domains gathered their thoughts and decided that despite their anger, they could not risk drawing attention to the surface with their actions. They were cautious, knowing that any disturbance could potentially interfere with their underground endeavors.
"Are you mocking me, little robot?" the domain spoke up, its voice tinged with a strange calmness, as if it had been unfairly scolded by a superior.
"Don't pay him any mind, he's just a firecracker," another domain interjected. "He doesn't know what's happening below. He's just a newborn sovereign, after all."
"Well, being born from the trash heaps is bad enough," one domain muttered, clearly unimpressed with the newborn sovereign's origins. "But a newborn sovereign? That's ridiculous."
The domains had no intention of escalating the situation. They were focused on their task and were in no mood to deal with a provocateur. Yet,蕭煞, in his own peculiar way, was determined to cause a ruckus.
"Since you're all ignoring me," he began, his voice lighthearted as he resumed his antics, "I think I'll continue picking through these scraps."
With no regard for their warnings,蕭煞 soared across the surface, picking up bits of metal and tossing them around like a scavenger, his actions echoing in the silence of the metal-rich landscape. The sound was faint, but the domains, sensitive to the smallest disturbances, were seething with frustration.
"You're pushing it, aren't you!" one domain shouted, unable to contain their怒火 any longer. "Do you not know what's happening below? Making so much noise is simply unacceptable!"
The others, though silent before, now joined in, their anger growing with each word. "This is your last warning, little robot. If you don't shut up and move on, we'll have no choice but to dispose of you!"
But蕭煞 was undeterred. He continued to scream and shout, his voice echoing through the domains' containment field. If anything, he seemed to enjoy the attention.
"Why are you holding me captive!" he demanded, his core power surging as he attempted to break free. "It's just a matter of picking up garbage! Why should you keep me here? Let me go at once!"
The domains' tempers flared, but they knew their actions were unwise. They had no desire to provoke a full-scale confrontation, especially when their primary goal was to complete their mission below.
"This is enough!" one domain barked. "We'll handle this properly. You'll see, little robot."
And with that, the domains unleashed their combined domain power, ensnaring蕭煞 in a cocoon of energy that restricted his movements but did not harm him. They waited, a mixture of irritation and determination in their eyes, ready to take the necessary steps once they had a moment to reflect.
Meanwhile,蕭煞, in the midst of the energy cocoon, remained unfazed. He had a plan, a way to uncover the secrets below and perhaps gain an advantage. And as long as his core power held firm, he would not be deterred.
校花只是在課堂上大喊了一聲“雨來”。下一秒,就讓全班同學的尿不濕都濕了。緊接著,班長大喊一聲“風來”,瞬間就吹幹了全班同學的尿不濕。 只因這是一個人人覺醒超能力的世界。有人控火,有人控水,有人會召喚。然而,就在所有同學為了以後的高考積極練習超能力的時候,我卻跑去和別人一一握手。同學們都認為我腦子有病,殊不知我穿越時自帶金手指。只要和別人身體接觸,就可以獲得別人的超能力。 唯一的缺點就是複刻成功率極低。低到我穿越過來兩年半,唯一複刻成功的超能力,居然只是一級的能量鎖鏈。
8.18 19378極道武祖
在武俠世界裏,明明有個武祖,但系統卻怎麼也高興不起來。只因五祖的啟動方式竟是讓你收一個徒弟,傳授一種武道,並在徒弟修為突破時,才將全部收穫加倍同步於你。 可是,坑爹的系統壓根沒給你任何新手禮包。啥也不會的你只好在山裏擺爛,當個凡人。 無聊的時候,你用前師的太極八段經,也忽悠了幾個孩子。
8.18 5388風之色膽
老婆明明是身家千億的上市公司總裁,可你卻一心想要和他離婚。不僅拒絕了他送給你的上億別墅,還當場撕毀了他給你的百億支票。只因3天前,你帶著3個女兒去做了親子鑒定。但結果顯示,3個沒有一個是你親生的。 原來,你的頭頂早就變成了呼倫貝爾大草原。於是你拿出鑒定結果,要求跟妻子離婚。不料妻子不僅拒絕你的離婚請求,還不承認鑒定結果。
8.18 10165特殊暴力
鄰居總發出奇怪的噪音該怎麼辦? 我直接去黑市買了一窩馬蜂,偷偷放進他們的臥室,讓他們叫得更大聲。 逛街遇到一直霸淩我的同學該怎麼辦? 我直接將他們打殘後,綁上石塊丟到了河中心,讓他們下輩子做個好人。然而這一切只因我覺醒,遇到事情以最暴力的方式還擊,回去將會獲得豐厚獎勵。
8.57 2232楓葉單兵
8.18 2016清冷心心
8.18 1628