

The Indonesian island of Bali impressed us on our recent vacation with its natural beauty, historic temples and the friendliness of its people.

最近, 我們去了趟印尼巴厘島, 優美的自然美景, 歷史悠久的廟宇和熱情友好的人們讓我們久久難以忘懷。

A driver we hired to take us from the central part of the island to the popular southwest coast proved to be not only a delightful person but also a quick study. After we expressed a desire to visit a local restaurant, the driver, Mus, took us to a local warung– a small, family-owned eatery -- set amid green rice fields.

在旅行中, 我們雇了一個小夥子開車將我們從巴厘島的中部載到頗受歡迎的西南部海岸。

馬斯(Mus)不僅隨和幽默, 而且悟性極高。 當我們表示想要在當地餐館就餐時, 他馬上帶我們來到了綠色稻田中的一個家庭餐館, 品嘗當地食物。

As we talked, we were surprised to learn that Mus had taught himself a number of phrases in Mandarin after listening carefully to Chinese tourists. We had not expected to see many people from China outside of the big southern resorts, but this was confirmation that independent Chinese visitors are starting to make inroads.

聊天時, 我們驚訝地發現馬斯通過仔細聆聽中國旅客們說話自學了不少漢語短語。 而同樣意料之外的是, 在大型南部旅遊度假村之外, 我們還發現了許多旅行中的中國遊客, 這恰好證明了中國喜愛獨立自由行的“背包客”們正越來越多。

According to the Australian Business Review, Chinese are expected to eclipse Australians as the largest group of international arrivals this year.

根據《澳大利亞商業評論》(the Australian Business Review)報導, 中國今年有望超過澳大利亞成為本年度國際旅客的最大來源國。

Indeed, on a dolphin-watching trip on the north coast, three hours’ drive from the airport, we shared a small boat with a nice young couple from Fujian province.

事實上, 我們在距機場三小時車程的北海岸, 進行“海豚之旅”時, 就和一對兒福建省的年輕夫婦共用了一條小船。

China Daily reported in May that Indonesian Tourism Minister Arief Yahya has declared Bali the nation’s pilot project to ensure a comfortable holiday trip for Chinese visitors, particularly in security and safety. That sounds smart.

《中國日報》今年五月報導, 印尼旅遊部長阿裡夫(Arief Yahya)宣佈將在巴厘島實施國家旅遊業試點項目, 將特別注意安保方面的工作, 為中國旅客們提供舒適的度假旅行體驗。 這是個明智之舉。

Indonesia appears to be eyeing the tourist trade of Thailand, which welcomed 8.7 million Chinese visitors last year, a 10.3 percent increase from 2015, Singapore-based Today reported.


據新加坡《今日》(Today)報報導, 去年泰國總共接待了870萬中國旅客, 這一資料較2015年同比增長了10.3%。

Yet, Thailand also offers some lessons for Indonesia, particularly for Bali, and for tourists themselves. The Thai and Chinese governments have been working together to crack down on cheap, "zero-dollar" tours.

但與此同時泰國旅遊業也提供了一些前車之鑒, 不僅以巴厘島為主的印尼旅遊業需要吸收這些教訓, 遊客們自身也要注意。 中泰兩國政府已通力合作許久試圖取締所謂低價、免費的旅行服務。

Chart Chantanaprayura, president of the Professional Tourist Guide Association of Thailand, was quoted by Today as saying that travelers who take these tours pay an initial low price for these packages, but often find they are forced to pay exorbitant prices for food, tours and accommodations once they arrive.

在《今日》的報導中, 泰國專業導遊總會(he Professional Tourist Guide Association of Thailand)主席乍魯蓬(Chart Chantanaprayura)表示, 旅客們一開始可以低價報名旅遊團, 但往往到達旅遊地後才會發現要被迫為飲食、旅行以及住宿支付高昂的價格。

These tours can be dangerous for the tourists, who sometimes find themselves literally put off the bus if they refuse to cooperate with operators' demands, and damaging to Thailand’s reputation as well as its tourism income, since little of the money spent stays in Thailand. The association blames unauthorized Chinese tour companies and says that while the phenomenon has been reduced, it continues.

這種旅行對於遊客們自身可能構成危險, 因為如果拒絕配合旅遊團經營方的要求, 有時他們可能會被直接趕下乘坐的巴士。 同時這對於泰國旅遊業的名聲以及收入也有負面作用, 因為旅客們的花費其實幾乎並不會進入泰國一方的口袋。 泰國專業導遊總會就此譴責違規經營的中國旅行公司, 並表示這一現象雖然已經減少, 但仍在繼續。

Hospitality consultant Horwath HTL says there is a danger that some tour operators in Bali may look upon the crackdown as an opportunity to fill rooms, the Business Review reported. If care is not taken, it's not hard to imagine the same kinds of problems starting to pop up there, too, hurting Bali and disillusioning visitors.

在《澳大利亞商業評論》的報導中, 酒店諮詢公司浩華管理顧問集團公司(Horwath HTL)方面表示,

目前巴厘島旅遊業中潛藏著威脅, 一些旅遊業經營者們正指望著取締活動可以為自己帶來收益。 如果不小心處理, 不難想像類似的問題將在巴厘島也出現。 這將會損害其旅遊業, 同時破壞旅客們旅行的美好心情。

Bali’s infrastructure – roads, sewer, water service – is limited and its attractions, while beautiful, are fragile.

巴厘島的基礎設施, 例如道路、下水道、供水設施等, 目前還不夠完善, 而其曠人心脾的自然風光, 卻又十分容易遭到破壞。

Bali hopefully will remain an affordable destination, and not just a playground for the well-off. But all this does show the need for authorities to cooperate closely in regulating tourism operators so that Bali remains the “land of smiles”, ensuring long-term benefit to the Balinese and wonderful vacations for their visitors.

巴厘島有望繼續以一個大眾都負擔的起的旅行地點, 而不僅僅是富人們的遊樂場而存在。 但這一切需要中泰兩國政府密切配合規範旅遊行業, 兼顧巴厘島當地的長遠利益與旅客們輕鬆度假的需求, 讓巴厘島作為“微笑之地”永存。


About the author & broadcaster

Matt Prichard is a copy editor and writer who works on the front page team of China Daily. He has lived in China for more than five years, in Shanghai and Beijing. Before that, he had a 30-year career as a reporter and editor in the United States and Latin America. He has an ABJ from the University of Georgia and did postgraduate work at the Universidad Nacional del Sur in Argentina. He speaks Spanish fluently and is still learning Mandarin.

Matt Prichard is a copy editor and writer who works on the front page team of China Daily. He has lived in China for more than five years, in Shanghai and Beijing. Before that, he had a 30-year career as a reporter and editor in the United States and Latin America. He has an ABJ from the University of Georgia and did postgraduate work at the Universidad Nacional del Sur in Argentina. He speaks Spanish fluently and is still learning Mandarin.

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