

9月3日至5日, 廈門迎來金磚國家領導人第九次會晤。

習近平主席曾多次在不同場合表達了對金磚合作和新興國家的關注和重視。 金磚合作成色十足, 習近平的發言也金句滿滿, 一起跟著雙語君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)瞭解下吧!

2017年7月7日, 習近平在漢堡主持金磚國家領導人非正式會晤, 發表引導性講話和總結講話。

當前, 世界經濟出現一些積極跡象, 金磚國家發展前景普遍向好, 令人振奮。

Currently, the global economy is showing some positive signs, and the prospects for the development of BRICS countries are growing brighter in general, which is very inspiring.

金磚國家要發揚開放包容、合作共贏的夥伴精神, 加強團結合作, 維護共同利益, 謀求聯動發展。

The BRICS countries should uphold the spirit of partnership that features openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, strengthen unity and cooperation, safeguard common interests and seek interconnected development.

2017年6月19日, 習近平在人民大會堂集體會見金磚國家外長會晤外方代表團團長。

金磚合作機制已經走過10年, 金磚國家緊緊抓住發展這條主線, 不僅造福五國人民, 也給世界提供了解決溫飽、安全等問題的治本藥方。

The BRICS cooperation mechanism has been in existence for 10 years and BRICS members have focused on development, which not only benefits the people in the five countries but also offers a recipe for the world to address food and security problems.

2017年1月1日, 習近平致信金磚國家領導人, 介紹中方擔任主席國期間推進金磚國家合作進程的設想。

金磚國家堪稱新興市場國家和發展中國家合作的典範, 為各成員國人民帶來福祉, 為促進世界經濟增長、完善全球治理、推動國際關係民主化作出重要貢獻。

BRICS cooperation, a model for cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries, has brought benefits to people of BRICS nations and made great contributions to boosting global economic growth, improving global governance and promoting the democratization of international relations.

2016年10月15日, 習近平出席在印度果阿舉行的金磚國家領導人第八次會晤。


The BRICS countries' advantages and potential in resources, markets and labor remain unchanged.


It is imperative that we step up coordination and communication on major international issues and regional hotspots.

2015年11月15日, 習近平在土耳其安塔利亞出席金磚國家領導人非正式會晤。

真金不怕火煉, 只要我們堅定信心、加強協調, 金磚國家合作就一定能乘風破浪、穿雲破霧。

Pure gold fears no fire. As long as we hold firm confidence and strengthen coordination, the BRICS countries will surely sail through winds and waves.

2015年7月9日, 習近平在俄羅斯烏法參加金磚國家領導人第七次會晤。

要以史為鑒, 摒棄冷戰思維, 拒絕零和博弈, 共同維護地區和世界和平穩定。

The BRICS nations should draw lesson from history, abandon the Cold War mentality and zero-sum game, to jointly safeguard world and regional peace and stability.

2014年7月15日, 習近平在巴西福塔雷薩參加金磚國家領導人第六次會晤。


China's diplomacy has principles to act upon, cherishes friendship and righteousness, and seeks justice.



No matter how the international situation may change, we should stay committed to pursuing peaceful development and win-win cooperation. What we need is peace and cooperation, not war and confrontation. While pursuing our own interests, we also need to accommodate the legitimate concerns of other countries.


China's diplomacy has principles to act upon, cherishes friendship and righteousness, and seeks justice.



No matter how the international situation may change, we should stay committed to pursuing peaceful development and win-win cooperation. What we need is peace and cooperation, not war and confrontation. While pursuing our own interests, we also need to accommodate the legitimate concerns of other countries.

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