正在尋覓10個旅遊的地方前往, 你一定不想錯過任何景點。 他們可能並不是眾所周知的世界奇跡, 但是所有這些景點給每個人都會留下點什麼。 不管你是否喜歡旅行, 這些景點都是不容錯過的。

Ometepe, Nicaragua - Located on Lake Nicaragua about a two hour boat ride from Managua. Ometepe is considered one of the seven new wonders of the natural world. This small island was formed by twin volcano craters, and both volcanoes are active. Ometepe is truly like nothing else you will ever see.

尼加拉瓜, Ometepe

Ometepe位於離馬拉瓜約兩小時船程的尼加拉瓜湖, Ometepe被譽為自然世界新七大奇跡之一。 這是一個由雙子火山口形成的小島嶼, 這兩座火山都是活動的。 Ometepe是你過去沒有親眼所見的景點。

Manual Antonio, Costa Rica - One of the top beaches in the world and home to the most popular National Park in Costa Rica, Manual Antonio will not disappoint. Come walk through the jungle with three different types of monkeys. Also a popular surf spot. Definitely a place you must travel to before you die.

哥斯大黎加, Manual Antonio

這裡有世界頂級海灘之一,也是深受歡迎的哥斯大黎加的國家公園的所在地。Manual Antonio 不會讓你失望。越過整個叢林,你會看到三種不同類型的猴子。同時,它也是知名的衝浪去處。這裡是你死之前一定要來的景點。

Cartagena, Colombia - Cartagena is of the oldest colonial towns in the Americas. Located in northern Colombia at the foot of the Caribbean sea, this quaint, tourist town will give you a feel of colonial Latin America. A perfect addition to any travel list.



Las Vegas, Nevada - A place like none other, Las Vegas is known as the adult playground of the world. 24-hour gaming excitement, world class shopping and restaurants make Las Vegas one of America's most popular tourist attractions to travel to.



Venice, Italy - Venice is considered to be one of the most romantic cities in the world. Take a gondola cruise through the canals or just get lost walking in the mid-evil streets.



Bali, Indonesia - One of the most beautiful spots in the South Pacific. What truly makes Bali so special, however, is the warm people who live there. From rice patties, to volcanoes, quaint Balinese villages, a trip to Bali is a trip of a lifetime.



Cairo, Egypt - No must see travel list would be complete without a visit to see the ancient pyramids of Egypt. Not only do these pyramids have mystic qualities, they are truly a site to behold. The pyramids are also some of the oldest man made objects that still exist on this planet.



Paris, France - Paris has something for everyone. From museums to quaint, sidewalk cafes, to the Eiffel Tower, you will fall in love with this city. Also, one of the best places in the world to travel to with that special somebody.



Buenos Aires, Argentina - A long plane ride away, but worth every minute. Buenos Aires has an energy that you won't find anywhere else in the world. From tango, to great wine and the best red meat period, don't miss traveling to this South American hot spot.



Prague, Czech Republic - One of the best preserved mid-evil cities, Prague is definitely a must see on any travel list. Don't miss night views of the castles. When they are lit up, they are truly spectacular.


NO 4 與地名有關的英語諺語

Do in Rome as Romans Do(在羅馬,就按羅馬人的方式辦)和我們的入鄉隨俗的意思一樣。

Rome was not built in a day 羅馬不是一天建成的。要實現目標就要好好努力。

Take French leave 不辭而別

He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到長城非好漢

To meet Waterloo(倒楣,受毀滅性打擊,滅頂之災)滑鐵盧是一代天驕拿破崙遭受殘敗的地方。遭遇滑鐵盧,對一個人來說,後果不堪設想。無怪據說二戰期間,在準備諾曼第反攻時,溫斯頓·邱吉爾和隨員冒雨去某地開會,其隨員因路滑而摔了一跤,脫口說一句

It's Greek to me.(我不知道)英國人一般都不懂希臘語。這句話的直譯是:對於我這是希臘語。自然是不明白的意思。

Greek Kalends(幽默,詼諧方式表達的永遠不) Kalends是羅馬日曆的第一天。古希臘不用羅馬日曆,永遠不會有這一天。

Castle in Spain(西班牙城堡,幻想,夢想。相當於漢語中的空中樓閣)中世紀某一時期,西班牙是一個頗富浪漫色彩的國家,這句成語是和Castle in air(空中城堡)相齊名的。

Set the Thames on fire(火燒泰晤士河,這是何等偉大的壯舉)但是這句成語經常是反其義應用,指那些人對某事只是誇下海口,而不是真正想去做。

From China to Peru(從中國到秘魯)它的意義非常明白,指從世界的這一邊到世界的那一邊,相當於漢語的遠隔重洋。

Between Scylla and Charybdis(錫拉和卡津布迪斯之間———在兩個同樣危險的事物之間:一個人逃出一種危險,而又落入另一種危險)錫拉是傳說中生活在義大利岩石的怪獸,卡津布迪斯是住在海峽中一端經常產生旋渦的另一個怪獸。水手為了躲避其中一個的危害,而常又落入另一個災難。義大利這一方的海角叫凱尼斯(Caenys),西西里島那一方的海角叫皮羅魯姆(Pelorum)。 Spoil Egyptians(掠奪埃及———迫使敵人提供自己所需要的東西)源於聖經:上帝答應摩西,埃及人必須借給以色列他們所需要的東西。

