

楊氏太極第六代傳人葉泳湘是一位出色的美女, 絕世容顏並不僅僅只是外貌上的妥協, 更是實戰能力的全面展示, 這位中國美女令很多英國的年輕人感到不可思議。

China's 'hottest Kung Fu fighter': Super-toned martial arts world champion, 31, becomes a fashion star

中國“最性感的功夫選手”, 超級健美的武術世界冠軍, 31歲的她成為時尚明星

With her glowing skin, perfect complexion and stylish outfits, Ye Yongxiang might look like a fashion model.

容光煥發的肌膚, 完美的膚色 , 時尚的服裝, 這些加起來, 讓葉泳湘看起來像是一位時尚模特。

In fact, the 31-year-old is a world-class Kung Fu fighter whose daily companions include swords, blades and rods.

其實, 這位31歲的女子是一位世界級的功夫好手,


The Shanghai-born London-educated Tai Chi teacher has amazed the internet with her ripped body and is now a new fashion icon in the Far East.

這位在上海出生、在倫敦接受教育的太極老師, 憑藉著有著肌肉線條的身材在網上走紅, 成為了遠東的一位新時尚偶像。

The 5ft 2in beauty has frequented glossy magazines in China and been dubbed 'the hottest Kung Fu fighter'.

Yongxiang is the sixth-generation heir to the Yang Style Tai Chi, a prominent school of Tai Chi dating back to around 1840.

這位身高5英尺2英寸的美女, 經常登上中國雜誌, 被譽為“最性感的功夫鬥士”。

葉泳湘是楊氏太極第六代傳人。 楊氏太極是太極一個著名的學派, 可以追溯至大約1840年。


Its very good, but Chen is the original and best.....though maybe I won't say that to her face... 0 2

很好, 她很棒。 也許當著她的面, 我不會這樣說

Beautiful oriental lady. See what being a non-smoker can do for you Paris, and others? But I would not advise her to live in London; it is way too dangerous and all that disgusting pollution will ruin her lovely skin. Find a place that is better, and much cleaner to live in lovely lady. 10 22



太危險了, 污染會毀掉她美麗的皮膚的。


I think she's in good shape, but what do you mean she's "super toned"? She's slim, yes. I'm sure she's strong for her weight because she works out, but she's not any more toned than millions and millions of other young women. She shows no muscle tone at all, no notable muscle in her shoulders, arms, biceps, abs, or legs. Again, she's pretty and I'm sure she's in good shape, but "super toned"??? 6 28



這個體重, 算是健壯, 但不算出類拔萃

看不到肌肉緊張度, 手臂、腳看不到明顯的肌肉, 看不到明顯的二頭肌

長得是漂亮, 體型也好, 不過這算得上“超級健美”?

Tai Chi is wonderful! Go as far as you want, meditation, exercise, healing, combat ... and no belt rankings, either. Excellent for health and rehabilitation, and gentle. Also can be lethal. In extreme cases, it can be done in a chair. Look into it. 6 55


冥想,鍛煉,康復, 格鬥等。



Who? This is the result of the DM agreeing to cover Chinese stories we have no interest in. 59 9



You may have no interest in the world out there, but others do. Small minded, much. 4 40

你也許不感興趣, 但是其他人感興趣啊.


Yeah right and if it was a man instead of a beautiful lady you would still be as interested! I'm sure it's all about thinking global!

沒錯, 如果本文 報導的是一個男人, 而不是一位美女, 你還是會感興趣的!

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