徐青云控著機甲, chunks of earth shattered beneath its massive tread as each step it took left behind an indentation as deep as a crater. The roar of each impact was thunderous, echoing throughout the quiet area, and those who had ventured outside their facilities to witness this spectacle were left in awe.
"Is this real?" someone whispered, their voice barely emitting above the din of the mechanical beast.
The ground beneath their feet trembled with each powerful move, making it hard to believe that this was not a dream. Across the base, word had spread quickly. The sound of thudding boots and the realization of the ground's tremors had mobilized the staff.
"Is something happening?" someone asked, their voice echoing with concern.
"Did you hear that? It sounds like someone is hammering on the ground!" another replied, stepping out of the building cautiously.
"Let's go check it out!" a third person exclaimed, and they were off, a bustling group of men and women who had been thrown into a state of confusion and curiosity.
As they reached the edge of the base, they were met with an oversized figure, a childlike exuberance visible in its every action. The massive silhouette of the mecha, decked out with a towering cannon reminiscent of the tank it was based on, was a sight that defied reality.
"What on Earth is that?" a military personnel exclaimed, rubbing their eyes in disbelief.
"It looks like a mecha..." someone pointed out, though it was obvious to all.
"This isn't possible," someone else muttered, their voice filled with disbelief. "Our military has no such thing!"
"No applications for mecha tests here or anything," a third person confirmed, confusion etched on their face.
"Then what is this?" someone demanded, their voice tinged with urgency.
That was when the office of General Shen Yining was thrown into a chaos of its own.
Shen Yining, perched in his leather chair, was deeply engrossed in a complex set of blueprints, his brow furrowed in concentration. The圖紙 before him were intricate, but the meaning behind them was a mystery he couldn't unravel.
"How can this little Lu draw something like this?" Shen muttered to himself, scratching his head in frustration. He had been poring over these since the completion of the super-energy particle collider modification, but to no avail.
"This is as clear as a book written in a language I don't understand," he said, finally throwing up his hands in defeat. "I need to find the time to confer with Lu."
With that, he gathered the blueprints and was about to leave. But as he made his exit, a series of mighty booms shook the entire base, followed by the sharp tremors felt on the ground.
"What's happening?" Shen asked, shocked, steadying himself against the desk.
An earthquake? But earthquakes don't make such sounds...
No, it wasn't an earthquake. It was something else...
He glanced outside, but all he saw was the colossal figure, still running and leaping around the base, its actions as erratic as a child's excitement.
"What is that?" Shen gasped, his eyes wide with shock.
He reached for the phone on his desk just as a shrill alarm interrupted his thought process.
"What's going on?" Shen demanded, picking up the phone, his voice echoing with urgency.
Before he could speak, a voice on the other end was fraught with panic.
"Mr. Wang, something is wrong!" the voice exclaimed. "We've found a massive mecha in the base; it's launching terror attacks on us!"
Wang was taken aback, the notion of a mecha terrorizing the base absurd. He knew about the mecha; it was one he had seen transform right before his very eyes.
But terror attacks? He looked up, staring at the leaping figure of the mecha, which was now more childlike than terrifying.
This was no terror attack; it was a test!
"Discharge the alarm, this is just a test!" Wang declared, hanging up the phone, then explaining to the surrounding crowd.
General Wan Zhizhi, who had joined the group, took it all in stride. He was amused and curious about the mecha, watching intently as its pilot, Xu Zhengqing, moved it with both precision and power.
"The test can end now," Lu Feng announced, reviewing the data he had collected.
Xu Zhengqing stopped his actions, his excitement bubbling over. "I'm already familiar with the mechanics of this mecha. Teacher Lu, are we moving on to the firing test?"
"Stop!" Lu's voice was firm, while Wang Lianan cut in, his expression a mix of surprise and a sense of duty.
The group looked at Wang, who quickly explained that the target range they had used for the tank test was still unrepaired, and the remaining ranges couldn't handle the impact of the mecha's cannons.
"Then we should find an uninhabited mountain area for the test," Wang suggested, receiving nods of agreement from everyone present.
