

日前, 澳大利亞悉尼內西區市郊馬里克維爾(Marrickville)街頭出現多張種族歧視海報, 以醜化的漫畫形象描繪中國人和黑人、攻擊一些政界以及媒體界知名人士等, 甚至聲稱要將他們“驅逐出境”。 目前, 海報已經被移除, 警方介入調查。

Photo: The Sydney Morning Herald


The posters, which have been spotted in Petersham and since taken down, resemble Pokemon playing cards and have photos of Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Waleed Aly and the ABC's Yassmin Abdel-Magied alongside the phrases "gotta catch and hang em all" and "gotta catch and deport em all".

這些海報看起來像《神奇寶貝》遊戲卡, 印有參議員莎拉·哈森·楊(Sarah Hanson-Young), 瓦利德·阿裡(Waleed Aly)以及ABC的主播馬吉德(Yassmin Abdel Magied), 並配有“抓住他們, 絞死他們”以及“抓住他們, 把他們驅逐出境”等字樣。 海報曾出現在Petersham地區, 隨後被取下。

(▲Via The Sydney Morning Herald 《悉尼先驅晨報》)

File image: Pokemon playing card

雖然這些海報張貼出來沒多久就被處理掉了, 但是依然對當地居民造成了一定的影響:

A Petersham resident said she spotted two of the posters near her home on Monday morning.

Petersham地區的一位元居民表示, 週一早上(當地時間7月10日), 她曾在自己家附近看見過其中兩張海報。

"I was just walking down to the 7-Eleven when I saw them, and I thought they were appalling," said the 25-year-old, who doesn't want to be named.

這位25歲的不願透露姓名的女士稱, “我當時在去7-11便利店的路上看見了這些海報, 我覺得它們簡直可怕。 ”

"I was just trying to calm down after seeing them because they made me pretty outraged.”

“看見海報後我試圖讓自己冷靜下來, 因為這些東西讓我非常地憤怒。 ”

Photo: The Sydney Morning Herald

"I had a few things to do and a couple of hours later, I walked past again and someone had scratched them off so I guess the neighbourhood took care of it."

“我當時正好有些事, 幾小時後, 我又路過了張貼海報的地方, 發現有人已經把它們撕掉了, 所以我以為鄰居中有人注意到了這件事。 ”

She said she was surprised to see racist material in the "very multicultural" suburb.

這位女士表示, 在這樣一個“文化非常多元”的郊區看見種族歧視的海報讓她感到十分震驚。

"I've always lived in the area, I grew up in Marrickville, and I've never seen anything like that before," she said.

她還表示, “我是在馬里克維爾(Marrickville)長大的, 一直住在那個地區, 但是此前從未見過類似的東西。 ”

"[My friends and I] are all really disappointed that that sort of attitude exists. In a way, I do feel a little bit more on guard.”

“(我和我的朋友們)對於這種態度感到非常失望, 從某種程度上來說, 我覺得應該警惕一些。 ”

"Seeing these attitudes just around the corner from my home has made me feel slightly less at peace where I live."


讓我覺得自己居住的地方有些不安全。 ”

(▲Via The Sydney Morning Herald 《悉尼先驅晨報》)

給這位受訪者的安全意識點個贊。 當居住地附近出現極端思想者活動的痕跡時, 提高警惕總是沒錯的。 仔細看這些海報的內容, 均為宣揚種族歧視思想、煽動公眾情緒, 容易造成負面影響。 對此, 當地警方表示已經著手調查。

A duty officer at Marrickville Local Area Command said: "[We're] aware of those posters that were distributed around Petersham and we're seeking information from the public about who is behind them."

馬里克維爾地區值班警員表示, “(我們)注意到Petersham地區有人張貼這種海報, 我們正在尋找這起事件的幕後組織者。 ”

A group calling itself "Aussie Nationalists" has uploaded the posters to its website under the headline "spread the love in your area".

一個自稱“澳大利亞民族主義者”的組織將這些海報上傳至網站, 並配以標題“在你居住的地方傳播愛”。

Photo: The Sydney Morning Herald

The posters describe media personality and Muslim activist Abdel-Magied as a "nuisance feminist" and are superimposed with the words "update: self-exiled".