Carry Coals to Newcastle(把煤送到紐卡斯爾)把某種東西送到一個人們根本不需要的地方。紐卡斯爾盛產煤,送煤到那裡,豈不是多此一舉。有趣的是法國也有類似的成語“del'eau a la riviere(送水到大河裡)。”

這裡有世界頂級海灘之一,也是深受歡迎的哥斯大黎加的國家公園的所在地。Manual Antonio 不會讓你失望。越過整個叢林,你會看到三種不同類型的猴子。同時,它也是知名的衝浪去處。這裡是你死之前一定要來的景點。

Cartagena, Colombia - Cartagena is of the oldest colonial towns in the Americas. Located in northern Colombia at the foot of the Caribbean sea, this quaint, tourist town will give you a feel of colonial Latin America. A perfect addition to any travel list.



Las Vegas, Nevada - A place like none other, Las Vegas is known as the adult playground of the world. 24-hour gaming excitement, world class shopping and restaurants make Las Vegas one of America's most popular tourist attractions to travel to.



Venice, Italy - Venice is considered to be one of the most romantic cities in the world. Take a gondola cruise through the canals or just get lost walking in the mid-evil streets.



Bali, Indonesia - One of the most beautiful spots in the South Pacific. What truly makes Bali so special, however, is the warm people who live there. From rice patties, to volcanoes, quaint Balinese villages, a trip to Bali is a trip of a lifetime.



Cairo, Egypt - No must see travel list would be complete without a visit to see the ancient pyramids of Egypt. Not only do these pyramids have mystic qualities, they are truly a site to behold. The pyramids are also some of the oldest man made objects that still exist on this planet.



Paris, France - Paris has something for everyone. From museums to quaint, sidewalk cafes, to the Eiffel Tower, you will fall in love with this city. Also, one of the best places in the world to travel to with that special somebody.



Buenos Aires, Argentina - A long plane ride away, but worth every minute. Buenos Aires has an energy that you won't find anywhere else in the world. From tango, to great wine and the best red meat period, don't miss traveling to this South American hot spot.



Prague, Czech Republic - One of the best preserved mid-evil cities, Prague is definitely a must see on any travel list. Don't miss night views of the castles. When they are lit up, they are truly spectacular.


NO 4 與地名有關的英語諺語

Do in Rome as Romans Do(在羅馬,就按羅馬人的方式辦)和我們的入鄉隨俗的意思一樣。

Rome was not built in a day 羅馬不是一天建成的。要實現目標就要好好努力。

Take French leave 不辭而別

He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到長城非好漢

To meet Waterloo(倒楣,受毀滅性打擊,滅頂之災)滑鐵盧是一代天驕拿破崙遭受殘敗的地方。遭遇滑鐵盧,對一個人來說,後果不堪設想。無怪據說二戰期間,在準備諾曼第反攻時,溫斯頓·邱吉爾和隨員冒雨去某地開會,其隨員因路滑而摔了一跤,脫口說一句

It's Greek to me.(我不知道)英國人一般都不懂希臘語。這句話的直譯是:對於我這是希臘語。自然是不明白的意思。

Greek Kalends(幽默,詼諧方式表達的永遠不) Kalends是羅馬日曆的第一天。古希臘不用羅馬日曆,永遠不會有這一天。

Castle in Spain(西班牙城堡,幻想,夢想。相當於漢語中的空中樓閣)中世紀某一時期,西班牙是一個頗富浪漫色彩的國家,這句成語是和Castle in air(空中城堡)相齊名的。

Set the Thames on fire(火燒泰晤士河,這是何等偉大的壯舉)但是這句成語經常是反其義應用,指那些人對某事只是誇下海口,而不是真正想去做。

From China to Peru(從中國到秘魯)它的意義非常明白,指從世界的這一邊到世界的那一邊,相當於漢語的遠隔重洋。

Between Scylla and Charybdis(錫拉和卡津布迪斯之間———在兩個同樣危險的事物之間:一個人逃出一種危險,而又落入另一種危險)錫拉是傳說中生活在義大利岩石的怪獸,卡津布迪斯是住在海峽中一端經常產生旋渦的另一個怪獸。水手為了躲避其中一個的危害,而常又落入另一個災難。義大利這一方的海角叫凱尼斯(Caenys),西西里島那一方的海角叫皮羅魯姆(Pelorum)。 Spoil Egyptians(掠奪埃及———迫使敵人提供自己所需要的東西)源於聖經:上帝答應摩西,埃及人必須借給以色列他們所需要的東西。

Carry Coals to Newcastle(把煤送到紐卡斯爾)把某種東西送到一個人們根本不需要的地方。紐卡斯爾盛產煤,送煤到那裡,豈不是多此一舉。有趣的是法國也有類似的成語“del'eau a la riviere(送水到大河裡)。”

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