rivers, dividing the small town from the vast laboratory, served as a natural boundary.
While acquainting himself with the new surroundings, he was suddenly drawn by the sight of a girl.
Her eyes sparkled like stars from a fairy tale, her figure clad in a pure white dress, flowing hair cascading past her waist, exposing a delicate forearm. She gazed intently at the menu in the coffee shop, her expression strikingly reminiscent of a dancer from another world.
Sensing the tension in the air, Lu Ze stepped forward to help. The girl, with a voice as sweet as honey, ordered a "medium" Mocha. The confusion between the shopkeeper and the girl was comical, and Lu Ze couldn't help but chuckle.
"That's not a medium, that's a large Mocha," the shopkeeper corrected her. The girl, with a puzzled expression, was about to retort when Lu Ze intervened.
"Here, have this large Mocha with extra sugar and milk," he said, handing her the coffee.
Introducing himself as Lu Ze, he learned that she was Lucie希爾,a fellow student under Professor Hassen. They shared a brief chat about her, her experiences, and her views on the lab's guidance system.
Despite her stunning appearance, Lucie seemed to possess an inner beauty that was refreshing. Her lack of pretense and her willingness to treat everyone equally made her stand out among her peers.
"By the way, Lucie, you're not too far from me. I thought you were also from China," Lu Ze said, a hint of surprise in his voice.
Lucie laughed, "I've become used to it. People often mistake me for a Chinese when they see me. I've been like this since I was a child."
Her words triggered a memory of Lu Ze's own experiences in Duke University, where racial prejudice was still deeply rooted.
Lucie noticed his concern and said, "But what about Professor Hassen? He's not exactly the best choice if you're aiming for a successful career in science."
Lu Ze nodded, his expression somber. "That's true. I've barely had a chance to get close to any high-tech equipment."
Lucie let out a sigh. "Why do you want to study with him? His research is not exactly groundbreaking."
"It's not about his research; I just want to touch, to feel high-tech equipment in my hands," Lu Ze replied. "Even if it's just for a few seconds."
"To see what you see, to touch what you touch, it's not hard at all," Lucie said with a strange expression.
"Is it not?" Lu Ze exclaimed, feeling a chill run down his spine.
"It's easy," Lucie repeated, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
(Appeal for collections and continuous reading!) (Chapter end)
對未婚妻的強勢退婚,我剛想喊出:“莫欺少年窮!”卻突然閉上了嘴。原主是他的舔狗,關我穿越者什麼事? 反應過來的我當場廢掉女主修為,殺其僕從,滅其家族。這副身體的原主乃是先帝之子,為了躲避與另一位先帝的女兒聯姻,這才偷偷逃到下界。卻在下界遇見女主江心兒後一見鍾情。此後10年間,便是各種鐵給江家送了無數天才地寶,才換來一紙婚約。江心兒借助這些天才地寶改變了體質,這才得以拜入修仙門派太乙仙宗,直接麻雀變鳳凰。 現在覺得原主配不上他了,前來退婚。“好傢伙,仙帝之女,你不要跑到下界來舔一個凡間女子。” 此時門外一道聲音響起:“林峰哥哥,不好了,那江欣兒跑來退婚了!”
8.18 6772貧血勇士
你只是因貧血暈倒在作業本上,你的至親家人卻說你不想學習睡著了。不但把你拍下來發到了班級群裏,甚至用皮帶對著你的後背就是一頓猛揍。看著你後背衣服滲出來的鮮血,父親葉建成也有點猶豫,是不是下手太嚴重,但還是嘴硬說道:“逆子,真不應該把你帶回來。” 這時,家裏的人們也都湊了過來。他們看到你身上觸目驚心的傷口,都在心裏吸了口涼氣。身上火辣辣的疼,小手指更是疼得厲害,可能已經斷了。可是心裏的疼痛遠比身上的要嚴重得多。 你抹了一把嘴角的鮮血,忍著劇痛站了起來,揚了揚斷了的小手指:“生而未養,斷指可還。今天我葉晨就和你們斷絕關係,從此橋歸橋,路歸路,我們再無瓜葛。”
8.18 7593微醺呆妹
8.18 1950影門大神
8.18 28318天策法令
8.18 6702嘟嘟惡少
你當著全校同學的面讓校花還錢,不僅對她進行各種恐嚇,還說不還錢就搞你爸媽的早餐店。周圍的同學不僅不罵你,反而紛紛指責校花為什麼不還錢。只因在你表白校花被拒 1000 次後,突然發現,你竟是都市爽文裏的反派大少。
8.18 8493