

谷歌應用程式“藝術與文化”(Google Arts & Culture)最近不小心火了一把。

這款應用最近上線了新的自拍功能:用戶上傳自拍後, 可以與博物館裡成千上萬的名畫進行相似度匹配, 測出自己最像哪幅名畫中的人物。 從網友的回饋來看, 該應用的識別準確度還是相當給力的。

Are you more of a Botticelli or a Van Gogh?


A new feature in the Google Arts & Culture app reveals how your selfie may resemble a historical painting.

谷歌文化與藝術應用的新功能告訴你, 你的自拍照可能和歷史畫作“撞臉”了。


本來不算太流行。 但隨著自拍功能的上線, 以及諸多明星的參與, 這款軟體現在徹底火了。

The app went viral this weekend after users discovered the entertaining feature that analyzes your face and matches it to historical artwork.

這款應用上週末走紅網路, 使用者發現它具有人臉分析及歷史畫作匹配的娛樂功能。

The feature rolled out to the app on iOS and Android last month. But users -- even some big names such as Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, musician Pete Wentz, and actors Felicia Day and Kumail Nanjiani -- shared their results on news feeds.

上個月, 該應用iOS 版和安卓版就推出了“名畫匹配”功能。

不過, 用戶卻在不斷分享他們的匹配結果, 甚至連推特創始人傑克•多爾西, 音樂家彼特•溫茲, 演員費莉西亞•戴伊和庫梅爾•南賈尼等名人也參與其中。



這位網友的自拍和畫中人簡直神相似, 連他本人都直呼:“匹配度55%?不止吧。 ”

當然也有網友對自己的匹配結果並不太滿意, 比如:


The app became the top downloaded iPhone app over the weekend, and landed in the top 10 on Android, according to App Annie.

據分析公司App Annie稱,上週末,該應用成為下載量最高的iPhone應用,並在安卓程式中名列前十。

To find your fine art doppelganger, open the Google Arts & Culture app and scroll until you see the "Is your portrait in a museum?" feature. Tap "get started," and you'll be guided through the process.


Google said the experimental feature uses computer vision technology to scan facial features and extract data to match with paintings. The company said it won't use data from photos for any other purpose but to match it with images in its catalog. It only stores selfies for the time it takes to find matches, Google said.


The selfie feature is similar to other apps that use matching technology to find lookalikes. Microsoft's What Dog app can identify and classify dogs based on photos uploaded to the app.



It's currently only available in the US.


編輯:董靜 許雅寧


The app became the top downloaded iPhone app over the weekend, and landed in the top 10 on Android, according to App Annie.

據分析公司App Annie稱,上週末,該應用成為下載量最高的iPhone應用,並在安卓程式中名列前十。

To find your fine art doppelganger, open the Google Arts & Culture app and scroll until you see the "Is your portrait in a museum?" feature. Tap "get started," and you'll be guided through the process.


Google said the experimental feature uses computer vision technology to scan facial features and extract data to match with paintings. The company said it won't use data from photos for any other purpose but to match it with images in its catalog. It only stores selfies for the time it takes to find matches, Google said.


The selfie feature is similar to other apps that use matching technology to find lookalikes. Microsoft's What Dog app can identify and classify dogs based on photos uploaded to the app.



It's currently only available in the US.


編輯:董靜 許雅寧

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