

As Su Qiao announced her desire to meet her grandfather, Su Fu's brow furrowed involuntarily.

"Your grandfather is busy with state affairs and has no time to worry about such trivial matters. Besides, the marriage engagement was agreed upon twenty years ago. He might not even remember someone from the Xiao family. Listen to me, the engagement was only a verbal promise. If you can't let it go, I can go and speak to that Xiao youth myself. Make it clear to him."

Su Qiao rose from her seat, feeling that there was nothing more to say to her father. She called out to the steward, "Steward Wei, call Grandfather for me. Tell him I want to see him."

Steward Wei stood outside the hall. After hearing this, he raised his eyes and silently glanced at Su'Erang before replying, "Yes, Miss."

After finishing her sentence, Su Qiao no longer bothered to pay attention to her father. She waved her hand to summon a round-faced maid. "Take me back to my room."

Su Qiao's room was on the third floor. She had a whole floor to herself.

The second floor had the bedroom and study of Su Fu and Xue Guihua on the left, and Su Yun's room on the right. Below was where the steward and the servants lived.

Su Qiao's room was quite big. The bedroom, which was carpeted with fluffy white carpet, connected to a dressing room and a rooftop swimming pool. There was also a separate room for pianos, violins, and other musical instruments. The bedroom led to a large balcony with a view of the garden, which was meticulously maintained by a professional gardener hired by the family.

The round-faced maid said, "Madam, the room has been cleaned up before you came back. Would you like to take a bath to relax?"

Although the Su estate was more luxurious and had more domestics than the Xiao family, Su Qiao did not feel happy at all. She could return to a life of luxury and comfort, but she did not feel happy.

She picked up her phone and thought that Xiao Yin should be coming to pick her up by now. If he couldn't find her, he would definitely be worried.

She needed to call Xiao Yin and tell him that she was back at the Su family.

She reached out to her phone, only to realize that she had forgotten it when she got off the car, which had been taken away by Steward Wei.

She ran downstairs, found Steward Wei, and said, "Give me my phone."

Steward Wei smiled, handed the phone back to her with both hands, which was covered with a phone case with a couple's avatar of her and Xiao Yin.

Su Qiao dialed the only number in her call history. She called, but the phone indicated, "The user you are calling is busy, please try again later."

Su Qiao furrowed her beautiful eyebrows. How could she not be able to call him? He always answered her calls.

No matter how busy he was, no matter what he was doing, as long as she called him, he would answer.

Su Qiao called several times, but each time, it was the same response.

Steward Wei stood beside her, hesitantly said, "Miss, I suggest you stop calling. After all, you won't have much contact with him in the future. Not answering your call is what you want, right?"

Su Qiao turned and glared at him, "You are talking nonsense! He will never not answer me."

Su Qiao looked at her phone with a look of loss. "It must be something that's delaying him."

Steward Wei kept silent, knowing full well. He had silently blocked the two numbers, so that the Miss would be hurt for a while. However, if she was deceived by that young man, and hurt for a lifetime, that would be a much bigger problem.

Steward Wei watched Miss as she left the room.

Unfortunately, it was him who had to act as the villain. He had secretly taken this upon himself.

That night.

The night sky in Jincheng was filled with twinkling stars.

As Su Qiao tossed and turned on her soft bed, unable to sleep, Xiao Yin on the other side of the city was also experiencing insomnia.

He lay in his room, with Little White curled up at his feet, flicking her tail back and forth.

This room, where Su Qiao stayed, was always hers.

Now, the pillows, blankets, and everything in the room were filled with her scent. The light orange fragrance filled the whole room.

The柜was filled with her dresses. The delicate gauze nightgown that she loved the most, with peony embroidery, was neatly folded on the bedside table.

There were endless traces of her, endless traces of her presence throughout the room.

Xiao Yin with his hands under his head on the pillow, and one hand holding a jade amulet - this jade amulet was given to him by his grandmother when he went to study in Jincheng away from his home in Su City.

She told Xiao Yin that when he went to Jincheng, he should take this jade amulet to find the Su family, and his betrothed was a daughter of the Su family.

This jade amulet was the token.

Before meeting Su Qiao, Xiao Yin never thought of using this jade amulet to find the Su family. He was indifferent, disapproving, and did not believe that a verbal engagement made eighteen years ago could decide his marriage.

Xiao Yin thought that if he were to get married in the future, he would only marry a woman who truly loved.

If he couldn't find that person, he would rather not get married for the rest of his life.

But Su Qiao appeared. She was like an elf who descended from the sky and appeared in his life, entering his world.

She disrupted his orderly life in his heart, causing fires everywhere, she caused a mess, but she left without a word.

Xiao Yin suddenly held the jade amulet tightly, and said hoarsely, "Little White, shall I go find Mummy with you tomorrow, okay?"

Little White brushed up against his palm, "Meow~"

The next morning.

A maid knocked on the door at the bedroom, "Miss, the car sent by Mr. Xu to pick you up is here."

As soon as she heard this, Su Qiao got out of bed and hurried downstairs without wearing shoes, "Is it my grandfather who sent the car over to pick me up?"

