breakfast with bottle, we visited the developer's office at "Jiangxi Cold." This time, we were accompanied by the developer we had been in talks with. He was a middle-aged man with a commanding presence and sharp eyes.
Our negotiation was not as smooth as I had hoped. The developer was worried about our financial reserves, and we were expected to provide substantial proof of assets, as well as a 15 million baht deposit as a guarantee. This was a tough situation; paying the deposit would put a significant strain on our resources, but not paying it would lead to a lack of trust from the developer.
I turned to Bottle and sighed. "This is a tough situation. We can't pay the deposit, but we also can't get the deal without it."
Bottle, who has always been able to keep his cool in stressful situations, thought for a moment before proposing a solution. "Why don't we find an investor? We can offer them a percentage of the profits in return for their investment."
The idea was brilliant. We needed to expand our business, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. I nodded and thanked Bottle for his insight.
After the meeting, we returned to the office and began to search for potential investors. We spread the word among our contacts and partners, and soon, we had several interested parties.
One of our contacts, a former college classmate named Wang Qiang, was eager to invest in our project. We met at a nearby coffee shop and discussed the details of the deal. Wang Qiang was a successful entrepreneur himself, and he had a keen interest in real estate. He agreed to invest 10 million baht, provided we could guarantee a certain return on investment.
We agreed to the terms, and Wang Qiang's investment gave us the capital we needed to pay the developer's deposit. With the deposit out of the way, the developer began to trust us more, and negotiations progressed smoothly.
While we were busy with the project, I also had to deal with the aftermath of my conversation with An An. She called me a few days later and said she had been thinking about what I had said. She admitted that she had feelings for Cao Jinbo, but she was still unsure about whether she wanted to continue the relationship.
"I appreciate your honesty, An An," I said. "It's your decision, and I support you no matter what you choose."
We ended the conversation on a positive note, though we both knew it was still uncertain what would happen between them.
As the days went by, we worked tirelessly to ensure the project's success. Bottle and I coordinated with the developer, the contractor, and the construction team. We visited the construction site several times a week, checking on progress and addressing any issues that arose.
One evening, as we reviewed the progress report, Bottle turned to me and said, "We did it, Mi Gao. We're going to make this project a success."
I smiled and nodded. "We have a long way to go, but with hard work and determination, we'll get there."
Our success with the "Jiangxi Cold" project was a turning point for our company. It allowed us to gain the trust of other developers and investors, and it solidified our reputation as a reliable and professional real estate firm.
In the end, the project was a resounding success, and it earned us significant profits. More importantly, it brought us closer together as a team and taught us the value of perseverance and dedication.
As we celebrated our success, I couldn't help but reflect on the challenges we had faced and the lessons we had learned. I knew that there were many more opportunities and challenges ahead, but I was confident that we were ready to face them together.
你是世間唯一的大地強者。然而,當我步入晚年,身邊的至親卻紛紛離我而去。就連我守護萬年的百姓也盡數逃離,只因傳聞我即將隕落。無數准地強者紛紛出關,只為斬殺我這位鎮壓無數年代的大帝,奪取大地道果。 所有人都知道我即將要滴落九天,所以都開始找新的出路。最後,陪在我身邊的只剩一個小宮女。
8.18 1347再見歌神
只是帶著外甥女去看了一場演唱會,沒想到竟然被選為了幸運觀眾,而且還被邀請上臺和天後共同演唱。然而,你對這個機會並不感興趣,因為這個世界的文娛十分落後,而你的前世卻是一位名震歌壇的巨星。現如今,你只想享受平靜的生活,不想在爾虞我詐的娛樂圈裏膽戰心驚地活著。 就在這時,外甥女歪著頭,眼裏全是迷惑不解:“舅舅,你怎麼還不上去啊?” 你低著頭看著安然,說道:“安然,你想要舅舅上去嗎?” “我想看你跟蘇然姐姐一起唱歌。安然很久沒看見你唱歌了。” 此時你沉默了,因為前世的陰影,穿越之後你確實沒再唱過歌。你看著眼前的安然,隨後摸了摸她的頭說道:“安然想聽的話,那舅舅上去唱給你聽。”
8.18 19111風之色膽
老婆明明是身家千億的上市公司總裁,可你卻一心想要和他離婚。不僅拒絕了他送給你的上億別墅,還當場撕毀了他給你的百億支票。只因3天前,你帶著3個女兒去做了親子鑒定。但結果顯示,3個沒有一個是你親生的。 原來,你的頭頂早就變成了呼倫貝爾大草原。於是你拿出鑒定結果,要求跟妻子離婚。不料妻子不僅拒絕你的離婚請求,還不承認鑒定結果。
8.18 10166勇敢勇士
你本是個學霸,卻無緣參加高考。只因你的家人太奇葩,臨近高考居然報警把你抓進去判刑,就因為一臺手機和一條手鏈。你那親姐姐甚至還叫囂著要給你判重刑。 現在你走出了看守所,眼睛裏滿是瘋狂的怒火。你在路邊找到一塊趁手的磚頭,斷人前途如毀人一生,張家我要你們全部人血債血償。你陰沉著臉,朝著張家的方向走去。 上一世,張家先是毀了你的高考,然後又逼迫你做人質,換回被綁匪綁架的張浩。即使綁匪當著他們張家人的面,一根又一根地切掉你的手指和肉,他們也無動於衷,並且還當著你的面跟劫匪說,他們只有張浩這麼一個人,你的生死與他們無關。被親生父母如此對待,真的比殺人誅心還讓你憤怒。
8.18 5341小小醋精
8.46 3829風起九州
一人一劍,鎮守帝關 18 年,殺到一族年輕一代無人敢稱尊。萬族百萬大軍瀕臨帝關時,你這個九州英雄被獻給萬族,求得百年和平。曾經的帝關戰神,最後卻落得如此下場。出關那一刻,你黑化了,轉身加入了異族。一人一族,自稱一帝族。
8.18 9635