許雅涵淺笑出聲, ended the conversation with a light chuckle. After hanging up the phone, she logged into her second Weibo account and scrolled through the microblogging platform.
As Zhuo Wenqian had mentioned, the fans who were fans of their romantic pairing had once again uncovered a new moment between her and Zhou Yan. They were celebrating this find in the fan group.
She had worn a white tulle dress today for the event, and Zhou Yan had once publicly stated that his favorite color was white. In fact, he had a personal reason for that. He favored the sight of Xu Zhiyi in white.
Today, Xu Zhiyi's every smile and frown during the event was captured by the lens. Fans had edited the photos, placing them side by side with a photo of Zhou Yan wearing a black suit at a previous event. They posted the collection on Weibo, captioned it with a playful nine-panel layout, starting the latest round of speculations.
In addition to that, there was a new short video.
Xu Zhiyi opened it and found it was a compilation of their impromptu encounters during different events they had participated in.
The two stood on the stage amidst the sea of people, surrounded by adoring fans, the Weibo post read: "Melodious applause, a touch across the distance."
She couldn't help but press play.
As soon as it started, the screen was filled with fan comments.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!! Here it comes!!"
"Wu wu wu... They are shining in their respective realms, laying claim to the world."
"I can digest this again."
"Wu wu wu... It's been too long since we had their sweetness. Finally, something new."
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!! The Black Knight and the White Swan, forever divine!!"
Every time a new video came out, the fan group was swarmed with activity.
There was no specific reason other than the fact that there wasn't much to chew on when it came to their pairing. They had limited business activities and interactions at events, so the recent red-carpet glance had been like a oasis in the desert for the fans who believed in their romance.
For the moment, the fan group was a buzz with excitement.
Xu Zhiyi watched the video and then scrolled down. She stumbled upon a comment that had been liked and retweeted thousands of times.
Xu Zhiyi had seen it the first time last year; this was a revisit.
The video compilation was filled with their interactions from a few years back.
It was at the premiere of their first movie when the fans noticed the hints.
At the premiere, Zhou Yan and Xu Zhiyi stood side by side. They were a striking contrast of black and white, the so-called Black Knight and White Swan. Their presence, height difference, and even their appearances all screamed the word 'matching'.
This was Xu Zhiyi's first time attending such a large event, and it was also for her first movie. She was quite nervous.
When the journalists asked questions, she was able to answer those she could, but for the rest, Zhou Yan came to her rescue.
He was an experienced hand at dealing with media, but seeing Xu Zhiyi being grilled by the questions, he couldn't help but feel concerned. His eyes betrayed his emotions as he noticed her nerves. The occasional shared glances between them, his reassurances, and her seeking help with her eyes wide with tension were all caught on camera and by the media.
From the past to the present, they had never shown any intimate interactions, yet the fleeting emotions in their eyes were enough to captivate anyone's heart.
They were real.
They had to be.
This was the unwavering belief of all the fans who were in on their secret.
And because of the hints they had shared in the past, the fans who believed in their romance had never left despite the lack of sweetness in recent years.
The fans were certain that if they just waited, they would eventually get to taste their sweetness.
After watching the video, Xu Zhiyi lay back on the sofa and zoned out for a while.
During her moment of daydream, her phone vibrated with a message from Sheng Tan.
Sheng Tan: "Is Zhou Yan at the event to see you?"
Xu Zhiyi: "?"
Sheng Tan: "Answer me first."
For some reason, Xu Zhiyi's heart raced with anticipation. She looked down and replied in a quiet voice: "Caught on camera?"
Sheng Tan: "Raaaaaarely!!! You and him are too sweet for words."
Xu Zhiyi: "..."
Sheng Tan: "Not caught on camera, but there are fans who are analyzing your expressions."
With the message, he had also sent her a link.
Xu Zhiyi opened it and found it was a fan-made video analyzing her micro-expressions during the event today.
In the video, Xu Zhiyi had looked in one direction several times, and each time, her eyes flickered before her lips curled upwards.
As soon as the analysis video came out, the fans went wild, flooding it with likes and retweets.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!! So there was Zhou Yan at the event watching you, was there?"
"Won't they be killed by sweetness?"
