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The light, pure white and transcendent, burst forth from within the Great Library of the Azure Sky, enveloping the entire realm of the Nine Heavens. It was a sight that defied the very essence of reality, as the barriers between worlds blurred and dissolved.

The twin attacks from the Four Realms' Demon-Slaying Formation and the Great Sacrificial Ritual were obliterated as if they were nothing more than whispers in the wind. The light of myriad transformations was so potent that it consumed all before it, wrapping around both the Gu族's forces and the tribes of the Central Plains.

The Gu族 warriors, caught off-guard, spat curses as they were enveloped by the white glow, their minds shattered, their souls consumed. The tribes of the Central Plains were no better; their充滿力量的 strike had been annihilated as if it had never existed.

"Impossible!" The thought echoed in the minds of all who had witnessed the event. Amongst the Central Plains tribes, even those who had reached the pinnacle of the Breaking Path realm were unable to retaliate against such a swift and devastating force. The entity from the Azure Sky had managed to overturn the scales of power in a mere instant.

The four elder sages of the mysterious world, nestled deep within their sanctum, stood up in shock. The power of the Azure Sky was far beyond their expectations, and it posed a significant risk to their plans.

"Bad!" they exclaimed in unison, realizing that neither the Gu族 nor the Central Plains could be counted on to fulfill their roles in the Great Sacrificial Ritual and the Demon-Slaying Formation anymore.

With the Gu族 and the Central Plains consumed by the white glow, their forces eradicated, the four elder sages of the four tribes had no choice but to intervene.

In the heart of the Azure Sky, Qin Feng finally demonstrated his determination. He swept through the Great Library, his eyes unchanged as he faced the overwhelming odds.

The light of myriad transformations spread, encompassing all within the realm, searing through the fabric of reality and the very essence of the Nine Heavens. It was a spectacle that left all in attendance, regardless of race or background, breathless and awed.

As the light receded, the Gu族 and the Central Plains tribes lay in ruins, their spirits utterly crushed by the might of Qin Feng's abilities. The stage was set for the next chapter in the grand saga of the Azure Sky, one that would shake the very foundations of the cosmos itself.

(End of Chapter)

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