



來源 中國軍事圖片中心

幾乎每一個小男孩都有軍旅夢, 但入伍參軍並不簡單。

除了年齡和學歷上的硬性限制, 一條“不能患有近視”就足以令一大波人與兒時的夢想無緣了。

此外, 每年的徵兵人數並不多, 報名人數卻逐年上漲, 例如, 今年有超過107萬大學生報名入伍, 比去年增加了5.7萬。

那麼問題來了, 當兵這件事到底能給一個人帶來什麼?讓我們先來看一組兵哥哥們的入伍前後對比:

“兩年前的我, 是一個讓老師頭疼, 讓父母傷心的叛逆青年。 在部隊兩年的歷練, 讓我學會了成長, 學會了改變, 我也懂得了孝敬父母、尊老愛幼。 ”——李猛

“Two years ago, I was a trouble-maker who always let my teachers and parents down. After two years of training in the army, I grew up and changed a lot. Now I respect my parents and elders, as well as taking care of younger children.”——Li Meng

“入伍前的自己, 感覺就像溫室裡的花朵,

事事有人為我準備, 根本經不起任何挫折。 現在在部隊兩年了, 明顯感到自己成長了, 心智成熟了, 遇事會思考了。 因為兩年軍旅生活, 自己在不斷地成長進步。 ”——程帥強

“Before joined the army, I was a spoiled boy and unable to bear any setbacks since everything had been well-prepared for me. Two years in the army made me stronger and more established. I have been constantly growing and changing during this time.” —Cheng Shuaiqiang

“當兵之前, 我在家裡是一個叛逆少年, 從不聽家裡人的話。 來到部隊後, 我在家人的期望中一步步成長,

這身綠軍裝告訴我, 只有拼搏、努力奮鬥、堅持不懈才能成長。 ”——孫震

“I was a bad boy who never listened to the family before I went to the army. But I grew up after I became a soldier, and what this green uniform taught me was that only endeavor and perseverance could make me a grown-up.”—Sun Zhen

“從一個懵懂無知的叛逆小青年轉眼變成了一名無尚光榮、充滿責任與擔當的武警戰士, 回頭想一想, 當初的自己無知於幼稚, 經常做些讓父母傷心擔憂的事情,

幸虧及時來了部隊, 改頭換面, 終於‘回頭是岸’!”——昝帥

“I was lucky I went to the army, which turned me into a soldier with great honor and responsibility. Back to my childhood, I did a lot of things that worryied my parents. In the end, I rebuilt a better life in the army.” ——Zan Shuai

“時光匆匆地流逝, 兩年的軍旅路轉眼就結束了。 來到部隊之後讓我真正明白了什麼是責任, 什麼是擔當, 什麼是使命和堅持。 部隊這個大家庭, 讓我獨立成長, 不斷思考人生, 逐漸走向了成熟。 ”——裴傑

“Time flies - two years of army life is over now. The army life brings me a better understanding of the meaning of responsibility, mission and perseverance. The army was just like a big family where I grew up independently and began to examine my life and become mature.” —— Pei Jie


“I was in high school at that time when I was immature and rebellious. I also quarreled with my parents a lot. After I went to the army, I have gone through a lot of changes and learned to get along with others. The most important thing is that I am willing to do anything that will repay my family’s expectations of me.” ——Li Yongkang









Nie Weimin, 20, from Muyang, Jiangsu province


This is the outfit that I have been in for the most times in my life so far. Every time I stand guard, I put it on. Every time after I wash it, I iron it till I see no wrinkles. Because in my heart, it represents the image of a soldier. This is the last time I will wear it.


Zhang Xuecheng, 22, from Handan, Hebei province


The locker has accompanied me for two years, from when I first came to the army, till now when I’m retiring as a private first class. Spring, summer, autum and then winter, time flies. I’m leaving the army. I’ll remember and respect everything that I experienced.


