

進入冬季, 2017年也將步入尾聲, 又到了該年終總結的時候, 回頭看看去年的flag, 是不是還完好無損地立在那兒?目標沒實現當然也沒必要太灰心, 畢竟有資料統計, 在給自己定下目標的人群中, 最終只有12%可以將其實現, 千真萬確!

相當於, 全球1.56億人等不及喝彩就放棄了堅持他們的新年計畫!



You’re treating a marathon like a sprint


Slow and steady habit change might not be sexy, but it’s a lot more effective than the “I want it ALL and I want it NOW!” mentality. Small changes stick better because they aren’t intimidating (if you do it right, you’ll barely even notice them!).

循序漸進的改變或許不那麼風光, 卻比“立刻就要得到”的心態更奏效。 小改變更容易堅持, 因為它們不會讓你心生畏懼;而且如果方法得當, 你甚至都難以察覺這些變化!

If you have a lot of bad habits today, the last thing you need to do is remodel your entire life overnight.Instead of following a super restrictive plan that bans anything fun, add one positive habit per week.

如果你現在有很多壞毛病, 最不可能的就是一夜之間煥然一新。 與其遵循毫無樂趣的嚴苛計畫, 不如選擇每週養成一個好習慣。

You don’t believe in yourself


A failure to act can cripple you before you leave the starting line. If you’ve tried (and failed) to set a New Year’s resolution (or several) in the past, I know it might be hard to believe in yourself. Doubt is a nagging voice in your head that will resist personal growth with every ounce of its being. The only way to defeat doubt is to believe in yourself. Who cares if you’ve failed a time or two? This year, you can try again (but better this time).

沒有行動意味著在起跑線上就輸掉了。 如果你以前制定過新年計畫卻未能實現, 我相信, 你肯定很受挫。 內心喋喋不休的懷疑會一點一點阻礙個人成長。 說實話, 你輸了一次還是兩次, 又有誰會在乎呢?今年,


Too much thinking, not enough doing

想得太多, 做得不夠

The best self-help book in the world can’t save you if you fail to take action. Yes, seek inspiration and knowledge, but only as much as you can realistically apply to your life. If you can put just one thing you learn from every book or article you read into practice, you’ll be on the fast track to success.

如果不採取行動, 就算世上最好的自助書也幫不了你。 沒錯, 你要尋求靈感與知識, 可只有實際運用才能見效。 如果你能把從書籍或文章中學到的知識加以實踐, 那你離成功也不遠了。

You’re in too much of a hurry


If it was quick-and-easy, everybody would do it, so it’s in your best interest to exercise your patience muscles.

如果事情能又快又輕鬆地搞定, 那麼誰都能成功了。 所以, 你最好學會耐心。

You don’t enjoy the process


Is it any wonder people struggle with their weight when they see eating as a chore and exercise as a dreadful bore? The best fitness plan is one that causes the least interruption to your daily life. The goal isn’t to add stress to your life, but rather to remove it.

比如, 有些人想減肥卻又忍不住吃東西, 還視運動為眼中釘, 很奇怪吧?最好的健身計畫應該不會給日常生活造成不便。 畢竟, 制定目標不是為了給生活施壓, 而是為了減壓。

You have no social support


It can be hard to stay motivated when you feel alone. The good news? You’re not alone: far from it. Post a status on Facebook asking your friends if anybody would like to be your partner. If you know a co-worker who shares your goal, try to coordinate your lunch time and go out together so you’ll be more likely to make positive decisions. Join a support group of like-minded folks on Facebook, LinkedIn, or elsewhere on the internet. Strength in numbers is powerful, so use it to your advantage.

隻身一人很難保持充滿動力。 好在你並非單槍匹馬:你可以在Facebook上邀請好友搭伴。

如果有同事恰好跟你一樣, 可以趁午餐時間互相溝通, 從而做出積極決定。 你也可以在Facebook、LinkedIn或其他網站上加入相關小組。 團結就是力量, 好好利用起來吧。

You know your what but not your why

你知道自己想要什麼, 卻不清楚為什麼想要

The biggest reason why most New Year’s resolutions fail: you know what you want but you not why you want it.

很多新年計畫失敗的最大原因在於——你知道自己想要什麼, 但不清楚為什麼想要。

Whether you’re getting better because you want to live longer, be a good example, boost your energy, feel confident, have an excuse to buy hot new clothes, or increase your likelihood of getting welcomed (hey, I’m not here to judge) is up to you. Forget about any preconceived notions and be true to yourself.

不管你自我提升是為了活得更久、樹立榜樣、提高活力、增加自信、, 還是單純為了變得受歡迎, 都沒問題。 別去管那些先入為主的想法, 真實做你自己吧。

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