淩一, Though a mere sophomore, stood unfazed, his chin held high in defiance. “You're overstepping your bounds, Book逸. How dare you demand such absurdity? Are you asking me to fight you, man-to-man? Do you dare?” His voice was filled with a defiance that belied his youth.
Before the words could fully register, a sharp slap came from nowhere, striking Book逸's cheek. The sound echoed through the air, and everyone present gasped in shock, turning their heads to see淩一, his face blank, a smug smile playing on his lips.
"I've never heard such an absurd demand. Its gratification was a mere formality,"淩一 declared, turning to the onlookers with an innocent expression.
Laughter bubbled up from the crowd, a chorus of amusement and curiosity as they awaited the unfolding drama.
Book逸's companions, red with anger, glared daggers at淩一. “Know whose honor you've struck? You've insulted Master Zhangyu!”
The young man growled, his eyes narrowing with fury. “ Strike a dog, and you have to consider the master’s feelings! Are you trying to provoke Master Zhangyu by wounding me?”
淩一 rolled his eyes, an exaggerated show of nonchalance. “I was in the乞幫, where I learned the art of beating dogs. It’s come in handy.”
“A bold brat with no sense of humility,” the man barked, anger flaring in his eyes.
The son of Zhangyu, a man of considerable strength, moved with a display of raw power, a ball of spiritual energy swirling around his hand, about to strike.
淩一, unbothered, slipped backward and deflected the blow, the spiritual energy1 bouncing off the wall behind him, leaving a smoking crater. “And that’s all you got?”
A smug smirk playing on his lips,淩一 summoned golden spiritual energy into existence, forming a golden staff in his hands. “Let me present you with a dogwhip.”
With a command, the staff shot out, aiming for Book逸. The latter, his eyes bloodshot from anger, did not retreat. His defensive shield was as solid as a mountain, and the golden staff struck it with a thud.
In a blink, Book逸 leaped forwards, his spiritual aura swirling with a force that pressed down on the very fabric of existence. “This is not the place for a fight, Book逸. Don't you know this is where the refinement ritual is taking place?”
Enter Liu Heling, with presence that commanded attention. She stepped in front of 淩一, her stance firm and unyielding.
Book逸's eyes widened, his face darkening as he turned to face her. He unleashed a blast of spiritual energy towards the flagpole nearby.
A crack and a snap later, the flagpole snapped in half, falling to the ground.
“Fighting in this area is forbidden. If you wish to challenge spiritual power, find another place. The refinement ritual is about to begin,” Liu Heling announced, her voice echoing through the square.
With a cold snort, Book逸 turned back to his spot, his gaze flickering with a menacing glint as he nodded at Liu Heling before retreating, his silhouetteented with the lingering anger of a defeated warrior.
Liu Heling turned to the assembly of students and said, “All, the materials are the same. The winner is the one who crafts the highest-level spiritual artifact. Begin!”
At her command, the refining ground shimmered with spiritual energy. Each student, deeply focused, manipulated spiritual power with precision, as molten rock bubbled within their cauldrons, absorbing precious stones, and the cauldrons glowed with an inner fire.
Suddenly, a blinding light burst out of one of the cauldrons, blinding the spectators.
Chen Song, a student from the Fanxiang School, showed no signs of .., with his skillful hands, the cauldron roared with life, as various materials were added, consumed by the flames, merging with the molten iron within.
“From the very beginning, listen to my command. In the contest of earth… emerge!”
With a series of incantations, the cauldron erupted, a surge of spiritual energy shooting out, reaching Chen Song.
Chen Song focused his spirit, the energy flowing from his palm into the spiritual surge, his figure growing more imposing.
“The Autumn Moon Dawn Bowl!”
With a roar, the spiritual surge faded, revealing the artifact within.
The artifact, a bronze-green bowl, rose on four dragon-shaped legs, atop which a dragon's head with an open mouth served as the opening. The dragon's teeth were sharp, its eyes gleaming with ferocity, leaving a chilling effect on all who beheld it.
Book逸's expression shifted to one of shock, his hands moving with a newfound urgency.
“I am cursed with such poor taste. Such a 'fake' could only be an imitation. My spiritual artifact, on the other hand, is far superior,” Book逸 sneered, revealing his own creation.