Chen Kailong, 20, from Datong, Shanxi province


It’s been two years. Maybe it’s the last time I'll put the army cap on. I never paid attention to the details like this before I came here. I never knew what they meant when people said it’s a great honor to be a soldier. But during my days here, details are what fulfill my life. To take the cap as an example, the emblem on it reminds me every minute that I’m a soldier, and that I have responsibilities on my shoulders.


Li Yongkang, 20, from Xuzhou, Jiangsu province


Two shifts a day, two hours a shift, I spent 731 days in the army in the past two years. My youth is worth it. Every time I stand here, I’m proud, because I’m a soldier, and I keep guard for people.


Zhang Weisen, 19, from Guantao, Hebei province


In my military life, I laughed and cried, suffered and had been sad. Every time when I encounter difficulties, I come here in front of the 'wall of smiles'. I look at my bros, who give me confidence and courage, and get me through. The wall is what I’ll miss the most. It records our smiles and memories. I appreciate you all, my brothers.


Zhao Kaiyu, 22, from Baoding, Hebei province


When I get some free time, I dive into the study room, where there are many books that I like. I learned much from the books, which also relax me from the exhausting training. It feels great.


Zhao Peihu, 20, from Siyang, Jiangsu province


I used to throw away the worn shoes, even if I don’t, my parents used to clean them for me. After I came to the army, I was not the spoiled boy anymore. I learned to be diligent and thrifty. I have been wearing the black military shoes for two years, but I’m reluctant to throw them away, although they are truly worn out.


Xu Yuandong, 25, from Datong, Shanxi province


Before I came to the army, housework was tiring and dirty to me, and I never helped my parents with it, even when they were exhausted. Things changed when I became a soldier. I have mopped the hallways in the camp for the two whole years.


Guo Mengwu, 20, from Peixian, Jiangsu province


I thought soldiers were great before I joined the army. But I never thought about what made them great. Now I have experienced the military life of training and standing guard. Soldiers throw themselves into the difficulties, which deserves applause. I’m determined to be such a great person in my life.


Wang Ruijie, 19, from Huairen, Shanxi province


Study makes me happy. I used to fall asleep in classes when I was back in school. But after I joined the army, our political instructor gives vivid lectures, which inspires me a lot. I realized that it’s not true that I couldn’t listen to the teacher carefully and take notes. It’s the interest.


Sun Zhen, 22, from Muyang, Jiangsu province


I used to be spoiled and rebellious. In the army, I learned to get up early, depend on myself, and understand it’s not easy to be parents. I’ll keep that in mind. Even now that I've taken off the uniform, I’m always a soldier.


Zhou Hang, 22, from Siyang, Jiangsu province


This is our study room. We spent much time here during classes in the past two years. I get to sit in the soft chairs when meeting, learning, reading and during free time. To lean on the desk for a short while is relaxing and enjoyable.


Cheng Shuaiqiang, 23, from Dengfeng, Henan province


Every day we leave the washing stuff nicely placed after use. We have strict rules about how we should take care of personal belongings, which always keep us principled. As you can see, all the washbasins are pl aced the same, and even the towels are folded as required.


Shi Xindian, 20, from Baoding, Hebei province


I used to be weak, weighing less than 50 kilograms. I couldn’t really help with any work at home as I was not strong at all. In the two years in the army, I got much stronger and well built.


Xia Guangfa, 20, from Baoding, Hebei province


The saying goes in the army: 'How you stand in a line shows your dignity when you are outside, and how you arrange your room when you are indoors.' The blanket is the most important part in the room and is the first thing we take care of in the morning. The most unforgettable memory should be missing the breakfast for the blanket.


“Time flies - two years of army life is over now. The army life brings me a better understanding of the meaning of responsibility, mission and perseverance. The army was just like a big family where I grew up independently and began to examine my life and become mature.” —— Pei Jie


“I was in high school at that time when I was immature and rebellious. I also quarreled with my parents a lot. After I went to the army, I have gone through a lot of changes and learned to get along with others. The most important thing is that I am willing to do anything that will repay my family’s expectations of me.” ——Li Yongkang









Nie Weimin, 20, from Muyang, Jiangsu province


This is the outfit that I have been in for the most times in my life so far. Every time I stand guard, I put it on. Every time after I wash it, I iron it till I see no wrinkles. Because in my heart, it represents the image of a soldier. This is the last time I will wear it.


