

Hi, this is 小池。 說到西遊記, 你們馬上想到的除了孫悟空, 還有誰呢?還記得紫霞仙子嗎?不久前, 朱茵在王牌對王牌節目裡重新演繹紫霞仙子, 喚起不少人的情結。 想想當年片中的紫霞仙子, 一雙含情脈脈的眼睛和甜美的笑容, 簡直太迷人!朱茵也因此成為人們心中永遠的紫霞仙子。

After being absent for 23 years, Zixia Fairy, a classic role from Hong Kong movie A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella, has returned to the spotlight on the talent show Trump Card.

闊別23年, 大話西遊2:仙履奇緣中的經典角色紫霞仙子在王牌對王牌節目中重回人們視野。

● Odyssey 《奧德賽》, 荷馬所著史詩, 其中記述了特洛伊戰爭, 亞里斯多德是這樣概括《奧德賽》的:“有一個人在外多年, 有一位神老盯著他, 只剩下他一個人了;而在他家裡,

一些求婚者耗費他的家財, 並且謀害他的兒子;他遭遇風暴, 脫險還鄉, 認出了一些人, 親自進攻, 他的性命保全了, 仇人盡死他手中。 ” 官方譯名就是A Chinese Odyssey, 雖然我個人覺得奧德賽的經歷和西遊記並不像...

● Spotlight 聚光燈;公眾注意中心

To be in/under the spotlight 受到人們的關注

The spotlightis on sb/sth 公眾關注著...

E.g. Celebrities must behave themselves because they are in the spotlight.


Actress Athena Chu, who starred as Zixia Fairy in the original film, has dug out her old costume for the reality show. The reappearance of Zixia Fairyhas delighted viewers of the show.

在片中飾演紫霞仙子的演員朱茵, 為節目特意找出曾經的戲服。 紫霞仙子歸來讓觀眾欣喜不已。

● delight 高興事;使高興

To take delight in sth/ doing sth 以...為樂

Delight of family 開心果

A delight to the eyes 視覺享受

It delights me that 使我愉快

In the film, Zixia Fairy is a memorable role for many movie-goers thanks to her simple yet brave characteristics.


● Memorable 難忘的(unforgettable); 值得紀念的

Memorable concert/speech/event/experience

● Movie-goer 電影發燒友

She is a woman who dares to love. She enjoys a pure soul and decides to find her true love through the belief: "The man who has the power to take the magical sword from her hand will be her Mr Right."

她敢愛, 有著一個純真的靈魂, 相信能拔出她手中劍的人就是她命中註定的愛人。

● Enjoy 享有(benefitfrom)


To enjoy good health/success/high reputation

She is a woman who dares to hate. She firmly denies the passionate love pursuit of King Bull. She would rather die than bend over to a man shehas no feelings for.

她也敢恨, 堅決回絕牛魔王熱烈的追求, 屈尊嫁給不愛的人還不如去死。

● Bend over 俯身

disgrace oneself 使自己出醜

condescend to do 屈尊做

She is a seemingly silly woman. After finding out her Mr Right Monkey King cheated of her feelings, she still helps him overcome many difficulties. She may have flaws, but she is the best example of a love believer and loyalist.

表面上看, 她很傻。 發現至尊寶玩弄自己感情後, 仍幫他渡過難關。 她不完美, 但為愛情堅貞不移作出了最好的注腳。

some classic lines from the movie


"I have had my best love before, but I didn't treasure her. When I lost her, I felt regretful. It is the most painful matter in this world. If the God can give me another chance, I will say three words to her - I love you. If you have to give a time limit to ensure this love, I hope it should be 10,000years."

曾經有一份真摯的感情擺在我的面前我沒有珍惜, 等我失去的時候才追悔莫及, 人間最痛苦的事莫過於此。 如果上天能再給我一次機會, 我會對那個女孩說三個字:我愛你, 如果非要在這份愛上加一個期限, 我希望是一萬年!

"Love means pain. If I can't be with the one I love, I won't be happy even if I were Heaven Emperor."

如果不能跟我喜歡的人在一起的話, 就算讓我做玉皇大帝我也不會開心哪。

It's fate that he can pull my magic sword. He must be an unusual man I'm sure. I know he'll come back one day and appear in public, wearing golden armor and stepping on colorful clouds. He is coming to marry me!

上天既然安排他能拔出我的紫青寶劍, 他一定是個不平凡的人, 錯不了!我知道有一天他會在一個萬眾矚目的情況下出現,

身披金甲聖衣, 腳踏七色的雲彩來娶我!

今天的內容就是這些啦。 這個推送之後, 小池會暫時離開一段時間, 回歸日期還不確定, 希望大家能繼續支持我們Echo陪你練口語平臺。 我在這個大團隊裡也收穫很多, 認識了很多很厲害的人, 也努力學著呈現更好的作品給大家。 每次推文都是主創、美編、管理團隊一起努力的結果, 看著平臺不斷壯大, 有更多人願意主動學英語, 我們團隊也會繼續努力, 和粉絲們一起成長, 一起把英語越說越6~

說了一大堆, 最後謝謝大家對我一直以來的支持, 你們的回饋一直是我前進的動力。 第一次磕磕絆絆的錄音簡直不堪回首... 大家每期的留言我都有認真看,

不斷調整推文, 帶給大家更好的英語學習資料。 最後希望大家能繼續支援我們Echo陪你練口語平臺。 我們以後再見吧~

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~




美化排版 | TingGold

封面圖片 | Demi

圖片參考 | 百度

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