“是啊, his wallet harder to get, he also can't add others' WeChat.” Jiang Yinyue elaborates vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry. “
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, cleaned her mouth with a napkin, reminded “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “Why do you not react at all? It looks as if you have no interest in him.”
“The rumors can’t be true, we don’t know each other.” Li Qingfen said.
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “You know, he’s so handsome. If the one who wants to add WeChat is him, I certainly wouldn’t refuse.”
Li Qingfen bent her lips: “But he is Zhou Shisi, he is so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen drank the vegetable juice, continued to ask: “What else?”
“Girls in public asked him for WeChat, he never gave it. He didn’t care about face. The classmates pushed it to others, and he didn’t accept it either.”
Li Qingfen raised her lips: “What else?”
“There was a girl who confessed to him in front of his dormitory in winter. She waited for two hours, but he didn’t care. When he came out, he coldly told the girl to go back.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, his WeChat is hard to get, and he can’t add others’ WeChat to others.” Jiang Yinyue elaborates vividly: “Before, there was a major who said that Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen drank the vegetable juice, continued to ask: “What else?”
“Girls in public asked him for WeChat, he never gave it. He didn’t care about face. The classmates pushed it to others, and he didn’t accept it either.”
Li Qingfen raised her lips: “What else?”
“There was a girl who confessed to him in front of his dormitory in winter. She waited for two hours, but he didn’t care. When he came out, he coldly told the girl to go back.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
前世我拋夫棄子,在死後才知道,顧驍戰愛她愛得發了瘋。 重活一世,她要抱緊顧爺的大長腿,給他生二胎。
8.33 552466錦鯉逆襲
8.18 448557伊伊月落
我躲在馬車下,聽著夫君與別人密謀,又聽到他大聲說要婚後將我殺死,然後抬他為妻。我沒有拆穿他,而是拿走了他倆的衣服,淡定地回到了城裏。 然後,我來到一處雜耍班,借來老闆的鑼,敲了幾聲,將百姓的注意力吸引到我身上。我謊稱是九皇子的隨從,因為車輪損壞、巨馬丟失,現在出重金找人幫忙抬車。說著,我一揚手,手中的銅板撒落滿地,同時承諾將馬車抬到玉階,每人可得二兩銀子。 於是,一群人浩浩蕩蕩地朝著城外山路上的馬車而去。
8 11007如意醉酒
我是全盛京最嬌貴的女郎,自小與皇后母家的嫡長子定親,又有府中大房長兄和成王府的表哥護著,過得是自在快活。可那樹姐的出現卻打破了這一切。我原以為只是府裏多了個不喜歡的人,可誰想到,樹姐搶走了阿兄的疼愛,搶走了表哥的注目,搶走了我青梅竹馬的未婚夫婿。而我卻毀了容貌殘了腿,被困在那暗無天日的廢院裏,猶如蛆蟲苟延殘喘,最後還被人活活勒死。 一睜眼,我回到15歲時。這一年,樹姐剛入府裏,就因身世淒苦惹得阿兄偏愛憐惜。樹姐一掉眼淚,就勾得自小寵我的表哥,青梅竹馬的未婚夫將樹姐捧在手心裏。本是我至親的三人,將我拋在了荒無人煙的林子裏,讓我跌落懸崖,斷腿毀容。老天既然讓我重生歸來,那我必不辜負。冷漠偏心的兄長、愛慕白蓮的表哥、三心二意的未婚夫,通通都不要了。 回過神,我死死咬牙想要爬上去,可身子一動便朝下滑落。我滿是絕望,才剛回來,難道又要死了?
8.18 30870溫婉轉身
8.33 18252圓圓好孕
為身子乾淨,我被錦衣衛指揮使玩了一整夜。昏暗的房間內充斥著甜蜜蜜的熏香,精緻的架子床發出一陣一陣有節奏的晃動。粉色帷幔下,隱隱看見裏面一雙交疊的身影。 身體撕扯般的疼痛讓我忍不住驚叫出聲,而上方的男人絲毫沒有因為我的叫聲而停下,反而如一只成年矯健的豹子更加兇猛。直到許久過後,雲霄雨歇,這時門外忽然響起輕微的敲門聲,一道刻意壓低的聲音傳來: “大人弄錯人了。”
8.18 14724