Zhang Xuecheng, 22, from Handan, Hebei province


The locker has accompanied me for two years, from when I first came to the army, till now when I’m retiring as a private first class. Spring, summer, autum and then winter, time flies. I’m leaving the army. I’ll remember and respect everything that I experienced.


Chen Kailong, 20, from Datong, Shanxi province


It’s been two years. Maybe it’s the last time I'll put the army cap on. I never paid attention to the details like this before I came here. I never knew what they meant when people said it’s a great honor to be a soldier. But during my days here, details are what fulfill my life. To take the cap as an example, the emblem on it reminds me every minute that I’m a soldier, and that I have responsibilities on my shoulders.


Li Yongkang, 20, from Xuzhou, Jiangsu province


Two shifts a day, two hours a shift, I spent 731 days in the army in the past two years. My youth is worth it. Every time I stand here, I’m proud, because I’m a soldier, and I keep guard for people.


Zhang Weisen, 19, from Guantao, Hebei province


In my military life, I laughed and cried, suffered and had been sad. Every time when I encounter difficulties, I come here in front of the 'wall of smiles'. I look at my bros, who give me confidence and courage, and get me through. The wall is what I’ll miss the most. It records our smiles and memories. I appreciate you all, my brothers.


Zhao Kaiyu, 22, from Baoding, Hebei province


When I get some free time, I dive into the study room, where there are many books that I like. I learned much from the books, which also relax me from the exhausting training. It feels great.


Zhao Peihu, 20, from Siyang, Jiangsu province


I used to throw away the worn shoes, even if I don’t, my parents used to clean them for me. After I came to the army, I was not the spoiled boy anymore. I learned to be diligent and thrifty. I have been wearing the black military shoes for two years, but I’m reluctant to throw them away, although they are truly worn out.


Xu Yuandong, 25, from Datong, Shanxi province


Before I came to the army, housework was tiring and dirty to me, and I never helped my parents with it, even when they were exhausted. Things changed when I became a soldier. I have mopped the hallways in the camp for the two whole years.


Guo Mengwu, 20, from Peixian, Jiangsu province


I thought soldiers were great before I joined the army. But I never thought about what made them great. Now I have experienced the military life of training and standing guard. Soldiers throw themselves into the difficulties, which deserves applause. I’m determined to be such a great person in my life.


Wang Ruijie, 19, from Huairen, Shanxi province


Study makes me happy. I used to fall asleep in classes when I was back in school. But after I joined the army, our political instructor gives vivid lectures, which inspires me a lot. I realized that it’s not true that I couldn’t listen to the teacher carefully and take notes. It’s the interest.


Sun Zhen, 22, from Muyang, Jiangsu province


I used to be spoiled and rebellious. In the army, I learned to get up early, depend on myself, and understand it’s not easy to be parents. I’ll keep that in mind. Even now that I've taken off the uniform, I’m always a soldier.


Zhou Hang, 22, from Siyang, Jiangsu province


This is our study room. We spent much time here during classes in the past two years. I get to sit in the soft chairs when meeting, learning, reading and during free time. To lean on the desk for a short while is relaxing and enjoyable.


Cheng Shuaiqiang, 23, from Dengfeng, Henan province


Every day we leave the washing stuff nicely placed after use. We have strict rules about how we should take care of personal belongings, which always keep us principled. As you can see, all the washbasins are pl aced the same, and even the towels are folded as required.


Shi Xindian, 20, from Baoding, Hebei province


I used to be weak, weighing less than 50 kilograms. I couldn’t really help with any work at home as I was not strong at all. In the two years in the army, I got much stronger and well built.


Xia Guangfa, 20, from Baoding, Hebei province


The saying goes in the army: 'How you stand in a line shows your dignity when you are outside, and how you arrange your room when you are indoors.' The blanket is the most important part in the room and is the first thing we take care of in the morning. The most unforgettable memory should be missing the breakfast for the blanket.


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