這些海報中, 媒體界人士、穆斯林女主播馬吉德(Abdel Magied)被稱為“令人討厭的女權主義者”, 並且疊加了這些詞:“更新:自我流放”。

Abdel-Magied has recently come under attack from some public figures and media for an Anzac day Facebook post invoking the suffering of people on Manus Island, Nauru, Syria and Palestine and last week announced plans to move to London.

馬吉德最近受到了一些媒體和公眾人物的攻擊, 因為她在澳新軍團日時發佈臉書(Facebook)帖文, 引用了馬努斯島, 諾魯, 敘利亞和巴勒斯坦人民正遭受苦難, 而且她于上周宣佈自己將搬遷至倫敦。

Photo: The Sydney Morning Herald

Aly, a popular television host and columnist who is outspoken on a range of subjects including politics and terrorism, is described as "charming yet insidious".


Photo: The Sydney Morning Herald

In another poster, Greens Senator Hanson-Young is accused of destroying "Australia by promoting self-hatred and open borders".

另一張海報上,綠党參議員哈森·楊(Sarah Hanson-Young)被指 “正在使用開放邊境的方式摧毀澳大利亞”。

Two other posters showing generic racial stereotypes are titled "chinkamon" and "apexemon" and include the descriptions "average IQ of 75 and racial commitment to crime" and "supported by welfare and proceeds of crime".


The first post on the group's website appeared last week and the only other post is promoting a "public forum" opposing a mosque.


(▲Via The Sydney Morning Herald 《悉尼先驅晨報》)


Photo: Sydney Today / haiwainet.cn

據海外網援引《今日悉尼》報導,當地時間2016年12月3日,墨爾本大學校園內驚現上百張種族歧視海報,海報上用黑色粗體大寫標注著“澳洲是白人的世界(Keep Australia White)!”,“黑鬼(niggers)”,“中國佬(chinks)”,“中東人”(dunecoons)滾出澳大利亞”等歧視用語。

調查顯示,這組海報由一個名為“澳洲新納粹蓄意煽動組織(Antipodean Resistance)”的組織集體張貼。該組織曾在2016年10月11日張貼類似海報,鼓動群眾在墨爾本斯威本科技大學槍殺變性人以及同性戀人群。其宣揚的極端思想帶來的危害不言而喻。

Photo: Daily Mail / haiwainet.cn

紐澳新聞曾報導,2014年12月8日中午,一名在悉尼的華裔女生在Town Hall火車站被種族歧視者無故毆打,受傷住院。



Photo: The Sydney Morning Herald

Aly, a popular television host and columnist who is outspoken on a range of subjects including politics and terrorism, is described as "charming yet insidious".


Photo: The Sydney Morning Herald

In another poster, Greens Senator Hanson-Young is accused of destroying "Australia by promoting self-hatred and open borders".

另一張海報上,綠党參議員哈森·楊(Sarah Hanson-Young)被指 “正在使用開放邊境的方式摧毀澳大利亞”。

Two other posters showing generic racial stereotypes are titled "chinkamon" and "apexemon" and include the descriptions "average IQ of 75 and racial commitment to crime" and "supported by welfare and proceeds of crime".


The first post on the group's website appeared last week and the only other post is promoting a "public forum" opposing a mosque.


(▲Via The Sydney Morning Herald 《悉尼先驅晨報》)


Photo: Sydney Today / haiwainet.cn

據海外網援引《今日悉尼》報導,當地時間2016年12月3日,墨爾本大學校園內驚現上百張種族歧視海報,海報上用黑色粗體大寫標注著“澳洲是白人的世界(Keep Australia White)!”,“黑鬼(niggers)”,“中國佬(chinks)”,“中東人”(dunecoons)滾出澳大利亞”等歧視用語。

調查顯示,這組海報由一個名為“澳洲新納粹蓄意煽動組織(Antipodean Resistance)”的組織集體張貼。該組織曾在2016年10月11日張貼類似海報,鼓動群眾在墨爾本斯威本科技大學槍殺變性人以及同性戀人群。其宣揚的極端思想帶來的危害不言而喻。

Photo: Daily Mail / haiwainet.cn

紐澳新聞曾報導,2014年12月8日中午,一名在悉尼的華裔女生在Town Hall火車站被種族歧視者無故毆打,受傷住院。



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