rivers, dividing the small town from the vast laboratory, served as a natural boundary.
While acquainting himself with the new surroundings, he was suddenly drawn by the sight of a girl.
Her eyes sparkled like stars from a fairy tale, her figure clad in a pure white dress, flowing hair cascading past her waist, exposing a delicate forearm. She gazed intently at the menu in the coffee shop, her expression strikingly reminiscent of a dancer from another world.
Sensing the tension in the air, Lu Ze stepped forward to help. The girl, with a voice as sweet as honey, ordered a "medium" Mocha. The confusion between the shopkeeper and the girl was comical, and Lu Ze couldn't help but chuckle.
"That's not a medium, that's a large Mocha," the shopkeeper corrected her. The girl, with a puzzled expression, was about to retort when Lu Ze intervened.
"Here, have this large Mocha with extra sugar and milk," he said, handing her the coffee.
Introducing himself as Lu Ze, he learned that she was Lucie希爾,a fellow student under Professor Hassen. They shared a brief chat about her, her experiences, and her views on the lab's guidance system.
Despite her stunning appearance, Lucie seemed to possess an inner beauty that was refreshing. Her lack of pretense and her willingness to treat everyone equally made her stand out among her peers.
"By the way, Lucie, you're not too far from me. I thought you were also from China," Lu Ze said, a hint of surprise in his voice.
Lucie laughed, "I've become used to it. People often mistake me for a Chinese when they see me. I've been like this since I was a child."
Her words triggered a memory of Lu Ze's own experiences in Duke University, where racial prejudice was still deeply rooted.
Lucie noticed his concern and said, "But what about Professor Hassen? He's not exactly the best choice if you're aiming for a successful career in science."
Lu Ze nodded, his expression somber. "That's true. I've barely had a chance to get close to any high-tech equipment."
Lucie let out a sigh. "Why do you want to study with him? His research is not exactly groundbreaking."
"It's not about his research; I just want to touch, to feel high-tech equipment in my hands," Lu Ze replied. "Even if it's just for a few seconds."
"To see what you see, to touch what you touch, it's not hard at all," Lucie said with a strange expression.
"Is it not?" Lu Ze exclaimed, feeling a chill run down his spine.
"It's easy," Lucie repeated, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
(Appeal for collections and continuous reading!) (Chapter end)
你本是個學霸,卻無緣參加高考。只因你的家人太奇葩,臨近高考居然報警把你抓進去判刑,就因為一臺手機和一條手鏈。你那親姐姐甚至還叫囂著要給你判重刑。 現在你走出了看守所,眼睛裏滿是瘋狂的怒火。你在路邊找到一塊趁手的磚頭,斷人前途如毀人一生,張家我要你們全部人血債血償。你陰沉著臉,朝著張家的方向走去。 上一世,張家先是毀了你的高考,然後又逼迫你做人質,換回被綁匪綁架的張浩。即使綁匪當著他們張家人的面,一根又一根地切掉你的手指和肉,他們也無動於衷,並且還當著你的面跟劫匪說,他們只有張浩這麼一個人,你的生死與他們無關。被親生父母如此對待,真的比殺人誅心還讓你憤怒。
8.18 5507山有仙人
你在石窟下的休眠艙中沉睡了不知多少年月。當你醒來時,卻發現曾經的高樓大廈已不復存在,代替的是一座座古代的村莊。 石窟裏,你坐在一個本是擺放神像的位置,手裏拿著播放天氣預報的收音機,靜靜地欣賞著如今世界的江邊美景。
8.18 2000絕品神算
8.18 3776楓葉軍工
鷹將秘密研發的液壓彈無人機,竟囂張地闖入龍國領空。 只因其機身採用全新研發的隱身塗層,一時間,龍國防空雷達竟然無法監測其行蹤。 可當鷹將高層提前開香檳慶祝時,龍國的一個航模展上,一架戰機航模卻意外地飛上了天空,並以每秒 15 馬赫的速度,快速向著敵方戰機駛去。
8.18 4261北極天驕
10 萬年前,他為了給妹妹尋找救命藥草,來到這蒼玄山脈的境地,卻沒想到誤入禁區,被困了整整 10 萬年。好在神秘禁區裏面的天才地寶不計其數,隕落的制勝境以及地尊境強者多如牛毛。於是,他借助地上遺留的功法和至寶丹藥,終於將自己的修為修煉到了一個他人無可企及的地步。這才一拳打碎了禁區空間,成功出來。
8.18 4933龍騎至尊
70 歲的將軍剛剛衛國戰死沙場,不料府邸卻被 10 萬禁衛軍層層包圍,女帝更是連下 72 道聖旨,要毒死我這個唯一的將軍嫡子。
8.18 13659