

簡歷是求職者給招聘經理留下好印象的第一關。 一個單詞拼寫錯誤可能不是什麼大問題, 但它可以讓一份看起來很有競爭力的簡歷變得馬馬虎虎。

獵頭公司Accountemps曾對300名高級經理進行了一項調查, 結果發現63%的招聘者會將簡歷中有1-2個錯別字的候選人拒之門外。

求職專家們總結了英文簡歷中最常出現的8個“錯別字”, 如果你正在準備英文簡歷, 一定要注意避免出現這些“致命傷”:

Manager vs. manger

Here’s one that spell-check won’t catch: Hastily typing “manger” instead of “manager.”將“manager(經理)”粗心敲成“manger(食槽)”, 這個錯誤拼寫檢查是檢測不出來的。

It’s a highly common mistake because of the frequency of the word on a typical résumé, Dana Leavy-Detrick, a résumé coach with Brooklyn Resume Studio, told Business Insider.布魯克林簡歷工作室的簡歷指導達娜-利維-德特裡克告訴商業內幕網, 這個錯誤非常常見, 頻頻出現在簡歷上。

Of course, “manger” is a perfectly valid word to put on your résumé, so long as your job experience includes work at a horse stable.當然, 如果你的工作經驗包括在馬廄打工, 那麼“manger”這個單詞完全可以出現在簡歷上。


Way too many people flub the spelling of “definitely” on their résumés, incorrectly spelling it “definately,” Redick told Business Insider.德雷迪克對商業內幕網表示, 很多人的簡歷都將“definitely(明確地, 肯定地)”的拼寫搞錯了, 拼成“definately”。


For some reason, a lot of Leavy-Detrick’s clients have trouble getting their i’s and e’s straight, she told Business Insider. “Implement” is the proper spelling, not “impliment.”利維-德特裡克表示, 不知什麼原因, 她的不少客戶都搞不清楚i和e。 “Implement(實施, 執行)”才是正確的寫法, 而不是“impliment”。


Another common mistake résume-writers make is adding an extra e to judgment, spelling it “judgement,” Redick said.德雷迪克表示, 應聘者常犯的另一個錯誤是給“judgment”多加個“e”, 拼成“judgement”。

While the spelling technically isn’t incorrect, the “judgement” is almost exclusively used in British English.雖然嚴格來講, 這並不算拼寫錯誤, 但只有在英式英語中才會使用“judgement”。

Identify vs. identity

Leavy-Detrick says she catches some job-hunters saying “identity” on their résumés when they mean “identify.”利維-德特裡克稱, 她發現一些求職者在簡歷中將“identify(理解,

認同)”寫成“identity(身份, 一致)”。

Affect vs. effect

How to distinguish “affect” from “effect” can be difficult even for highly educated English speakers, and the usage error pops up time and time again on résumés, Leavy-Detrick told Business Insider.利維-德特裡克告訴商業內幕網, 即便對英語為母語且受過良好教育的人來說, 也很難區別“affect”和“effect”這兩個單詞。 經常有簡歷將兩個單詞用錯。

Simply put, “affect” is almost always used as a verb, as in, “The weather affected my plans.” Meanwhile, “effect” is generally used as a noun, as in, “The diet pills did not have an effect.”簡單來說, “affect”幾乎總是做動詞使用, 比如:“The weather affected my plans.(天氣影響了我的計畫。 )”而“effect”則通常做名詞使用, 比如, “The diet pills did not have an effect.(這些減肥藥沒有效果。


Ensure vs. insure

Another pair of words people have trouble distinguishing between is “ensure” and “insure,” Leavy-Detrick said.利維-德特裡克稱, 人們區分不清的另一對單詞是“ensure”和“insure”。

To “ensure” something is to make sure that something is the case.To “ensure” something意思是確定事情是這樣的。

To “insure” is to provide or obtain insurance.To “insure”指的是提供或獲得保障。

Complement vs. compliment

Here’s another case of homophones doing us in. “Complement” and “compliment” are pronounced identically, but mean totally different things.“Complement”和“compliment”也是我們經常弄混的一對同音異義詞, 這兩個單詞的發音一樣, 但是意思卻完全不同。

“Complement,” when used as a verb,” means to complete or enhance something by adding something else. A “compliment,” on the other hand, is a nice remark.“Complement”做動詞時表示完成某事或加以補充使某事更好。 而“compliment”則是表示讚美的辭藻。

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