

國慶(National Day holiday) 加中秋(Mid-Autumn Festival)的八天超長假期馬上開始了。

據某些旅遊機構預測, 今年黃金周(Golden Week)國內出遊人次(domestic trips)將超過7億, 出境遊將超過600萬。

天, 這是什麼一個概念呢?


本打算來一次說走就走的旅行, 也立刻變成了一次說認慫就認慫的窩裡蹲。

幸虧, 這個悠悠假期, 我們還有大片(blockbuster)相伴!

如今“國慶檔”已成為僅次於“春節檔”的第二大假日檔期(holiday season)。

那麼, 今年國慶檔會有多少部大片擠破頭呢?

貼心的雙語君(微信ID:Chinadaily_Mobile)整理了一份中英文版國慶檔片單, 速速來圍觀。


【 9月29日】


Sky Hunter


City of Rock

【 9月30日 】


The Foreigner


Never Say Die


Chasing the Dragon


S.M.A.R.T. Chase

【 10月1日 】


Axel 2: Adventures of the Spacekids


Dragon Force: So Long Ultraman


The Legend of the Giant Panda

【 10月4日 】


The Portrait of My Mother


Only The Wind Knows

雖然還很難預測, 哪部影片有望成為國慶檔票房冠軍( the top winner of the holiday's box office charts), 但預售資料能顯示, 大概有五六部片子還是蠻熱門的。

《英倫對決》The Foreigner

導演: 馬丁·坎貝爾

主演: 成龍 皮爾斯·布魯斯南

類型:動作 驚悚

一向是賀歲檔常客的成龍(Jackie Chan)大哥這次改風格了, 不喜劇不動作, 滄桑老態得很。 和他演對手戲的是皮爾斯·布魯斯南(Pierce Brosnan), 也就是第五代007演員。


In the film, he plays Guan, a low-profile Chinese restaurant owner in London whose teenage daughter is killed in a bomb blast. Guan, a former member of the special forces and a Vietnam War veteran, then seeks revenge.


這句話,大哥聽到可能有點無所謂。畢竟,人家這麼多年前前後後有150多部影片,還得了個奧斯卡終身成就獎(a lifetime achievement Oscar)。

《追龍》Chasing the Dragon

導演: 王晶 關智耀

主演: 甄子丹 劉德華

類型: 動作 犯罪


堅持十年如一日高產“爛片”的王晶導演最近據說“驚嚇”到媒體了,因為他的《追龍》(Chasing the Dragon)竟是拍得出乎意料的好,這也成了發佈會上最大的梗。


For Wong, whose most films have received negative reviews during the past decade, Chasing the Dragonseemingly becomes a turning point. The most-asked question during the promotional event in Beijing last week revolves on such a change.

"I had worked hard on the previous titles. I may have wrongly used my diligence," says Wong Jing.



Based on the true story of Ng Ski-ho (1930-91), an infamous drug lord in Hong Kong in the 1960s and '70s, Chasing the Dragonchronicles the rise and fall of Ng, also known as "Crippled Ho", and his complex brotherhood with the corrupt police officer Lee Rock during a time in Hong Kong when Ng controlled the majority of drug trafficking there. He was arrested in 1974 and sentenced to 30 years behind bars.




但這回卻是演一個毒梟(drug lord),所以甄子丹也是各種猶豫。


"I have had a goal for a long time that I hope my movies can transfer positive energy. So, when director Wong Jing invited me to play Ng, I initially hesitated," says Yen.


《極致追擊》S.M.A.R.T. Chase


主演:奧蘭多·布魯姆 吳磊 任達華 熊黛林 昆淩

類型:動作 犯罪 冒險

而另一部由好萊塢大咖加盟的國慶檔大片是《極致追擊》(S.M.A.R.T. Chase),由“精靈王子”奧蘭多·布魯姆(Orlando Bloom)主演。


Bloom stars a security transporter, who lives in Shanghai to escort antiques and other precious items from China to the rest of the world for exhibition organizers. However, he and his team encounter big trouble after being ambushed by some villainous rivals.


The movie set for release on Sept 30 is Bloom's first Chinese film, for which he has insisted on shooting action scenes without standins and toured a dozen mainland cities to promote it.





City of Rock, a comedy about an unlikely band starring the comedian Dong Chengpeng, and actor Li Chen's directorial debutSky Hunter, both slated to open on Sept 29, are performing well in presale positions. They account for 43.6 and 43.1 percent of that day's presold total.


Never Say Die, a gender-exchange fantasy comedy, is so far beatingThe Foreigner to top the premiere (on Sept 30) presale charts.




In the film, he plays Guan, a low-profile Chinese restaurant owner in London whose teenage daughter is killed in a bomb blast. Guan, a former member of the special forces and a Vietnam War veteran, then seeks revenge.


這句話,大哥聽到可能有點無所謂。畢竟,人家這麼多年前前後後有150多部影片,還得了個奧斯卡終身成就獎(a lifetime achievement Oscar)。

《追龍》Chasing the Dragon

導演: 王晶 關智耀

主演: 甄子丹 劉德華

類型: 動作 犯罪


堅持十年如一日高產“爛片”的王晶導演最近據說“驚嚇”到媒體了,因為他的《追龍》(Chasing the Dragon)竟是拍得出乎意料的好,這也成了發佈會上最大的梗。


For Wong, whose most films have received negative reviews during the past decade, Chasing the Dragonseemingly becomes a turning point. The most-asked question during the promotional event in Beijing last week revolves on such a change.

"I had worked hard on the previous titles. I may have wrongly used my diligence," says Wong Jing.



Based on the true story of Ng Ski-ho (1930-91), an infamous drug lord in Hong Kong in the 1960s and '70s, Chasing the Dragonchronicles the rise and fall of Ng, also known as "Crippled Ho", and his complex brotherhood with the corrupt police officer Lee Rock during a time in Hong Kong when Ng controlled the majority of drug trafficking there. He was arrested in 1974 and sentenced to 30 years behind bars.




但這回卻是演一個毒梟(drug lord),所以甄子丹也是各種猶豫。


"I have had a goal for a long time that I hope my movies can transfer positive energy. So, when director Wong Jing invited me to play Ng, I initially hesitated," says Yen.


《極致追擊》S.M.A.R.T. Chase


主演:奧蘭多·布魯姆 吳磊 任達華 熊黛林 昆淩

類型:動作 犯罪 冒險

而另一部由好萊塢大咖加盟的國慶檔大片是《極致追擊》(S.M.A.R.T. Chase),由“精靈王子”奧蘭多·布魯姆(Orlando Bloom)主演。


Bloom stars a security transporter, who lives in Shanghai to escort antiques and other precious items from China to the rest of the world for exhibition organizers. However, he and his team encounter big trouble after being ambushed by some villainous rivals.


The movie set for release on Sept 30 is Bloom's first Chinese film, for which he has insisted on shooting action scenes without standins and toured a dozen mainland cities to promote it.





City of Rock, a comedy about an unlikely band starring the comedian Dong Chengpeng, and actor Li Chen's directorial debutSky Hunter, both slated to open on Sept 29, are performing well in presale positions. They account for 43.6 and 43.1 percent of that day's presold total.


Never Say Die, a gender-exchange fantasy comedy, is so far beatingThe Foreigner to top the premiere (on Sept 30) presale charts.



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