evening, the driver of Queen's car, Xiao He, waited with a smile as he watched Su YuXi and Lin Yao step out of the building, their arms intertwined like old friends.
"Miss Su, Miss Lin, Xiao He is here to serve you today." Xiao He opened the car door for them with a bow.
Lin Yao glanced at her friend, then at Xiao He, and said with a chuckle, "Xiao He, you can go back, we have plans tonight."
"Miss Lin, where are you going? I can drive you." Xiao He tried to persuade them.
Su YuXi broke in, "We're going to have a girls' night out. We'll be eating barbecue."
Xiao He's smile widened. "Miss Su, Miss Lin, you can count on Xiao He to protect you and drive you around. I can even pay for your meal. I'm an ally of yours now, and I consider myself an extra member of your circle of friends."
The two women exchanged a look and nodded in agreement. "Agreed."
"Then, let's get in the car."
Xiao He stepped back and watched as the bodyguards left the scene. He was to drive them home after dinner.
Weekend, when he returned home at seven o'clock, did not see the jade shadow, the car was parked in the courtyard, but there was no sign of her.
Madam Wu said, "Madam and Miss Lin are having dinner outside. Fu Dafu has already gone back. Madam will be back soon, young master. Do you need to have dinner?"
"I need to call the security guards."
Madam Wu called the security guards, asking where they were eating. The guards reported an address, and the man's brow furrowed. An old city district, where could there be anything good? Barbecue? That was street food, and that was what she liked to eat, wasn't it?
He took the keys, opened the door, and the latest Bentley car drove off, the lights disappearing into the twilight.
according to the guards' address, from a distance, he saw three people sitting at the entrance of a shop, a table full of food, and large cups of beer. She was eating barbecue with great delight.
He parked the car, got out.
The fresh draught beer, after the meal was served, Xiao Ran looked fresh, drank several cups, and after drinking, there was no taste, but unexpectedly, the strength was great, Xiao Ran felt a little confused. He held a half-eaten pork skewer, pointing, "Hey, my younger brother is here, the boss, give me some wine."
Su YuXi in front of the table put a glass of wine, eight full, it seems to have drunk a few drinks, there is no feeling of it, but there is no feeling.
The man looked around the environment, frowning, "Go home."
Xiao Ran was drunk, he dared to talk to him like that: "Go back what? Younger brother you sit down, I'll tell you old good to eat, you can sit down and have a taste, this wine, drunk is also very addicted to it."
He finished speaking, and stood up and pulled the man's expensive suit, letting him sit down, "This chair can be sat on?"
This fool, Zhou Jingyi wants to kick him into the beer.
8.18 11192天天有禧
正月十四的晚上,南城的天氣陰冷潮濕,漆黑的夜幕里沒有一顆星星,也看不見月亮。 此時人們大多已經躺在了被窩里刷著手機,可錦林會所的某個包廂里卻熱鬧喧囂,煙霧繚繞,光線昏暗,彩色的燈帶不停地旋轉,讓人腦袋暈暈的。 沙發上的男男女女基本已經醉的東倒西歪,但手中的酒杯依舊高高舉起,說著含糊不清的致酒詞,豪邁地將烈酒灌入喉中。 可是角落有個清麗的身影卻和這樣吵鬧的氣氛有些格格不入。
8.18 4288豪門炮灰
“你是豪門裏的小炮灰,是幫女配欺負女主的缺心眼,等女主被霸總老公娶走,你的下場將相當悽慘。” 綁定的炮灰逆襲系統幹勁滿滿:“所以衝吧!改變命運,開啓勵志人生!!” 可宋芷琳卻躺得很安詳,上輩子卷麻了,累了。 於是她原地擺爛,搬離主角們的修羅場,來到荒僻的宋家老宅,每天吃飯睡覺花花錢,把系統的話全當耳旁風。
8.18 3510暖暖閃婚
8.18 47890高攀不起
在妹妹和老公的傷害下,景琬琬絕望離世。 重生後,她先發製人,“宴大總裁,我們離婚吧。 ”漸漸地,宴廷爵發現這個女人不是裝腔作勢,是真的不在乎自己了。看著她越來越靚麗、越來越能幹,他終於發現自己錯過了最真摯的愛情。
8.18 12958秦姝成婚
我是秦家大小姐秦姝,膚白貌美,明艷動人,那楊柳細腰在南城也是出了名的。可我卻因為驕縱任性的性子,仗著家里的權勢,誰都不放在眼里,還單方面宣布解除了和沈家大少沈故的婚約。 后來,家里投資失利,瀕臨破產,我在名媛圈也淪為了笑柄。為了保住家族企業,我只能接受家族的安排,去向我的前未婚夫沈故求助,準備和他重新聯婚。
8.18 5248