"Alright, let's find a mountain area to test it out," General Wan agreed, leading the group towards the numerous mountains surrounding their base.
But just as they were about to set off, Wang Lianan's phone rang again.
"It's a call from our superiors," he said, looking at his phone and his expression growing increasingly solemn.
"What happened?" the group asked curiously.
Wang sighed heavily, his face filled with gravity.
"The weather has been hot and dry recently. There's been a blaze in the mountainous area, and the fire is spreading. The fire departments will take a long time to arrive, and I need to rush soldiers to control the flames."
只因你下樓腳步有點重,便遭到大姐一頓鞭抽。就在你忍著疼痛拎起書包要走的時候,三姐蘇子寧開口了:“我說讓你走了嗎?來人,拿鞭子來。” 見狀,你臉上頓時佈滿了寒霜,將書包往地上一扔,隨即便將衣服脫了下來,露出那滿身的傷痕,面無表情地開口道:“打吧。” 蘇子寧見你滿身的傷痕,當時就愣在了原地。一旁的大姐蘇子涵見狀,抿了抿唇。你不耐煩地看著沉默的蘇子寧,開口道:“到底還打不打?不打的話我要去上學了。”說著你便撿起了衣服和書包,準備離去。 這時,一旁沉默不語的三姐蘇子寧開口了:“蘇逍遙,你現在馬上跟大姐還有我們道歉。否則的話,你就離開蘇家吧。沒了我蘇家的庇護,你出去後什麼也不是。” “抱歉,蘇小姐,我從來都沒有感受到過被蘇家庇護是什麼樣的感覺。從我來到蘇家後,就只有無盡的嘲諷、指責和謾罵,甚至是毒打。如果這就是你說的庇護的話,那不好意思,我承受不起,也不想承受了。” 說罷,你轉身走出蘇家別墅,絲毫沒有任何的不舍與留戀。
8.18 23241強勢勇士
我只是做實驗室時不小心手抖了一下,竟被好弟弟打了999個大逼兜。 就在我握緊拳頭準備拼命反擊時,一聲震耳欲聾的爆炸聲突然在我耳邊響起。是養子弟弟方宇跑到外面引爆了實驗室,製造了一場實驗意外爆炸的假像。 之後,我只能躺在病床上靠呼吸機維持生命。受限於身體原因,我已經無法將真相公之於眾。更可恨的是,在我病危那天,正好是楊子方宇結婚的日子。醫院讓方家人來見我最後一面,可他們卻擔心影響方宇的婚禮。等婚禮忙完,已是下午4點,一家人才想起還有個病危的我。 我匆匆趕到醫院,卻發現躺在病床上的我身體都已經涼透了。而這一切,都是楊子方宇為除掉我而精心設計的。
8.18 3426變異猩猩
世界上每個人都會變成自己吃下的最後一只動物。有的人吃了碗拉麵就變成了牛,有的人吃了羊肉串就變成了老鼠,還有人吃了化石就變成了恐龍。唯獨野生動物園安保的你,卻因為吃了炸雞,竟變成了一只艾昆。結果沒過幾天就被大型動物捕殺。 如今重生歸來,你看著手裏的炸雞,毫不猶豫地直接扔進了垃圾桶。緊接著,你從抽屜裏翻出了一根奧利奧火腿,不知道是什麼做的,但總比變成艾昆好。可惜只有10分鐘的時間,不然高低得整只東北虎。然而這時你突然想到,動物園裏好像還有許多標本,於是你連忙拿著鑰匙和安保棍,開著巡邏車前往幾百米外的標本室。
8.18 4861花樣摳門
8.18 2996山有仙人
你在石窟下的休眠艙中沉睡了不知多少年月。當你醒來時,卻發現曾經的高樓大廈已不復存在,代替的是一座座古代的村莊。 石窟裏,你坐在一個本是擺放神像的位置,手裏拿著播放天氣預報的收音機,靜靜地欣賞著如今世界的江邊美景。
8.18 2000再愛勇士
8.18 26638