

國際兒園過落地窗灑在孩子們活潑的影上。昊羽Parking his electric scooter nearby, observed the commotion at the entrance.

The crowd was bustling with affluent women ushering their children into the care of the teachers. These women, soon to be his most loyal customers, were the ones he would be counting on.

Not far from him, Lin Xiaomeng was bustling about, her eyes catching his as she smiled.昊羽 did not approach; instead, he smiled back, adopting a patient strategy. He was waiting for Lin Xiaomeng to reach out to him first.

Two days of experimentation had led him to believe that Lin Xiaomeng was now heavily reliant on his medicated patches. What he needed to wait for was for her abdomen to hurt once more. However, he was also worried that her period had already ended.

“Xiaoyuncai, have you memorized the task I gave you?” he asked.

Xiaoyuncai nodded eagerly. “Don’t worry, Dad, for the love of KFC, I will perform the task perfectly.”

“Okay, remember to build a team and make sure every child gets a card.”

“Yes, I know, Dad!”

“And tell these children that they must show the paper to their mothers!”

“Yes, Dad! I guarantee I will complete the task!”

Xiaoyuncai saluted with a very unstandard military ceremony.

昊羽 solemnly returned the salute, waving his hand. “Go, my little beast!”

“Yes, Sir!”

Xiaoyuncai strode confidently towards Lin teacher with an air of determination.

昊羽 nodded with satisfaction, mounted his electric scooter, and rode off towards the full American mall.

Wang Dafu had promised quickly yesterday, and昊羽 couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

At the full American mall, he found the security guard he had beaten up the other day.

“Is Manager Wang here?”

“Yes, yes, Brother Chen, come with me~”

昊羽 was startled; he had forgotten how long it had been since anyone had treated him with such deference.

The guard’s name was Zhang Xiaohu, not much older than 18 or 19. He was a lively-looking guy with a sweet mouth, always greeting with “Brother” here and there.

昊羽 had a strong impression of him.

Entering the manager’s office, Wang Dafu was dozing off. His fatigue revealed that he had been involved in a battle the night before.

“Manager Wang, Brother Chen is here to see you.”

Wang Dafu opened his bleary eyes, saw the person, and became incredibly welcoming.

李翔宇, sensing the mood, quickly left.

Wang Dafu invited昊羽 to a sofa, pouring him tea and water with great politeness.

昊羽 sipped the tea and spoke directly.

“Manager Wang, have you dealt with my matter yet?”

Wang Dafu laughed awkwardly. “Ah~ My bad, I must have forgotten.”

昊羽’s face fell.

This fat guy, it seemed, was ready to throw him under the bus once he had his meal ticket.

“How can you, Wang Dafu, be such a person?”

Wang Dafu laughed awkwardly. “Brother Chen, what sort of person do you think I am?”

昊羽 didn’t say a word; he took a sip of tea, stood up, and was about to leave.

Wang Dafu was overjoyed.

He was young, impetuous, and acted on a whim.

Before leaving,昊羽 casually mumbled as if by mistake.

“Well, it seems like my virility pill isn’t selling very well anymore.”

Virility pill?

Wang Dafu’s eyes lit up instantly.

The name alone suggested what it was for.

What do men fear the most?

Of course, not being manly enough.

昊羽’s medicated patches had miraculous effects, something Wang Dafu had seen firsthand.

He was sure that this virility pill would also have extraordinary effects!

He hurriedly grabbed昊羽 and said with a smile.

“Brother Chen, don’t rush to leave. How about having a meal together?”

“No, I have to go and make some advertisements and slogans.”

“No need, Brother Chen, I can take care of these small matters~”

“Manager Wang is a busy person. Oh, by the way, remember to pay me back those twenty thousand!”

昊羽 insisted on leaving, and Wang Dafu could not hold him back.

As昊羽’s back disappeared into the distance, Wang Dafu decided he needed to show some sincerity.

He held onto the twenty thousand in his phone, deciding to keep it temporarily.

