

美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)近日盤點了中國最驚險的幾處戶外景點, 包括張家界天門山、陝西華山、石家莊紅崖谷玻璃吊橋等, 刺激指數都突破五顆星。 一起來感受一下!

The many terrifying treats of Tianmen Mountain, Hunan


Not content with just one glass-bottomed walkway, Tianmen Mountain in Hunan province, southern China, has three, the most recent of which opened in the summer of 2016.

一條玻璃棧橋還不夠, 湖南天門山有三條, 最新的一條於2016年夏天開放。

Known as Coiling Dragon Cliff Walk, the new addition consists of 1,500 meters of 6.35 centimeter thick glass that crowns the mountain top like a halo of horror.

這條新建的盤龍崖玻璃棧道長1500米, 玻璃厚6.35釐米, 威猛地盤踞于山峰之巔。

Those who dare can enjoy a bird's-eye view of the famous Tongtian Avenue -- otherwise known as "Bending Road" thanks to its 99 hairpin turns -- a dizzying 1,400 meters below.

那些膽大的人可以在玻璃棧道上從1400米高空鳥瞰著名的通天大道。 通天大道又名盤山公路, 全程蜿蜒99個彎。

Two other glass walkways lace the mountain range, one of which was formerly the world's longest but is still currently the world's highest at 300 meters.

還有另外兩條玻璃棧道橫跨在山峰之上, 其中一條曾是世界最長玻璃棧道, 不過如今仍是世界最高棧道, 高度為300米。

Also on hand for adrenalin junkies who just won't quit is the world's longest cable car ride, which spans seven kilometers and takes 30 minutes to complete.

沒玩夠的腎上腺素上癮者還可以嘗試一下世界最長纜車索道, 全程達7公里, 需乘坐30分鐘才能到達。

The world's new longest glass bridge at Hongyagu, Hebei


Having stolen the crown from Tianmen Mountain, the new draw to Hebei province's Hongyagu Scenic Area is now the world's longest glass-bottom bridge.

河北紅崖谷景區的新景點奪去了天門山的光環, 成為了世界最長玻璃吊橋。

And what makes a 488 meter-long glass bridge above a drop of 218 meters even more scary? Its suspension cables make it sway.


The bridge, made up of 1,077 glass panels of four centimeters thickness, strings together two peaks in the region.


Although it can apparently accommodate 2,000 people, only 600 are allowed on at any one time, shuffling along in special "shoe gloves" to protect the glass.

雖然吊橋可以容納2000人, 但一次只允許600人在橋上, 而且為了保護玻璃, 遊客還要穿特製的“鞋套”拖著腳過橋。

Staff are strategically positioned along its length to help those with jelly legs find their feet.

工作人員頗有戰略考量地分佈在吊橋上, 幫助那些嚇得腳軟的遊客站起來。

The world's biggest glass viewing platform at Shilinxia, Beijing


It's perhaps fitting that the home of the Great Wall would now also have the longest glass-bottomed walkway in the world. Jutting 32.8 meters over the edge of a 396 meter valley, the Shilinxia Viewing Platform stretches a whole 11 meters farther than the Grand Canyon Skywalk.

長城所在地擁有世界最長的玻璃棧道或許也沒啥不妥。 石林峽觀景台盤踞在396米高的峽谷之上, 懸空跨度32.8米, 比大峽谷玻璃棧道還要多出11米。

The vertigo-inducing attraction adorns the highest peak of Shinlin Gorge, an area of towering forest-like rock formations in the district of Pinggu, 100 kilometers from Beijing city center.

這一令人眩暈的景點位於石林峽的最高峰, 石林峽是高聳在北京平谷區的一處森林般的岩石景觀, 距離北京市中心100公里。

It's a hefty 1.5-hour hike from the valley floor to the platform, or you can make your head spin twice in one day and take the cable car up.


It's constructed with titanium alloy, the material used in airplanes and space shuttles, so it can apparently hold a maximum load of 150 tons and 2,000 people.


Hiking horror at Mount Huashan, Shaanxi


The five separate peaks backing Huayin City in China's Shaanxi province are a test for even the most adventurous travelers.