The maid smiled, "Yes, Miss. Why are you so excited? You didn't even wear your shoes. Assistant Niu is downstairs waiting. There's no hurry, you can take your time to get ready."

Su Qiao was迫不及待 to see her grandfather.

She walked into the bathroom, washed her face and hair as quickly as possible, and went to the dressing room. She chose a tie-dyed dress from the wardrobe hanging with Lydia pink fabric, wore a pair of three-centimeter nude kitten heels, and casually picked up a small, exquisite clutch.

As she walked downstairs, she saw breakfast already set on the dining table with fine porcelain utensils and a delicate arrangement.

She said, "I'm not hungry and don't want to eat. You guys can eat."

After finishing her sentence, she turned and left the dining room.

Su Fu raised his eyebrows at her, only to get up and follow her.

Behind him, Xue Guihua hurried out a few steps, "Oh—Mr. Su, you haven't eaten breakfast yet!"

Su Qiao didn't wait, just walked out of the mansion.

Outside the estate grounds, there was a black car parked. In front of the car, a young man with a crew cut standing with his hands crossed stood there.

The crew-cut youth greeted Su Qiao when he saw her, "Miss, Mr. Xu sent me to pick you up."

He opened the car door and respectfully invited Su Qiao to get in.

"Thank you," Su Qiao said as she got in the car.

Su Fu, who was following, also got out and said, "I also need to go see my father-in-law."

Niu Tezhu smiled, "But Mr. Xu only asked me to pick up Miss Su."

Su Fu's eyes narrowed slightly under the indifferent gaze, but he was still polite, "Since it concerns my daughter's marriage, I have to go with you."

Niu Tezhu glanced at Su Qiao, who was sitting quietly in the rear seat, "Alright, then I will have to ask Mr. Xu."

Niu Tezhu walked over and made a phone call. After half a minute, he came back, smiled at Su Fu, "Mr. Xu agrees. You can get in."

Su Fu's expression remained unchanged, still polite and courteous. After getting into the car, he sat down with Su Qiao in the back seat, and looked coldly at Niu Tezhu.

From the other side, Niu Tezhu also got into the car and sat in the front seat. "I will ask the driver to start."

The car drove from the Su estate, passed through the city center, and drove for more than an hour before reaching a four-pavilion courtyard with a front lake and a back forest in the suburbs. The surrounding scenery was pleasant, and the whole building was in the style of a traditional Chinese garden with elegance and simplicity.

The air in the mountains was fresh, and there were birds and flowers everywhere.

As soon as Su Qiao saw this, she fell in love with it.

"Miss, we've arrived."

Niu Tezhu got out of the car and respectfully opened the door for Su Qiao.

In front of the courtyard of the villa, there was a black sandalwood tea table. A pot of green tea was steaming, and four jade bottles filled with green tea were placed on a tea plate. Next to the tea pot was a smoking brazier, and on the table were two tea chairs of the same color. An elderly man wearing a Tai Shizhe long robe was sitting on a chair, sipping a clear cup of tea slowly, and turning a qingnan junciation Buddha in his other hand.

As soon as she heard the light footsteps running in from the garden, the old man looked up with anticipation.

Su Qiao saw her grandfather again as soon as she arrived and burst into tears, throwing herself into his arms. "Grandpa, I miss you so much!"

"Oh my dear grandchild, I miss you too." The old man embraced Su Qiao, and seeing her cry, hurriedly wiped her tears, "Why are you crying? Is someone bullying you?"

The old man looked up and glared at Su Fu, "Have you bullied my dear grandchild?"

Su Fu was polite to the old man, standing with his hands crossed in front of him and a slight bow, "Where could I allow any kind of mistreatment to my daughter? She is the one I cherish the most."

The old man glanced at him in stern warning, then looked down and patted Su Qiao's hair, "Dear grandchild, tell外公 who bullied you? Okay,外公 will go and scold him for you."

Su Qiao snuggled on her grandfather's knee, looking up with a pout, "Grandpa..."

The old man, seeing her unable to argue, smiled affectionately, "But,外公親自 helped you choose your future husband. I naturally support you two. But you also have to be modest as a noble girl. You can't just follow him to his house."

Su Qiao beamed with joy. Her grandfather supported her and Xiao Yin, which was great!

The old man rotated the qiannan junciation Buddha bead in his hand, looking ahead and pondering, "It's been eighteen years since then. The little kid should be twenty-two now."

He said to Su Qiao, "Alright, let's find a time to take外公 to meet him."

Su Qiao nodded happily, "Okay, okay, Grandpa! If you meet him, you will definitely like him too. He is really talented, he looks handsome, and he treats me well!"

The old man stroked his beard and smiled warmly, "That's right,外公 personally chose the person for you. How could there be any mistake?"

Su Qiao's bright eyes twinkled, and she thought of a new idea, "Since Grandpa supports me and Xiao Yin, and doesn't approve of me going to his house, why don't I go to Jincheng University to study? That way, it's a win-win situation!"

The old man nodded, "Alright, let's do that. After you finish your studies, you can come back to the family."

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