周墨軒 kisses the corner of her lips, leaving a lingering imprint of his presence behind. "That question," he murmurs against her skin, "I can't give you an answer. But—"
He leans in closer to meet her gaze, his eyes full of unspoken promises. "I can tell you."
"What?" she asks, her eyes fluttering with a hint of curiosity.
He kisses her softly, cupping her cheek in his palm. "I only want one beautiful woman, like you, to like me."
She smacks him playfully around the chest, nearly laughing. "Come on, Professor Zhou. Let's go."
"Don't?" he chuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Definitely," she nods, her gaze sharp. "You'll miss the flight if you don't go now."
The words were genuine. Zhou Yan knew them, and he kissed her softly on the forehead. "Stay乖at home, and be careful when you go out."
"Will do."
She nods, and with that, he leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
She sits on the sofa, a sigh escaping her lips as the scent of Zhou Yan's cologne begins to fade. It grows weaker and weaker until it is no more.
Half癱 on the couch, she lets out a long breath. What should one do when their boyfriend is too busy?
An hour later, Sheng Tan, the lonely wealthy star, comes over for a comfort hug.
Opening the door, she lets her in. As soon as she steps in, Sheng Tan dashes towards the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" she asks, her brow furrowed.
"I'm hungry for the food Professor Zhou made," she replies, pulling out a photo of the lavish feast許雅涵 had sent her.
Based on the photo, it was clear that these two, who were always conscious of their figures, would not be able to finish all the food.
"How did you not have lunch?" she asks, her voice laced with disbelief.
"I did," Sheng Tan answers, opening the fridge with practiced hands. "When you sent me that photo of the banquet, did you think your beloved little candy was fasting at home?"
To be honest, she hadn't thought of that.
She rubs her temples, glancing at Sheng Tan and asking, "Do you have your housekeeper home?"
"Yes, she does."
With a hollowed stomach, she pouts, "But I wanted to make a poor excuse for not eating the food my sister-in-law made."
"Why?" she asks, puzzled.
"Because I wanted to make my husband come back," she answers, a pout on her lips. "This is our little husband-and-wife game, you don't understand."
"And what's that?" she replies, her lips curving slightly.
"It's a normal husband-and-wife game," she says. "But my housekeeper has taken care of my husband for many years, and she won't be fired."
Perhaps, even if she were fired, they wouldn't part ways.
Thinking of this, Sheng Tan's heart aches for a moment before she mutters, "Besides, this is our little game, our little趣, you don't understand, do you?"
She's showing her weakness, hoping that this would bring her absent husband home.
She really doesn't understand, as she is still an engaged beauty.
They bicker for a while longer, Sheng Tan imparting her newfound knowledge of "husband-and-wife趣" to her, urging her to learn these tricks for when she applies them to Zhou Yan.
Men like women who act cute, and Zhou Yan would be no exception, she reasons.
Yu Yi listens with one ear while feigning understanding.
"Should I reheat your food?"
She asks, breaking the silence.
"Yes," she replies, dozing off slightly.
After eating and drinking, they both collapse on the sofa, playing with their phones.
She yawns, feeling slightly drowsy.
"When did Professor Zhou leave?"
"An hour before you got here," Yu Yi answers, glancing at her.
"Should we go shopping?" she asks, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Too hot," Yu Yi replies, turning her gaze to the window and watching the bright sun outside.
"It is hot," she agrees, lying back on the sofa. "How about we cool off at home?"
Yu Yi nods, going to fetch the remote. Just as she's about to change the channel, Sheng Tan opens her eyes and looks around. "Let's watch a male idol talent show."
"I'll call your husband right now," Yu Yi threatens.
"Perfect," she chirps, her eyes twinkling with delight.
As she speaks, Yu Yi picks up the remote and switches to a female idol talent show. Sheng Tan's eyes widen. "Let's watch a male idol's."
"I'll call your husband right now," Yu Yi threatens again.
"I'll call your husband right now," she repeats with a smirk, "to tell him about this."
The two of them settle down in the living room, watching the show. halfway through, they exchange glances and laugh.
The hours pass, and soon they're both on the couch, snuggled together, their phones resting on their laps. Sheng Tan yawns, feeling sleepy.
"Professor Zhou left an hour before you got here," she murmurs.
Yu Yi glances at her, "Did you miss him?"
"Sometimes," she admits softly.
They fall silent, the room filled with the sound of the TV and the gentle rustling of pages from their phones.
In the end, they drift off to sleep, their laughter echoing softly in the empty house.
- 完結180 章
夫君的白月光今日就要嫁進來。大家都以為我會強裝大度,不料我直接命人收拾自己的嫁妝跑路。這個捂了一輩子都沒捂熱的人,我不要了。 朝陽殿下竟然入了府,雖是二嫁,也不能屈居人下做妾吧。我剛巧走到門口,聽到了最後一句話,心裏冷笑:“放心吧,我馬上就退位讓賢。”
7.83 12546 - 完結304 章
8.18 23346 - 完結328 章
第一次見面,我勾了他的頸強吻。第二次見面,我倒在他懷里強撩。沒有人知道,每個夜里,一代商場霸主寧家家主倦戀地吻著我低喃。“你是我的,永遠都是!” 后來——舞臺上,我一曲二胡驚艷全場; 法庭上,我以一敵六,力壓名律師大獲全勝; 宴會上,寧家誰都不敢招惹的神秘大佬,虔誠跪地吻著我的旗袍裙角。“惜惜,老公錯了,別生氣好不好?”
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小青梅仗著比我早出生 2 分半,從幼稚園就搶我老冰棍,邊吃邊得意地說:“老公,什麼好東西都得讓給老公。”就這樣,我們從小鬧到大,然後順利地結婚。
8.18 2714 - 完結411 章
我為了榮華富貴不擇手段,替母氣死原配,當夜就纏上了哥哥宋辭。 但他們不知道,為了贖罪,我甘愿低入塵埃,成為宋辭最厭惡的狗皮膏藥。
8.18 10933 - 完結51 章
8.18 1261