This isn't just a scare tactic. The paths are genuinely terrifying, consisting of modest foot-grooves cut into a 2,090 meter-high sheer rock face and rusting metal bars serving as makeshift vertical staircases.


All that lies between hikers and vertiginous drops are thin chain banisters, adorned with the love locks of courageous couples.


The real fun starts on the 2,160-meter South Peak. The so-called "road" comprises nothing more than a few rickety wooden planks bolted onto the mountainside. Looking as though it could give way at any moment, the path is just 0.3 meters at its widest.


The cracking glass walkway in East Taihang, Hebei


Even non-sufferers of vertigo might be scared silly by this China attraction.


The glass walkway at the East Taihang Scenic Area in northern Hebei province went viral late last year when video footage emerged showing a terrified tour guide falling to his hands and knees as the glass apparently started cracking under his weight.


While the East Taihang government promptly apologized for freaking out China's online population, this was no accident of engineering.


Shattered glass fragments were placed underneath solid panels to make the walkway look and sound as though it's splintering when trodden upon.


While the unique addition to the eastern face of Taihang Mountain is therefore safe to traverse, internet users were quick to point out that at 1,180 meters above sea level, the gimmick could still induce palpitations.


The rickety Sky Ladder at Tiger Leaping Gorge, Yunnan


When hiking through the stunning Tiger Leaping Gorge in Yunnan province, southwest China, visitors will be faced with a choice of much importance. Brace the long and arduous climb back up to the road from the Jinsha River, or suffer a quick but perilous stint on the "Sky Ladder."


The series of mostly vertical ladders is attached to planks of aging wood that may or may not be bolted onto the cliff face.


There's no safety equipment whatsoever, and the 170-odd rungs are so narrow, a slick of rain (or a cold sweat) could easily dislodge a white-knuckle grip.


Sensible shoes and a cool head are needed while ascending from the abyss, which reaches 3,790 meters at the gorge's highest point. Don't look down.






It's a hefty 1.5-hour hike from the valley floor to the platform, or you can make your head spin twice in one day and take the cable car up.


It's constructed with titanium alloy, the material used in airplanes and space shuttles, so it can apparently hold a maximum load of 150 tons and 2,000 people.


Hiking horror at Mount Huashan, Shaanxi


The five separate peaks backing Huayin City in China's Shaanxi province are a test for even the most adventurous travelers.


This isn't just a scare tactic. The paths are genuinely terrifying, consisting of modest foot-grooves cut into a 2,090 meter-high sheer rock face and rusting metal bars serving as makeshift vertical staircases.


All that lies between hikers and vertiginous drops are thin chain banisters, adorned with the love locks of courageous couples.


The real fun starts on the 2,160-meter South Peak. The so-called "road" comprises nothing more than a few rickety wooden planks bolted onto the mountainside. Looking as though it could give way at any moment, the path is just 0.3 meters at its widest.


The cracking glass walkway in East Taihang, Hebei


Even non-sufferers of vertigo might be scared silly by this China attraction.


The glass walkway at the East Taihang Scenic Area in northern Hebei province went viral late last year when video footage emerged showing a terrified tour guide falling to his hands and knees as the glass apparently started cracking under his weight.


While the East Taihang government promptly apologized for freaking out China's online population, this was no accident of engineering.


Shattered glass fragments were placed underneath solid panels to make the walkway look and sound as though it's splintering when trodden upon.


While the unique addition to the eastern face of Taihang Mountain is therefore safe to traverse, internet users were quick to point out that at 1,180 meters above sea level, the gimmick could still induce palpitations.


The rickety Sky Ladder at Tiger Leaping Gorge, Yunnan


When hiking through the stunning Tiger Leaping Gorge in Yunnan province, southwest China, visitors will be faced with a choice of much importance. Brace the long and arduous climb back up to the road from the Jinsha River, or suffer a quick but perilous stint on the "Sky Ladder."


The series of mostly vertical ladders is attached to planks of aging wood that may or may not be bolted onto the cliff face.


There's no safety equipment whatsoever, and the 170-odd rungs are so narrow, a slick of rain (or a cold sweat) could easily dislodge a white-knuckle grip.


Sensible shoes and a cool head are needed while ascending from the abyss, which reaches 3,790 meters at the gorge's highest point. Don't look down.





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