

中國經濟近十年來飛速發展, 很多西方人的思維還停留在過去, 認為我們依舊生活艱辛和貧瘠, 這完全是眼界沒打開造成的吧, 下面是外國網友的討論, 結果別各種暗諷。

Does China have an airport?



Jack Zumruls Jack Zumruls, studied at Finance Answered Mo

They have a lot of planes but no airports. The planes land where they need to land, farms, desserts, sometimes on the freeway. Thats why traffic sucks in the major cities. Airports are expensive.

他們有很多飛機, 就是沒有機場


農田啊, 戈壁灘啊, 有時候降落在公路上



Billy Hughes, lives in China (2012-present) Answered 1h ago

Nope - no airports in China, if you want to go anywhere - you have to get there by rickshaw - so, one day, I was in the middle of Beijing, and I thought ‘shite, there’s no airport here, how am I going to be able to get to Upper Volta because there are no airports in this country and I had a brainwave - I went - AHA! THERE’S RICKSHAWS…’

不, 他們沒有機場。



有一天, 我在北京出差, 感覺有點難了, 他們沒有機場, 我打算如何去上沃爾塔(注:布吉納法索舊稱, 非洲國家)。

突然靈感來了, 哈哈, 我可以搭乘人力車啊

Kevin Tys, lives in China (2008-present) Answered 19h ago

Why would China need an airport? That would mean ignorant and stupid people may visit from foreign countries.

Better to stay at home and finish your homework

Once in the air, this plane just keeps flying in circles over Beijng


有了機場, 外國的無知者和笨蛋也許會紛至遝來


S. Shankar S. Shankar Answered 18h ago

The Idiot Brigade strikes again! No, the Chinese fly all over by magic carpet or on dragon back. Just the way we Indians travel everywhere by elephant or bullock cart. Have you even heard of Cathay Pacific. Air China, China Eastern/ Southern/ Western, Dragonair, Jiangmeng airlines, Shanghai Airlines——

No, all those Chinese airlines park their aircraft by the roadside because there are no airports in China and make people fly around by dragon instead.

I sometimes wonder at the trolls here- are they really so dismal or pathetic in their intelligence levels or is someone just trying to have a laugh?


他們人是坐著魔毯, 或者騎著龍出行的。



他們沒有機場, 這些他們航空公司都是把飛機停在路邊的, 讓人們騎著龍出行

有時候, 我對這裡的釣魚者感到無奈, 感覺他們知識太少了, 太悲哀了, 還是說他們就是來搞笑的?

David Keasal Answered Jun 7

China has many, many airports, both big and small. I once took off from a Chinese airport which had only one runway, and it was 400 meters long. Some Chinese airports are very sophisticated, with all the navigational aids.



曾經坐飛機從只有一條跑道的他們機場起飛。 跑道只有400米長。

有些他們機場非常先進, 各種導航裝備應有盡有

Susan Kelly, Lead English Instructor. Six years experience in China. Answered 7h ago

Of course, there are many.

當然有, 他們有很多機場

Bismark Adade, works at Students Answered Jun 8

I have seen most answers trying to be sarcastic. Honestly these types of questions are not funny anymore. China is the second largest economy after the US ffs. There is a world outside Hollywood and all the Woods you know. Just talk to a human being near you for a fair idea or f*cking google! Ugh


老實說, 這類問題已經不再搞笑


在好萊塢之外, 還有一個你不瞭解的世界, 別只從好萊塢電影中瞭解世界

隨便找個人聊聊就知道答案的, 或者可以穀歌搜索就明白了

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