rooms, the candlelight flickered, casting shadows on Shang Xueyan's pale face. Shang Yiluan's voice echoed through the silent room, filled with a sense of bitterness and helplessness.
"Mu Ruan..." Shang Xueyan's voice trembled slightly as she looked at Shang Yiluan, disbelief shrouding her features.
"Yes, it's Mu Ruan. Ten years ago, he plotted everything—the disappearance of my father, the downfall of our family, all his doing." Shang Yiluan's voice was tinged with bitterness, "He used his talent and cunning to weave a perfect illusion, making it seem as if he was merely a fallen prince at the mercy of fate."
Shang Xueyan's mind replayed the image of Mu Ruan, the debonair, talented young man, and she found it hard to believe that he could be such a cunning manipulator. Her heart was filled with doubt, along with a sense of fear she couldn't pinpoint.
"Why him?" Shang Xueyan's voice was tinged with anger as she tried to get an answer from Shang Yiluan.
"Currently, I'm not sure, but I know that behind Langya Ge, there must be his shadow." Shang Yiluan's analysis made Shang Xueyan thoughtful, "His purpose could be more grand than we imagine."
Shang Xueyan fell silent, knowing that they had fallen into the depths of this conspiracy, and what they faced might be an unprecedented crisis.
"Why does he target Jin Luopu?" Shang Xueyan's voice was filled with indignation, "He could have targeted anyone of us."
"Maybe, Jin Luopu is just one part of his plan." Shang Yiluan's analysis made Shang Xueyan contemplative, "His purpose could be more ambitious than we thought."
Shang Xueyan fell silent. She knew that they had fallen into the depths of this conspiracy, and what they faced might be an unprecedented crisis.
"Send him away as soon as possible. You can hide it for a while, but not forever." Shang Yiluan's words echoed like a bell of warning, awakening Shang Xueyan's alertness.
"He doesn't want to leave, and I have no way to force him." Shang Yiluan gazed out the window, his eyes filled with exhaustion, "And I can't be without him."
"Why?" Shang Xueyan's heart palpitated. She knew that this question was crucial.
"Ten years ago, I found my father." Shang Yiluan's voice carried a trace of excitement.
Shang Xueyan's expression tightened instantaneously. She knew that this revelation was significant. The disappearance of Shang Qinghan had been a mystery, one that had left no trace. How could she have not known that he had been found ten years ago?
"Why, if you found him ten years ago, didn't you tell me sooner? Why choose this moment to tell me?" Shang Xueyan's question was filled with disbelief and confusion.
8 52650蓄意引诱
8.33 279686尖寵毒妃
8.18 24363圓圓國舅
在路邊撿了一個受重傷的美男子,這俊美的長相,讓我決定要跟他生個孩子。但是我又不想對他負責,因為我知道男人永遠都靠不住,他們唯一的用處就是幫我懷上孩子。 曾想天助我也,美男子不但長得俊美,還因受重傷導致短暫失明了。瞎子好啊,這樣他不知道我長什麼樣,棄他之後不用擔心他回來糾纏。然而沒想到,俊美男子是當朝國舅皇后的親弟弟宋連州。
8.18 10624瘋批嬌妻
南若煙在路邊救下個男人,卻被男人強迫發生關係,氣不過,事後捅他一刀! 給男人點教訓,以為從此不會再見麵,結果男人竟是未婚夫的小叔叔! 古國讓人聞風喪膽的瘋批大佬!
8.18 5358意濃如歌
劇組在香港高檔半山別墅取景,中途休息后,回程時我迷路了,不小心錯敲了一扇門。 電影圈最年輕的傳奇程如歌就站在里頭,他眼角燒紅,一張驚艷絕倫的臉輕輕瞥著我。 我像是被蠱惑了一般,一不留神,就被他拖了進去。
8.18 6074