



breakfast with bottle, we visited the developer's office at "Jiangxi Cold." This time, we were accompanied by the developer we had been in talks with. He was a middle-aged man with a commanding presence and sharp eyes.

Our negotiation was not as smooth as I had hoped. The developer was worried about our financial reserves, and we were expected to provide substantial proof of assets, as well as a 15 million baht deposit as a guarantee. This was a tough situation; paying the deposit would put a significant strain on our resources, but not paying it would lead to a lack of trust from the developer.

I turned to Bottle and sighed. "This is a tough situation. We can't pay the deposit, but we also can't get the deal without it."

Bottle, who has always been able to keep his cool in stressful situations, thought for a moment before proposing a solution. "Why don't we find an investor? We can offer them a percentage of the profits in return for their investment."

The idea was brilliant. We needed to expand our business, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. I nodded and thanked Bottle for his insight.

After the meeting, we returned to the office and began to search for potential investors. We spread the word among our contacts and partners, and soon, we had several interested parties.

One of our contacts, a former college classmate named Wang Qiang, was eager to invest in our project. We met at a nearby coffee shop and discussed the details of the deal. Wang Qiang was a successful entrepreneur himself, and he had a keen interest in real estate. He agreed to invest 10 million baht, provided we could guarantee a certain return on investment.

We agreed to the terms, and Wang Qiang's investment gave us the capital we needed to pay the developer's deposit. With the deposit out of the way, the developer began to trust us more, and negotiations progressed smoothly.

While we were busy with the project, I also had to deal with the aftermath of my conversation with An An. She called me a few days later and said she had been thinking about what I had said. She admitted that she had feelings for Cao Jinbo, but she was still unsure about whether she wanted to continue the relationship.

"I appreciate your honesty, An An," I said. "It's your decision, and I support you no matter what you choose."

We ended the conversation on a positive note, though we both knew it was still uncertain what would happen between them.

As the days went by, we worked tirelessly to ensure the project's success. Bottle and I coordinated with the developer, the contractor, and the construction team. We visited the construction site several times a week, checking on progress and addressing any issues that arose.

One evening, as we reviewed the progress report, Bottle turned to me and said, "We did it, Mi Gao. We're going to make this project a success."

I smiled and nodded. "We have a long way to go, but with hard work and determination, we'll get there."

Our success with the "Jiangxi Cold" project was a turning point for our company. It allowed us to gain the trust of other developers and investors, and it solidified our reputation as a reliable and professional real estate firm.

In the end, the project was a resounding success, and it earned us significant profits. More importantly, it brought us closer together as a team and taught us the value of perseverance and dedication.

As we celebrated our success, I couldn't help but reflect on the challenges we had faced and the lessons we had learned. I knew that there were many more opportunities and challenges ahead, but I was confident that we were ready to face them together.

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