

首先要明確一點, 感恩節是一個地道的美國節日, 歐洲人是不過感恩節的, 所以祝福郵件不必發給歐洲買家了。


不同的是, 加拿大的感恩節在每年的10月中旬, 而美國的感恩節是每年11月的第4個星期四, 今年在11月24日(也就是今天)。

這一天也是美國的公共假日, 美國人往往連上週末, 度過一個4-5天的假期, 作為美國血拼季和休假季的開始。

所以如果有美國客戶, 不妨在這兩天就寫一封感恩節郵件, 送上祝福。 以下是一些常用的語句與郵件範本, 供大家參考(最好修改一下, 加上個性化的元素):


1、May the good things of life be yours in abundance not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year.

A special greeting of Thanksgiving time to express to you our sincere appreciation for your confidence and loyalty. We are deeply thankful and extend to you our best wishes for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day.

One of the joys of Thanksgiving is wishing you a happy Holiday Season and a healthy and prosperous New Year.

May the good things of life be yours in abundance, not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year.

Wishing you all the Hope, Wonder, and Joy that the Season can bring!

Wishing you a season filled with warm moments and cherished memories.

May you enjoy the true spirit of this glorious Autumn Day, that it will keep you in happy thoughts through a harvest of bright and golden sunshine.

May your joys be bountiful and blessings be many this Thanksgiving and all through the year.

May all the good things in life abound, not only at Thanksgiving but all year round.

2、Dear Dan and Renee,

Thank you for being our valued customers. We wish you a beautiful Thanksgiving and a joyous year's end.

Warm wishes,

With thanks

3、Dear Friends at Acme,

In this time of gratitude, we give thanks for you. We appreciate your confidence in us. Counting you among our customers is something for which we are especially grateful.

On behalf of all of us at XYZ Company, I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving.


4、Dear Carlos,

In this time of Thanksgiving, I must express my thanks to you. Working with you over the past two years has been an amazing opportunity for me. I appreciate your high standards, consistent focus, and fine sense of humor.

Thank you, Carlos, for the pleasure of continuing to work with you. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with all good things.

With thanks

5、Dear Sir,

How is everything going? It is thanks giving day again upon ayear. I am writing to you to give my best wishes to you. Hope you enjoy your holiday and have goodtimes with your family and friends. Cheers for a stable and further cooperation between us in the furture. Thanks and regards

當然, 也可以“借勢”對其他西方國家的客戶進行一次感情聯絡(注意:中東國家地區的最好就不要發了), 譬如可以這麼寫:

Dear Mr. Russ,

How are you?

It's the Thanksgiving day in America, but I'd like to "borrow " it and take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you.

Thank you for your interest in our products and support to us in the past, and we expect your future support as well :-) We'd love to offer you good products and service always.

Wish your business be more and more prosperous!

Thanks and best regards,

上邊這些只是一個模式而已, 個別可做些修改。 切記不要千篇一律, 要有針對性, 特別是對這些已下單的客戶一般是一對一的發問候信。

當然, 有些人會問, 那可以抓住這個機會向客戶推銷自己的產品嗎?建議不要, 一般不是那種很熟悉或者合作很久的就不要, 客戶會覺得你利用節日做行銷會不認可, 小心適得其反。

感恩節郵件的目的很簡單, 就是能讓收到郵件的客戶回復您, 並讓客戶記住你, 達到這樣的使命就算完成啦~

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