
《戰狼2》上了BBC的頭條新聞 他是中國人的愛國情懷

作為的近兩日的高票房影片《戰狼2》, 看看美國的BBC怎麼說

That is the tagline for Wolf Warriors 2, the Chinese box office hit that is equal parts testosterone-fuelled machismo - think blazing guns, explosions, and tanks - and chest-thumping Chinese patriotism.

It sees a soldier venturing into an African warzone and saving hundreds of lives from Western baddies. It's basically the plot of your typical Hollywood action movie, but this time it's a Chinese man upholding justice and keeping the world safe.

Following in the footsteps of Jackie Chan and Jet Li, martial arts expert Wu Jing is among a new generation of Chinese action stars turned directors.

His first Wolf Warrior film came out in 2014, but it didn't make much of an impact. Mainstream movies, especially those promoting patriotism, usually don't do very well in China.

Wolf Warrior 2, however, has become a phenomenon.

The film has raked in a record 1.6bn yuan ($238m; £181m) in just one week. The massive response in China also made the film top the global box office worldwide last weekend, beating Hollywood blockbuster Dunkirk.

Official promotional image for Chinese film Wolf Warrior 2Image copyrightWOLF WARRIOR 2

Image caption

Set in Africa, the movie also features veteran Chinese actor Wu Gang (centre)

The film revolves around a covert rescue mission when rebels overrun a town in an unnamed African country.

Leng Feng, a Chinese special forces soldier played by Wu Jing, is sent in to save Chinese businessmen and locals held by Western mercenaries.

Many moviegoers said online that they were touched by the patriotic plot.


“犯我強漢者雖遠必誅”, 這是《戰狼2》的口號, 中國票房收入源頭是中國的強烈的愛國主義。

它看到一個士兵進軍非洲戰區拯救了數百條生命來自西方的壞蛋。 這基本上是你的典型的好萊塢動作電影的情節, 但是這一次是中國人堅持正義, 維護世界安全。

在成龍和李連傑的之後, 武術專家吳京是中國新生代導演, 他從一個動作演員華麗轉身為一個導演。

2014年吳京推出了《戰狼1》, 但它沒有多大的影響。 一般來說主流電影, 尤其是那些宣傳愛國主義題材的, 通常不會有很好的票房。

然而《戰狼2》已經成為一種例外。 在短短的一個星期內, 電影票房創紀錄的16億元(2.38億美元;£181m)。 這也使同期上映的好萊塢大片相形見絀。

在非洲, 這部電影還具有中國老演員吳剛(中)

影片圍繞著一個隱蔽的救援任務時, 在一個不知名的小鎮叛軍蹂躪的非洲國家。

冷峰, 中國特種部隊士兵由吳京扮演, 是派來拯救中國商人和當地人舉行的西方雇傭軍。

許多觀眾在網上訴說他們的愛國情節感動, “這部電影是中國最好的動作電影, “一個社會媒體用戶寫道。 ”非常好的熱血和硬漢。

我流著淚看完它, ”另一個說。

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