
美國網友瘋狂抨擊杜蘭特 直言這是nba球隊最輕鬆的一次奪冠歷程


KnicksFoi_ 2754:

to be honest getting up at 8:30 isnt anything special

說實話, 八點半起床真沒什麼特別的。


Most people have to be at work by 9:00 lmao

笑死我了, 很多人都要9點前上班的好吧。


Do all NBA players train on different courts cause they all say they are first on the court

是不是所有的nba球員都從來沒有在一個訓練館訓練過, 因為我感覺他們每個人都說自己第一個來訓練。

Trail Blazersbarf_cat

"Lol. By 8:30 I'm done with footwork and moving on to 10 spot and I'm retired " Kobe

科比:“好笑, 8點半的時候我已經練完腳步了開始定點投籃了, 這還是退役的我。 ”

Raptors Bandwagonu_have_a_nice_butt 242

No one is saying your life is easy, they're saying it's RELATIVELY easy. Winning a ring isn't easy, but this ring was RELATIVELY easy. Was this not the easiest championship ever won by an nba team?

沒人說你的生活很輕鬆, 而是說你的生活相對輕鬆。 拿冠軍並不簡單, 但是你拿的這個冠軍確實相對要簡單。 這難道不是有史以來nba球隊最輕鬆的一次奪冠歷程嗎?

Raptorstakeyababynoharambe 234

He's straight up just contradicting himself now too lol

"[My agent] Rich [Kleiman], who's here, we were watching Game 7. Well, as it started to unfold, it was, 'No question, no way could you go to this team.' And I was just like a kid, like, 'I'd really like playing with these guys. I'd get wide-open threes, I could just run up and down the court, get wide-open layups.' I was basically begging him. I was like, 'Yo, this would be nice.' "

"I didn't go to Golden State to make my life easier"

"I'd get wide-open threes and layups, I was begging to go here"


這是他說的話“我的經紀人當時在跟我一起看總決賽第七場。 打著打著, 他就說你絕對不能去這支球隊。 我當時就像孩子一樣, 幾乎在求他一樣, 我說我很想跟這些人打球, 我會得到空位三分, 我上場隨便跑跑位就能得到空位上籃的機會。 ”


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