

Over the mountains,mountains. 越過山丘, 才發現無人等候。

You are my whole life waiting, I'm just your moment of helplessness. 你是我終生的等待, 我只是你瞬間的無奈。

Missing you,comes in waves. And tonight,tonight I'm drowning. 思念如潮水, 今夜覆我舟。

Maybe you like clean girls, and it happens that I am a dirty word. 可能你喜歡乾淨的女孩, 而恰巧我是煙酒髒話。

Nothing is pure.But solitude. 沒有什麼是純真的, 除了孤獨。

If you need me, I am here for you. I am on your side.如果你需要我, 我會在這等候, 我一直會在你左右。

You are a part-time lover and a full-time friend. 友達以上, 戀人未滿。

Like is light love, love is a strong like. 喜歡是淡淡的愛, 愛是濃濃的喜歡。

They say all good things come to an end, but we seem to forget that all bad things do too.---人們總是說好運氣會有花光的一天, 可是, 人們似乎忘記了, 壞事也一樣。

I hope that your dreams are as sweet as you are.---願你的夢,甜美如你。

I hope that your dreams are as sweet as you are.---願你的夢,甜美如你。

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