"Latest news! An insider料 that Zhou Yan really came back to Beicheng today. He had been filming in Lü Province but the crew was moving to Yan Gang. Everyone knows that Lü Province is close to Yan Gang, there's no need for a flight change. And Zhou Yan doesn't have any business activities in Beicheng, so why would he come back to the city?"
"Wu wu wu... Can't the sneaky sweetness be delicious too?"
"Ah, I'm curious. Zhou Yan landed in Beicheng at two, and it takes an hour to get from the airport to the mall where Xu Zhiyi's event is. That means he must have arrived around three in the afternoon, an hour before the event started. The event ended at four, and Zhou Yan left on a plane at six. After accounting for travel and boarding time, he had at most thirty minutes if he saw Xu Zhiyi."
"Ah, what do you think? Is thirty minutes enough?"
"Ask @Xu Zhiyi."
"@Xu Zhiyi wife, give us an answer, please. We want to know."
"Shouting 'wife' is not appropriate. Zhou Yan's wife @Xu Zhiyi answer us, please."
Seeing this, Xu Zhiyi silently exited Weibo.
The fans were full of insinuations, and she refused to join them in such speculation.
"Hint: If you like this chapter, don't forget to bookmark the URL or recommend it to friends. Please, thank you~"
- 完結850 章
人人都傳我被八皇子退婚後瘋了。 原因無它,誰讓我大庭廣眾追著太子爺喊“你命不久矣”呢? 上京城人甲:驚!病秧子太子身嬌體弱,隨時會掛,這是你我能說的? 上京城人乙:噓!天下人都知道的事,也就傻子會說出來。 章青酒:咦?這有什麼不能說?我還說你爹會駕崩,我爹想謀反呢! 太子:也沒有什麼不能說,不過掉幾個腦袋的事情。 章青酒:奶奶的,脖子給你誰不砍誰孫子! 太子:散了吧,太子妃是個傻子,你們別和她一般見識。
8 33254 - 完結293 章
我以前隻覺得周晏京風流又薄幸,婚後才知道,他能有多無情。三年協議期滿,我留下婚戒,搬出婚房,將簽好字的離婚協議書寄到周晏京公司。 所有人都以為周晏京不愛我,離婚是板上釘釘的事。直到有人撞見……周晏京每天衣冠楚楚地來醫院排隊掛號,聲稱自己的視力最近出了點問題,指明要眼科診室最漂亮的林醫生給他做檢查。 我忍無可忍:“你裸眼視力5.2,沒有問題。” 周晏京眨眨眼睛,一臉無辜:“那怎麼回家看不到我太太?”我:“……”
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8.18 30778 - 完結247 章
所有人都知道,我有一個白月光。 我為他放棄跳舞,考了新聞系,苦追四年,相戀一年。大學畢業時,我滿懷希望地等待他向我求婚,卻等來了他和姐姐宣佈訂婚的消息。 我以為他清冷矜貴,只是沒有遇到真正的女主角。原來,他也會深情不渝,將姐姐視若珍寶。 我記得那天他淡淡地對我說:“青桃,你姐姐已經為你失去了雙腿,不能再失去我。她生命只有最後三個月,我會陪她,但我會娶你。” 在民政局門口等他時,他卻在醫院陪姐姐。那天本是我們準備領證的日子。 領證當日被放鴿子,下午還接到臨時加班任務,採訪金融圈新貴陳時嶼。倒楣的我,看著昔日的老同學意氣風發,在採訪最後一個問題時,我鬼使神差地問:“你還單身嗎?” 陳時嶼眉頭一挑,當著數十個閃光燈鏡頭,慢條斯理地說:“我就知道——你還是對我賊心不死。” 得知我領證的那一天,陳時嶼在酒吧靜坐了一夜。
8.18 17633 - 完結675 章
宋家走丟二十年的真千金,從鄉下接回來了,人人都在等著看她笑話。 父母心疼假千金。“月月比你懂事聰明千倍萬倍,我勸你不要癡心妄想,搶走我們對她的寵愛!”
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蘇染是蘇家最小的養女。卻因為父輩的恩怨被全城最尊貴,權勢滔天的男人厲驍寒帶回了家。 他寵她,愛她,給她全世界最好的,讓她成為了所有女人可望不可及的存在。卻不想……
8.18 16595