

很多人的印象中美國人都強調自己的個人隱私和獨立空間, 中國人都普遍熱情好客, 但是城市的建築和佈局卻又兩種不同的框架。

If you live in New York, you will see that this is a city without walls.

不論是商場、辦公樓, 還是政府機構, 大門通常都開在路邊。

Be it malls, office buildings or government institutions, the doors are usually right beside the roads.

就連公寓樓也一樣, 很少會像國內一樣用圍牆圈出一個社區大院。

Even apartment blocks are built this way. You seldom see those communities surrounded by walls, which you see a lot here back in China.

像那樣與外界隔離的區域, 在紐約是很少見的。

That kind of separated zones are pretty rare in New York.


Have you ever visited New York University?


You can really see it as a symbol which represents this city best.


New York University does not have a “campus”.

它和國內常見的那種大學不同, 並不是處在一個由院牆圈出來的巨大區塊裡。

It’s different from the normal Chinese universities. It’s not located in a huge area separated by walls from the outside world.

紐約大學的教學樓非常分散, 星羅棋佈地分散在紐約曼哈頓的下城區, 融合在各個社區裡。

The teaching buildings of New York University scatter loosely in Lower Manhattan of New York. They’ve merged into the local communities.

所以, 也許說它沒有校園是不準確的。

So it may not be so precise to say that it’s without a campus.

整個曼哈頓, 都是它的校園。

The whole Manhattan is its campus.

說起紐約, 另一個極好的例子應該就是中央公園了。

Another place which speaks perfectly for New York must be Central Park.

瞭解紐約的人都知道, 這是一個橫亙在紐約市中心的龐然大物。

Whoever knows about New York knows that this park is a giant monster lying in the center of downtown New York.

它佔據了幾十個街區的空間, 面積是整個曼哈頓島的1/6。

It occupies dozens of blocks’ space. It’s one sixth of the whole Manhattan Island.

在它四周, 是紐約的摩天大樓森林, 而一街之隔的它卻完全是另外一個世界。

Surrounding it are New York’s skyscraper forest. And here, just on the other side of the street, is totally a different world.

同樣, 中央公園也沒有圍牆, 只有一些半人高的石籬。

The situation is the same for Central Park. There is no wall, only some stone fence which are just the height of your waist.

它並不排斥你, 也不介意你從哪邊進入。

It does not reject you. Neither does it care about from which direction you enter it.

任何人, 都可以從任何方向、在任何時間去享受這片綠地。

Anybody can come to enjoy this land of green from any direction at any time

除了巨大的中央公園, 紐約還有數不清的小公園, 它們無一例外, 都沒有牆。

Other than the gigantic Central Park, there are countless small parks in New York, too. Without exception, none of them have walls.

天氣好的時候, 你經常能看到附近的上班族來這曬太陽、吃午飯。

When the weather is fine, you can often see office workers from the neighborhood coming here to enjoy the sunlight and have lunch.


This may be quite different from what many people think of America.


You probably know that the American take personal space seriously.


You probably know that the American set authority boundaries clearly.

然而, 他們生活的環境裡, 卻四處不設防。

But they don’t build physical boundaries in the environment that they live in.

相反, 處處強調人際關係的中國人, 卻似乎特別熱衷於把城市劃成互相隔離的小塊塊。

On the contrary, it’s the Chinese, who talk about interpersonal relationship all the time, love to divide the cities into separated small fragments.

或許, 這正是因為我們知道那“親密”的人際關係之下, 是模糊的權力邊界, 是肆意的道德綁架, 是對彼此隱私的不重視。

Maybe, this is because we know that what lies under that “close” relationship is the unclear authority boundaries, the abused moral hijack and the disrespect to others’ privacy.

這城市裡的一堵堵牆, 正是我們微笑的臉龐下掩藏的不安和不信任。

These physical walls in the cities are the sense of insecurity and distrust that dwell under our smiling faces.

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