“是啊, his wallet harder to get, he also can't add others' WeChat.” Jiang Yinyue elaborates vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry. “
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, cleaned her mouth with a napkin, reminded “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “Why do you not react at all? It looks as if you have no interest in him.”
“The rumors can’t be true, we don’t know each other.” Li Qingfen said.
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “You know, he’s so handsome. If the one who wants to add WeChat is him, I certainly wouldn’t refuse.”
Li Qingfen bent her lips: “But he is Zhou Shisi, he is so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen drank the vegetable juice, continued to ask: “What else?”
“Girls in public asked him for WeChat, he never gave it. He didn’t care about face. The classmates pushed it to others, and he didn’t accept it either.”
Li Qingfen raised her lips: “What else?”
“There was a girl who confessed to him in front of his dormitory in winter. She waited for two hours, but he didn’t care. When he came out, he coldly told the girl to go back.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, his WeChat is hard to get, and he can’t add others’ WeChat to others.” Jiang Yinyue elaborates vividly: “Before, there was a major who said that Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen drank the vegetable juice, continued to ask: “What else?”
“Girls in public asked him for WeChat, he never gave it. He didn’t care about face. The classmates pushed it to others, and he didn’t accept it either.”
Li Qingfen raised her lips: “What else?”
“There was a girl who confessed to him in front of his dormitory in winter. She waited for two hours, but he didn’t care. When he came out, he coldly told the girl to go back.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
“You look so beautiful, if the one who wants to add WeChat is you, he certainly won’t refuse.” Jiang Yinyue stared at her with a grudge: “But he is Zhou Shisi, so proud.”
“Is he proud?” Li Qingfen asked with a light smile.
“Yes, it’s said that he is proud, cold, and unapproachable.” Jiang Yinyue talks vividly: “Before, there was a major who said, Zhou Shisi and his classmates collaborated on a project, because a girl accidentally lost an USB disk, he scared the girl to cry.”
Li Qingfen nodded. She drank the vegetable juice, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and reminded: “Go, almost time.”
Jiang Yinyue said: “How come you don’t react at all? It looks like you are not interested at all.”
“We don’t know him very well, rumors can’t be true.”
“The rumors can’t be true. We should feel it ourselves.” Li Qingfen said, turned around and walked towards the canteen door.
- 完結542 章
我發現自己懷孕的那天,還沒來得及告訴唐亦琛,就收到了離婚協議書。 我強忍心髒的疼痛,瀟灑轉身離開。3年的時間終究沒能改變結局,沒能改變他的心是自己的錯。後來,我帶著那個沒來得及說出口的秘密,選擇放手。 我離開後,唐亦琛每天麵對空蕩蕩的房子,借酒消愁。四年後,一對粉雕玉琢的雙胞胎兄妹出現在江城機場~~~引起周圍無數人圍觀。後來我走到哪裏都能看見唐總的身影。“唐總,我們已經離婚了。”“再結就好了。”唐總死皮賴臉抱著不撒手。
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為身子乾淨,我被錦衣衛指揮使玩了一整夜。昏暗的房間內充斥著甜蜜蜜的熏香,精緻的架子床發出一陣一陣有節奏的晃動。粉色帷幔下,隱隱看見裏面一雙交疊的身影。 身體撕扯般的疼痛讓我忍不住驚叫出聲,而上方的男人絲毫沒有因為我的叫聲而停下,反而如一只成年矯健的豹子更加兇猛。直到許久過後,雲霄雨歇,這時門外忽然響起輕微的敲門聲,一道刻意壓低的聲音傳來: “大人弄錯人了。”
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居可琳十三歲那年,在兩家長輩安排下住到李京屹隔壁。 李叔叔和藹可親,李京屹冷若冰霜,摔門就走。 當晚吃飯,李京屹臉上帶傷回家,看起來十分可憐。 她一時心軟,遞給他一個創口貼。 少年眼神陰鷙:“滾,看見你我就惡心
8.18 4001 - 完結101 章
我是秦家大小姐秦姝,膚白貌美,明艷動人,那楊柳細腰在南城也是出了名的。可我卻因為驕縱任性的性子,仗著家里的權勢,誰都不放在眼里,還單方面宣布解除了和沈家大少沈故的婚約。 后來,家里投資失利,瀕臨破產,我在名媛圈也淪為了笑柄。為了保住家族企業,我只能接受家族的安排,去向我的前未婚夫沈故求助,準備和他重新聯婚。
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