As long as he spent that money, why would昊羽 not come looking for him again?

And when昊羽 comes next time, huff, he would meet the most eye-catching advertisements!

He hurriedly arranged for the planning department to handle the matter, with one requirement: it must be outstanding!

At the front of the full American mall,昊羽 was chatting with the security guard, Zhang Xiaohu.

李翔宇 came from the countryside and lived a hard life. His mother was on the bed, and his father took care of her. As the only child, he had to shoulder the responsibility of supporting the family early on. Unfortunately, he didn’t have much education and was destined to not make much money. He had been working as a security guard all this time.

After understanding 李翔宇’s situation, Wang Dafu specially arranged for him to become a team leader, with a salary a thousand yuan higher than that of ordinary security guards.

李翔宇 was a grateful person who would follow Wang Dafu’s orders and even dare to face danger, no matter how difficult.

This is why he was the one昊羽 messed up the worst that day.

“Brother Chen, are you talking to me because you have something else on your mind?”

李翔宇 was not uneducated; he was not dumb.昊羽 liked his lively nature.

He had taken 李翔宇’s contact information without saying much and left on the electric scooter.

李翔宇 was confused.

He had planned to learn the art of divination from辰大師.

He was just a small security guard and didn’t even have a girlfriend.

At this age of vigorous blood, he also needed his needs in that regard.

On the other side, at the international kindergarten, it was a time for children to be free.

Xiaoyuncai called three little boys over: Junjun, Hao Hao, and Jiajia.

These three little boys were her loyal followers, always聽話 to her.

“What’s up, Xia sister?”

Xiaoyuncai sat casually on a small desk, her face stern, her brows furrowed. It was just like her mother.

Exactly, she was learning her mother’s aura.

The name she called her mother, Luo Rou, was very powerful, so she had made the three little boys call her that. She thought it was very impressive.

“Go and get Lele for me!”

“Yes, Xia sister!”

The three little boys, Junjun, Hao Hao, and Jiajia, strode towards Lele, determined in their steps.

Lele, after experiencing last time’s psychological trauma, was extremely afraid of the three of them.

“You guys, what do you want? My dad is a special forces soldier!”

Jiajia was the tallest, much taller than Lele by half a head. To be a loyal follower of Xiaoyuncai, he had watched a lot of gangster movies. Although he couldn’t emulate the aura, he could at least learn the mannerisms. He strutted around with an air of confidence, looking down his nose at Lele and patting his shoulder. In a low voice, he said in a stuffy tone, “Xia sister called you!”

Lele turned pale, his chin trembling in fear.

Junjun was a little fatty, a genuine little fatty. Unfortunately, he was not very tall, half a head shorter than Lele. Seeing Lele refuse, he lost his courage and said with his head held high, “Xia sister called you, you dares to not go? Are you itching for it?”

It turned out that this little fatty had also watched a lot of gangster movies.

Hao Hao wore glasses, looking like a little intellectual. His height was almost the same as Lele’s. He pushed up his glasses, looking at Lele closely.

“Lele, behave, quickly go over there!”

The three little guys were all influenced by gangster movies.

Seeing the three of them coming, Lele, with his back against the wall, surrendered in defeat.

The four of them arrived in front of Xiaoyuncai after a few steps.

Jiajia said loudly, “Kneel down!”

Lele, who was already scared of Xiaoyuncai, did so without hesitation.

Xiaoyuncai sat like a queen on the desk, her tone angry.

“Lele, why didn’t you get the paper? Do you not take Xia sister me seriously?”

Lele protests, feeling aggrieved.

“What paper? No one gave me anything?”

Xiaoyuncai was startled, looking at Hao Hao.

Hao Hao looked at Junjun, asking, “Did you not give it?”

Junjun looked back at Jiajia, “Did you not give it to me, Jiajia?”

Jiajia scratched his head awkwardly, “Lele is an opponent, I forgot~”

Lele: ……

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