

中國由於五千年的文明歷史, 已經東亞地區獨特的氣候, 形成了自己獨特的文明體系, 和西方國家的很多人的生活習慣有很大的差異, 其中一些外國人的習慣我們確實不敢恭維, 下面看看外國網友是怎麼評論這個話題的吧。

What personal habits of western people are most disgusting to Chinese?



John Lombard, Founder of "The Language of Culture" | Consultant | Speaker Answered May 14 For younger Chinese, who’ve been more exposed to western culture, not so much. But for the older generation, they can find the following quite disgusting: eating food like hamburgers or french fries or pizza with your hands licking your fingers (ie. finger licking good) swallowing a gob of mucus after coughing (Chinese will spit it out) smelling like cheese, or other dairy products (many Chinese find the smell of those who consume dairy products to be distinctive, and offensive) 62.1k Views · 129 Upvote

對更容易接觸到西方文化的中國年輕人來說, 西方人沒多少習慣令他們厭惡的。 但老一代會覺得以下很噁心:






John Garrison, History Buff, Accountant, and International Adventurer Updated Jun 20 1. In Taiwan I had a conversation about showering with a few friends. They found it so strange that I preferred to shower in the morning as oppose to at night. I told them showering in the morning is pretty common in the US. They found that very disgusting because then I would go to bed with all the dirt on my body from the day. They actually had a point with this one, showering at night sometimes makes more sense. 2. Another thing that some people made fun of me for in Taiwan was my tendency to wear long sleeve shirts with shorts, kind of like the style below: I get that it was hot in Taiwan, but it was just a style that I sometimes wear and they found it pretty strange, not really disgusting but still something they found strange(although a girl did tell me my fashion sense was weird/disgusting).

1、我在臺灣曾和幾個朋友聊過。 他們發現, 我寧願早上洗澡、也不在晚上洗, 他們覺得很奇怪。 我告訴他們, 在美國, 早上洗澡更普遍。 他們不習慣, 因為早上洗澡, 晚上我會帶著白天沾染的污垢躺在床上。 他們認為晚上洗澡更有意義。

2、在臺灣另一件人們取笑我的事是, 我會穿長袖襯衫搭配短褲, 如下圖風格:

我知道臺灣很熱, 但那只是我偶爾的穿搭風格, 他們不覺得討厭, 但是覺得很怪(儘管一個女孩明確告知我的時尚感很奇怪/討厭)。

3. One thing I was told was disgusting was the tendency of us Westerners to eat a lot of dessert. In China, desserts are usually fruit or not very sweet ice cream, they don’t like incredibly sweet, sugary things. One of my favorite things to eat is cheesecake, and so naturally I’ve given Cheesecake to a few Chinese friends(usually in the US because it’s very hard to find in China). In the picture is below it looks delicious doesn’t it? Well my Chinese friends hated it, they said it was too thick and creamy and disgusting. One of them told me he wanted to vomit. I was like, “Alright I’ll eat the whole thing myself then.” 278.6k Views · 3,220 Upvote

3、還有就是, 我們西方人經常吃甜食。 中國, 甜食通常是水果或不太甜的霜淇淋, 他們不喜歡很甜、多糖的東西。 我最喜歡吃的是芝士蛋糕,

很自然地請我幾個中國朋友吃(通常是在美國, 因為在中國很難找到)。 如圖所示, 看起來很好吃吧?

好吧, 我的中國朋友不喜歡吃, 覺得味道太濃、奶油味重、很噁心。 其中一個跟我說他想吐, 我說:好吧, 我自己會吃掉一整個的。

Kent Cutter, Lived in China for 10+ years, worked in various Chinese cities for 3+ years. Answered May 13 Licking your fingers after eating something tasty with your hands. Might be just Americans though. 3k Views · 10 Upvote

吃完東西後舔手指, 不過或許只有美國人(這麼做)。

Luis Fernando Mata Licón, lives in Shanghai Answered May 27 Talking with Chinese and other Asian friends one of the most disgusting things we do is entering and keeping your shoes on when you are at home, even when you go to a friends home it’s not common, and even considered rude, if you take your shoes off in Western culture, but in China (Korea and Japan as well) is the opposite, keeping your shoes on is considered rude and disgusting for most of the people.

跟中國人和其他亞洲人聊過後, 發現他們最討厭我們的之一是:在家甚至去朋友家, 進門不脫鞋。

They have a good point here, why should you bring all the dirt from outside (where you can’t be sure how often they clean it) to your home where you have control on how often and how well you clean it. After thinking sometime about it it sounds logic. When I came back to Mexico to visit my parent everyone looked weird at me when the first thing I did arriving home was taking my shoes off. 6.6k Views · 41 Upvote

關於此, 他們有個觀點, 為什麼要把外頭的污垢帶到家裡, 家裡你可以控制清洗頻率和清潔程度。 我想了一陣後, 這聽起來很合邏輯。

當我回到墨西哥看父母時, 我到家後第一件事是脫鞋, 每個人都很奇怪地看著我。

Alex Leigh Answered Sep 19 I have read all answers. No one has mentioned toilets.

看了所有回答, 沒人提到廁所。

This is an American toilet in public restrooms.


This is a Chinese toilet in public restrooms.


Chinese people think using a sitting toilet in public restrooms is unacceptably disgusting. Who knows how many (dirty) butts have been sitting on the same toilet in a day? Imagine it!

中國人認為在公廁中用坐便器很難以接受、很噁心。 想像一下, 誰知道一天內多少骯髒的屁股坐過同一個馬桶上?

Chinese do use sitting toilets in their homes. But in public restrooms, it is almost a NEVER. No matter in high-end or low-end places, almost all toilets are squat toilets. Sitting toilets in Chinese public restrooms are always reserved for the disabled. (laughing!) 8.3k Views · 137 Upvote

中國在家裡的確會用坐便器, 但公廁中, 幾乎不可能。 無論是高端還是低端的地方, 幾乎所有廁所都是蹲廁。 在中國, 坐便器總是為殘疾人預留的。 哈哈

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