“Hmph, your little display of ignorance knows no bounds,” 淩一 interrupted, his arms crossed, a look of mock sorrow on his face.
“Your 'Great Spiritual Plate' is indeed a top-tier artifact, but this is a weapon, a tool of attack. It possesses a higher spiritual nature than your plate. You call this a fake? How can a fake carry the aura of the genuine article?”
Chen Song tossed his artifact into the air, the dragon's eyes flashing with a golden glow, the dragon's scales rippling up around the bowl's legs, and a sliver of dragon essence shot upwards, piercing through the sky, emitting a resounding吼聲.
The sky darkened, the wind howled, and the crowd felt a chill in their bones as they watched the spectacle.
“Is this a junior artifact? He's pierced through a thread of the dragon path!” Book逸's eyes widened with astonishment, his voice trembling as he spoke.
淩一 raised an eyebrow, casting a glance at the crowd before speaking. “So, who is the winner, I wonder?”
“I concede,” Book逸 replied, bowing deeply, his pride genuinely humbled.
Chen Song, with a casual nod, returned the gesture. “Your honor.”
The rest of the students had no words left, acknowledging their defeat with humble hearts.
“Another victory for Fanxiang School? The city wall, a man's face darkened with anger, his words filled with disdain.
“The Fanxiang School has been producing strong individuals in recent days. It is said that they have obtained guidance from a Lin teacher,” reported the man who had come to report.
“A roar of anger,” he snapped. “The Fanxiang School even has Zhangsong ascending to a level of eldritch power. This Lin teacher has the gall!”
In the midst of the controversy and the aura of competition, 淩一 and his companions stood firm, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.
我是世間唯一以魔道陣地的魔界至尊,卻因魔修殺戮深重,受到上蒼詛咒。在渡劫成仙時,遭受了比常人困難千百倍的雷劫,並且還有仙界賊人偷襲,想毀了我的成仙路,導致我最終死在恐仙劫之下,含恨而終。 可當我再次蘇醒時,竟發現自己重生在一個雙目失明的幼子身上。在短暫的記憶融合下,我大致明白了事情的經過。原主是擁有天生仙童的絕代天驕,但在外出曆練時意外結識了一名女子。在不斷的接觸下,二人定下婚約,成為了一對讓世人羡慕的神仙眷侶。誰曾想在大婚之夜,女子突然偷襲奪取了他的仙童,事後給他扣了個魔修的帽子,將他打入家族地牢中百般折磨。更可悲的是,他不僅被挖去雙目,就連他那不能修煉的妹妹都落入賊人之手,不知死活。而這也是原主臨死之前的執念。 從此以後,我便是你。你的仇我來報,你的妹妹我來守護。
8.18 1980登頂劍尊
你明明是無敵於九天十地的無上劍神,卻故意隱藏修為,在宗門裏當個瞎子雜役。每天不是在院子裏喂狗掃地,就是在菜地裏當人形推土機。師兄弟們每天嘲諷你是個沒用的廢物,但是他們不知道的是,他們眼中的廢物瞎子乃是宗門封號榜中第一的最強劍神。 只因你獲得最強簽到系統,簽到百年,一身修為已入巔峰之境。這晚你看見一個斷臂少年半夜揮刀,想起了曾經的自己。看著少年堅毅的眼神,突然起了收徒之心。在少年面前揮了一刀後,與之定下十五天之約。 轉眼間,半個月時間悄然而至。
8.18 6360十門老祖
8.18 5754愛意南尋
8.18 634暗夜邪虎
重生成了攀枝花動物園裏的一只黑虎,卻從不接受飼養員一天 9 頓的投喂,反而每天堅持鍛煉,練習野獸的各種搏殺技巧。上到 36 路擒拿手,下到少林 12 路砍腿,都是我每天必做的一項活動。
8.18 3650神級師弟
我絕對是最倒楣的大師兄。明明拜師垃圾小宗門,可每個師弟師妹竟都是隱藏大佬。二師弟好像是什麼位面之子,動不動就說什麼 “莫欺少年窮”。三師弟是重生狗王,前世心狠,遇事不決先退半步。四師弟是上古劍仙轉世,獨斷萬古。而小師妹是未來的妖族女帝。每個人都不服我當大師兄,但他們卻不知道我更狠,直接開掛掛機修煉,而且還可以直接看到他們的屬性介紹。
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