

準備感受如此古老的自己吧:第一條短信已經25歲了! 工程師尼爾·帕波沃斯(Neil Papworth)於1992年12月3日發送了第一封短信, 當時他在電腦上寫下了“聖誕快樂”,

並將其發送給沃達豐公司的總監理查·賈維斯(Richard Jarvis)的手機。 這是一個不溫不火的開始, 但最終改變了整個技術領域甚至社會和社交規範。

Be prepared to feel ancient -- the first text message is 25 years old. Engineer Neil Papworth sent the first SMS on December 3rd, 1992, when he wrote "merry Christmas" on a computer and sent it to the cellphone of Vodafone director Richard Jarvis. It was a modest start, but it ultimately changed technology and even social norms.

由於手機網路本身(1992年的覆蓋範圍遠遠達不到普遍存在的程度)以及按鍵是給撥號而不是鍵入字母而設計的手機, 手機短信(SMS)花了很長時間才得到廣泛採用。 但是智能手機的時代到了。 僅在美國, SMS消息量就從2006年的每月125億條激增至一年後的450億條。 到2017年6月, 全國有7810億條資訊在傳遞。 資訊傳遞突然變得如此簡單, SMS蓄勢待發, 正在等待利用新發現的自由來做出更大的變革。

It took a long time for SMS to find widespread adoption, both because of the cellular networks themselves (coverage was far from ubiquitous in 1992) and phones whose buttons revolved around dialing rather than typing. But then the smartphone arrived. In the US alone, the volume of messages surged from 12.5 billion per month in 2006 to 45 billion a year later. By June 2017, there were 781 billion messages passing around in the country. Messaging was suddenly easy, and SMS was ready and waiting to take advantage of that newfound freedom.

毫無疑問, 發短信已經影響了多年以來的溝通。 發手機短信曾經被認為是罕見、甚至是粗魯的行為, 而現在通常是交流的第一選擇:試想現在當有人不發短信而直接打電話給你,

你會不會覺得被打擾了?因此, 通過短信來查看服務是完全常見的, 無論是訂餐還是獲取音樂推薦。 社交網站推特(Twitter)最早140個字元的限制(在今年11月剛剛解除)就是圍繞SMS的160個字元的最大上限建立的, 以便在移動互聯網廣泛可用之前的一個時代能夠用SMS推出推文。 短信的效果並不總是正面的(例如, 他們已經促成了垃圾郵件和騷擾資訊), 但是很明顯, 科技沒有回頭路可走。

There's little doubt that texting has influenced communication in the years since. Where texting was once seen as a rarity or even rude, it's frequently the first choice for communication -- how often are you annoyed when someone calls you instead of sending a brief message? Accordingly, it's entirely common to see services that are available through SMS, whether it's ordering pizza or getting music recommendations. Twitter's original 140-character limit (which was just lifted in November) was built around SMS' 160-character ceiling to enable tweets in an era before the mobile internet was widely available. The effects of SMS haven't always been positive (they've facilitated spam, for instance), but it's clear there's no going back.

現在的問題是SMS是否有一個健康的長期未來。 智慧手機和無處不在的移動互聯網接入的結合導致消息服務和社交網路的爆炸式增長。 截至7月份, 手機社交軟體WhatsApp本身每天提供了550億條消息(微信大約每天為400億條文字資訊、70億條語音資訊和2億多語音或視頻聊天), 這還不包括臉書消息(Facebook Messenger), 蘋果的iMessage或穀歌的環聊等其他重量級社交資訊軟體的統計。 手機短信可能會持續很長一段時間, 因為對於那些無法使用智慧手機或者不能在可靠、實惠的移動資料中生活的人來說,

這是最實用的選擇。 然而, 隨著人們轉向更加複雜的技術, SMS將完全有可能走上GSM的道路, 逐漸消失在我們的生活中。

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