

1、First I need your hand ,then forever can begin.

我需要牽著你的手, 才能告訴你什麼是永遠

2、Don't judge someone's past, when you haven't walked their journey!

如果你沒有經歷過別人所經歷的事情, 就不要去評判一個人的過去!

3、Fallen into the trap,for you are too greedy,it's not because of others cunning.

會上當, 不是因為別人太狡猾,


4、all or nothing, now or never .

要麼沒有, 要麼全部。 要麼現在, 要麼永不。

5、A person who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is.

真心愛你的人永遠不會放你走, 不管遇到多大的困境。

6、Give so much time to improving yourself that you won't have time to criticize others.

給自己充足的時間來改進自身, 你會沒時間去批判別人。

7、As long as it is a comedy, I'd rather cry during the process.

只要是個喜劇結局, 過程你讓我怎麼哭都行。

8、Would a man running in the rain, also don't want to put into the arm.

寧願一個人在雨中奔跑, 也不願投入你那虛偽的懷抱。

9、Forgetting someone doesn't mean never think of him, but thinking of him with a calm heart.

忘記一個人, 並非不再想起, 而是偶爾想起, 心中卻不再有波瀾。

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