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犀兒 stands up, her posture straightening as she faces the open door. “Then I will wait for the news, and I will never stop searching until she is back.”

Days turned into weeks, and the city of Jinzhou buzzed with rumors of a fierce chase, led by the formidable Marquis Xiang, as he sought his beloved wife. The people of Jinzhou spoke in hushed tones, speculating on the fate of the Lady Wei, who was said to have disappeared into the wilds of the mountains.

Rhiannon, the loyal maid, spent her days in the朗府, her thoughts often wandering to the lady she had served. She knew the Marquis’s determination to find his wife, and she held onto hope, even when it seemed like the darkest cloud was descending on her.

One morning, as the sun rose high in the sky, a servant came running into the garden, his face pale and his eyes wide with excitement.

“Miss Rhiannon, His Excellency has returned!” he gasped.

Rhiannon’s heart leaped, and she ran to the door, her hands trembling as she pushed it open. There, standing on the threshold, was the Marquis, his face pale but his eyes alight with a mixture of relief and sorrow.

“Rhiannon, my dear, she is safe.” His voice was barely more than a whisper.

The maid’s eyes filled with tears as she rushed to him, her arms wrapping around him in a fierce embrace. “Thank you, Marquis, thank you. She is safe.”

The Marquis held her for a long time, his voice breaking as he spoke. “I nearly lost her. I nearly lost her, Rhiannon.”

In the subsequent days, the朗府恢復了一生機。 Lady Wei was found, safe and sound, though visibly shaken by her ordeal. The Marquis Xiang, his heart finally whole, returned to his duties as the Marquis, but the love he held for his wife was clearer than ever before.

Rhiannon, now free from her servitude, lived comfortably in the朗府, her days filled with stories of the Marquis’s bravery and the lady’s resilience. She often sat by the windowsill, watching the world go by, her thoughts turning to the future she had been given, all thanks to the love and determination of two remarkable people.

And so, in the heart of Jinzhou, amidst the whispers of a chase and the tales of a love that triumphed, the朗府迎來了新的篇章, one of hope and new beginnings.

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